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Литературный вечер про Киплинга

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Презентация для проведения внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку, посвященного Редьярду Киплингу. Данная презентация подходит для учащихся 8-9 классов.

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«Литературный вечер про Киплинга»

Joseph Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936) Джозеф Редьярд Киплинг

Joseph Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936)

Джозеф Редьярд Киплинг

Childhood / детство

Childhood / детство

  • Was born in India in Bombay in 1865. He was named after the lake Rudyard where his parents met..
Childhood / детство

Childhood / детство

  • From the Hindi servants learned Indian tales and songs.
  • Hindi was his first language.
  • Нe was very happy.
Childhood / детство

Childhood / детство

  • He was sent to England.
  • He educated at an English military college in Devon.
  • He was brilliant in History and Literature, wasn’t good at Maths.


  • In 1882 he returned to India.
  • He worked as a journalist for Anglo-Indian newspaper.
  • At the age of 21 he published his first book of poems.
His parents (Alice Kipling (MacDonald) and John Lockwood Kipling) supported him in his writing carrer.

His parents (Alice Kipling (MacDonald) and John Lockwood Kipling) supported him in his writing carrer.

Есть у меня шестерка слуг, I keep six honest serving-men Проворных, удалых. (They taught me all I knew); Their names are What and Why and When И все, что вижу я вокруг, — Все знаю я от них. And How and Where and Who. Они по знаку моему Являются в нужде. I send them over land and sea, Зовут их: Как и Почему, I send them east and west; Кто, Что, Когда и Где. But after they have worked for me, Я по морям и по лесам I give them all a rest. Гоняю верных слуг. I let them rest from nine till five, Потом работаю я сам, For I am busy then, А им даю досуг. As well as breakfast, lunch, and tea, Даю им отдых от забот — Пускай не устают. For they are hungry men. Они прожорливый народ — Пускай едят и пьют.

Есть у меня шестерка слуг,

I keep six honest serving-men

Проворных, удалых.

(They taught me all I knew);

Their names are What and Why and When

И все, что вижу я вокруг, —

Все знаю я от них.

And How and Where and Who.

Они по знаку моему

Являются в нужде.

I send them over land and sea,

Зовут их: Как и Почему,

I send them east and west;

Кто, Что, Когда и Где.

But after they have worked for me,

Я по морям и по лесам

I give them all a rest.

Гоняю верных слуг.

I let them rest from nine till five,

Потом работаю я сам,

For I am busy then,

А им даю досуг.

As well as breakfast, lunch, and tea,

Даю им отдых от забот —

Пускай не устают.

For they are hungry men.

Они прожорливый народ —

Пускай едят и пьют.

But different folk have different views. I know a person small- She keeps ten million serving-men, Who get no rest at all! She sends them abroad on her own affairs, From the second she opens her eyes- One million Hows, two million Wheres, And seven million Whys! Но у меня есть милый друг, Особа юных лет. Ей служат сотни тысяч слуг, И всем покоя нет! Она гоняет, как собак, В ненастье, дождь и тьму Пять тысяч Где, семь тысяч Как, Сто тысяч Почему!

But different folk have different views.

I know a person small-

She keeps ten million serving-men,

Who get no rest at all!

She sends them abroad on her own affairs,

From the second she opens her eyes-

One million Hows, two million Wheres,

And seven million Whys!

Но у меня есть милый друг,

Особа юных лет.

Ей служат сотни тысяч слуг, И всем покоя нет!

Она гоняет, как собак,

В ненастье, дождь и тьму

Пять тысяч Где, семь тысяч Как,

Сто тысяч Почему!



  • At the age of 24 he had published 6 books.
  • In 1890s he travelled a lot. He was in China, Japan, America.
His family Kipling has 3 children: one boy John and two girls Josephine and Elsy.

His family

Kipling has 3 children: one boy John and two girls Josephine and Elsy.

I've never sailed the Amazon,   На далекой Амазонке Не бывал я никогда. Только

I've never sailed the Amazon,

На далекой Амазонке

Не бывал я никогда.

Только "Дон" и "Магдалина" -

Быстроходные суда -

Только "Дон" и "Магдалина"

Ходят по морю туда.

Из Ливерпульской гавани

Всегда по четвергам

Суда уходят в плаванье

К далеким берегам.

Плывут они в Бразилию,

Бразилию, Бразилию.

И я хочу в Бразилию -

К далеким берегам!

I've never sailed the Amazon,

I've never reached Brazil;

But the Don and Magdelana,

They can go there when they will!

Yes, weekly from Southampton,

Great steamers, white and gold,

Go rolling down to Rio

Roll down--roll down to Rio!

And I'd like to roll to Rio

Some day before I'm old!

I've never sailed the Amazon,

I've never sailed the Amazon,

During this period he wrote:  “The jungle Book”, ”Captain Courageous”. “Just so stories for little children”.

During this period he wrote: “The jungle Book”, ”Captain Courageous”. “Just so stories for little children”.

A quiz

A quiz

  • This animal was very big and lived in the sea. It ate a lot of fish, but it was always hungry.
  • This animal lived in hot countries. It was big and strong. But it was very lazy. It didn’t like to work and help people.
  • This wild animal hunted zebras, giraffes and antelopes. But one day it had nothing to eat because it was white and it wanted black spots (пятна).
  • It lived in Australia. It could jump very high and far.
  • It was small but very sly (хитрый). It could catch mice. It didn’t like dogs but liked to walk alone.
The jungle book

The jungle book

  • How old was Mowgli when he got into the jungle?
  • Why was he left alone in the jungle?
  • With whom did he live in the jungle?
  • Who stood up for Mowgli to left him in the pack (стая)?
  • Who was the Mowgli’s enemy (враг)?
The jungle book

The jungle book

  • What did Bagira call the red flower?
  • Who kidnapped (похитил) Mowgli?
  • For what did the wolves dislike Mowgli?
  • How old was Mowgli when he returned to the people?
The prize

The prize

  • In 1907 he received the Nobel Prize in literature. He was only 42 years old.


  • During the World War I his son John died.
  • In 2007 the film “My boy Jack” was made. It is very biographical film.




the end

the end

  • Rudyard met king George V and they became good fellows.
He died in 1936 at the age of 70. He was buried in London, in Westminster Abbey at poets Corner.

He died in 1936 at the age of 70. He was buried in London, in Westminster Abbey at poets Corner.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Литературный вечер про Киплинга

Автор: Папшева Анастасия Владимировна

Дата: 02.12.2019

Номер свидетельства: 529774

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