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Language Variation

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Between the speakers of any language there is variation in the way that they use their language. This variation is demonstrated by linguistic differences in terms of sound (phonetics) and structure (grammar). There might be only slight variations between forms of a language – such as minor pronunciations of words or a slight changes of grammatical structure that do not inhibit intergroup communication. Sometimes there are differences between the speech of men and women, different social classes, and differences between age groups. People will identify some of these features as marking the "best" or most "beautiful" form of the language, other features will be considered nonstandard or undesireable. Some of these differences may impede intelligibility and intergroup communication.

The study of language variation guides language development activities. For example, when developing a writing system it is desireable for it to be useful and acceptable to the largest number of speakers of the language. Therefore, it is important to identify the most unifying features of the language.




•Test of mutual intelligibility

•Linguistic and non-linguistic criteria

•Differences between dialect and accent

•Geographical causes

•Lack of intercommunication

•Socio-economic causes

•Political causes



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«Language Variation»

Language Variation

Language Variation

Idiolects Sociolects Dialects Languages Test of mutual intelligibility Linguistic and non-linguistic criteria Differences between dialect and accent
  • Idiolects
  • Sociolects
  • Dialects
  • Languages
  • Test of mutual intelligibility
  • Linguistic and non-linguistic criteria
  • Differences between dialect and accent












Causes of Language Variation

Causes of Language Variation

  • Geographical causes
  • Lack of intercommunication
  • Socio-economic causes
  • Political causes
  • Migration
  • Standard/non-standard
Related Concepts

Related Concepts

  • Dialect leveling
  • Wave theory (Ling. Innovations…)
  • Dialectology (Ling maps, isoglosses)
  • Vernacular
  • Patois
  • Koine
Vernacular 1. The speech of a particular region or group: Black English;  2. language transmitted from parents to children, whether standard or non-standard; 3. relaxed , informal spoken style, as in family domain.


1. The speech of a particular region or group: Black English; 

2. language transmitted from parents to children, whether standard or non-standard;

3. relaxed , informal spoken style, as in family domain.



  • Patois is a regional variety that lacks a literary tradition .
  • To some extent it is different from dialect as it is spoken only in rural areas , like a village, and among lower strata of the community.
  • Therefore, we say a rural patios and not a rural dialect, such as the patois of gypsies in Bulgaria and other places.
  • Also we say a lower-class patois and not social dialect, such as patois spoken in parts of the New York City.


  • Koine is a form of speech shared by people of different vernaculars -- though for some of them the koine itself may be their vernacular.
  • A koine is a common language, but not necessarily a standard one, such as Swahili in some parts of Africa, or Hindi for many people in India. Also Turkish spoken in Tabriz, Azerbaijan in Iran.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: Прочее.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Language Variation

Автор: Абдурашитов Абдуреим

Дата: 17.12.2015

Номер свидетельства: 267508

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