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Конспект и презентация внеклассного занятия по теме "The English-Speaking Countries"

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Я предлагаю конспект и презентацию внеклассного занятия по теме "The English-Speaking Countries".  Данное мероприятие носит лингвострановедческий характер. Имеет целью развитие личности, формирование уважительного отношения к истории, культуре и народу стран изучаемого языка, стимулирует интерес и обеспечивает поддержание мотивации к изучению английского языка. Направлено на развитие общекультурной и интеллектуальной компетенции учащихся, вовлечение их в обсуждение актуальной проблемы  роли английского языка в современном мире.

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Просмотр содержимого документа
«Конспект внеклассного занятия The English-Speaking Countries»

Коренькова Наталья Васильевна

Учитель английского языка

МБОУ ООШ №5 г. Александров

Класс 9

Тема внеклассного мероприятия:


Аннотация: Данное мероприятие носит лингвострановедческий характер. Имеет целью развитие личности, формирование уважительного отношения к истории, культуре и народу стран изучаемого языка, стимулирует интерес и обеспечивает поддержание мотивации к изучению английского языка. Направлено на развитие общекультурной и интеллектуальной компетенции учащихся, вовлечение их в обсуждение актуальной проблемы роли английского языка в современном мире.

Ключевые слова: the English language, English-speaking countries, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, England, Scotland, Wales, the USA.

Цель: формирование глубокого интереса и позитивного отношения к английскому языку.


  • расширить лингвострановедческие знания учащихся;

  • активизировать творческий потенциал и познавательную деятельность учащихся;

  • повысить уровень мотивации учащихся к изучению английского языка;

  • воспитывать готовность взаимодействовать друг с другом;

  • развивать коммуникативные умения и навыки учащихся;

  • способствовать созданию благоприятных условий для успешной социализации учащихся в современном мире;

  • воспитывать уважение к странам изучаемого языка, их истории и культуре.

Участники: учащиеся 9-х классов

Оборудование: компьютер, интерактивная доска, презентации, географические карты: мира, США и Великобритании, изображения гербов США и России, карточки с названиями штатов Америки и их неофициальными названиями, индивидуальные карточки для учащихся с заданиями, рисунки флагов англоговорящих стран, постеры с изречениями об иностранном языке, МР3.

Награждения: команда-победитель награждается почётной грамотой «За лучшее знание страноведческого материала», за активное участие учащиеся получают медали «An Active Participant».

(слайд 1)

Ход мероприятия

Teacher: Good-afternoon, my dear friends and our guests! I’m happy to see you at our lesson devoted to “The English-speaking countries”! (слайд 2)

We all live on the large planet, on the Earth. There are 7.2 milliard people on the Earth. There are about 4500- 6000 nationalities on the Earth. There are about 258 countries on the Earth. This is our world – the Earth. The people of all world countries and nationalities ought to live in peace, ought to be friends, because we live on the same Earth. In order to be friends we need a common language. It is English that is used as a common language by people of different countries. Nowadays it is the language of international communication.

Besides, not for northing they say ‘Own only what you can carry with you: know language, know countries, know people ... . (слайд 3)

Today we’ll take a tour on the English-speaking countries where English is an official language. We’ll speak about the meaning of English in our life and we’ll take part in country-studying quiz. In the end of our lesson we’ll watch the scene “Job Hunting”

Two teams will take part in our competition: Team 1 and Team 2. Our jury will judge your answers. Let’s start with your presentations.



T.: I offer you to brush up your knowledge of the English-speaking countries. Listen very attentively and be ready to answer the questions.

(После презентации каждый докладчик задает 2-3вопроса участникам)

1. Great Britain (presentation); (см. Приложение 1b)

2. England (presentation);

T.: You will listen to the texts about sightseeing in London. When you have guessed what it is, raise your hand/signal card. (слайд 4)

  1. When the mistress of this building is at home, the Royal Standard is flying. Every day at 11.30 a.m. they are changing the Guard. It is the London home of the Queen. It is called … ( Buckingham Palace) (слайд 5)

  2. On the column in the center there is a statue of the great English seaman who defeated the French in 1805. This column with the statue of Admiral Nelson on its top is located in … (Trafalgar Square) (слайд 6)

  3. Here there are the tombs of many British kings and queens, other famous people and the beautiful Henry VII Chapel. It is a royal church. It is … ( Westminster Abbey) (слайд 7)

  4. It is the most famous of all historical buildings in London. There are a lot of interesting collections here. It was a fortress, a royal palace and a prison. It is a museum now. The ravens are another famous sight of … ( The Tower of London) (слайд 8)

T.: What do you know about St. Paul’s Cathedral?

(Possible answer ): It is the greatest and the most striking of English churches. It was built in the 17th century by Sir Christopher Wren. The Cathedral has one of the largest bells in the world, called very beautiful. The most important of them are the monuments dedicated to the Duke of Wellington and to Admiral Nelson. After looking round you can climb 263 steps to the Whispering Gallery. It is called so, because if someone whispers close to the wall on one side, a person with his ear close to the wall on the other side can hear what is said.

3. Scotland (presentation);

4. Wales (presentation); (слайд 9)

  • T.: It’s interesting to know the names of the people from the following countries:

  • The USA

  • Britain

  • Switzerland

  • England

  • Scotland

  • Wales

  • Northern Ireland

  • Australia

  • New Zealand

  • Canada

5. Northern Ireland (presentation). (слайд 10)

T.: What is similar in the national emblems of Russia and the United States of America? And what is the difference between them? (The eagle is the national emblem of both countries. But the Russian eagle is double-headed.)

T.: The United States of America, welcome! (presentation). (слайд 11)

  • T.: Write the nicknames of the American States on the sheets of paper. Пока выполняют задание, звучит песня про американские штаты.

  • Alaska – The Great Land;

  • Arkansas – The Land of Opportunity;

  • California – The Golden State

  • Florida – The Sunshine State;

  • Kansas – The Sunflower State;

  • Nevada – The Silver State;

  • New York –The Empire State; ( слайд 12)

T.: WHAT ARE THE MOTTOS OF THE STATES? Show the states on the map, please.

  • Florida

A) The people rule

B) Ever upward

C) In God we trust

  • Kansas

  1. All for our country

  2. To the stars through difficulties

  3. Ever upward ( слайд 13)

  • New York

  1. North to the future

  1. The people rule

  2. Ever upward

  • Nevada

  1. All for our country

  2. Eureka (I’ve found it)

  3. Liberty and Prosperity

(слайд 14)




T.: Now answer the questions, please. Each correct answer will bring you one point. Are you ready? Begin!

1.What is the official name of Great Britain? (the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)

2.What are the main parts of Great Britain? ( England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland)

3.Could you name the biggest cities of Great Britain? ( London, Birmingham, Glasgow, Liverpool, Manchester, Edinburgh and Cardiff)

4.What are the most important rivers in Great Britain? ( the Thames-the deepest; the Severn-the longest)

5.What separates Great Britain from Europe? ( the English Channel)

6.Could you name the symbols of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland? (the red rose, the thistle, the daffodil, the shamrock)

7.What is the capital of Northern Ireland? (Belfast) (слайд 15)

8.How is the American flag called? (“The Stars and Stripes)

9.What colour are the stripes on the American flag? (red(7) and white (6))

10.How is the American flag called? (“the Union Jack)

11.Name three countries whose first language is English.

12.What is the capital of Canada? ( Ottawa).

13. What are the official languages of Canada? ( English and French).

14.What place is the official home of the Queen? (Buckingham Palace)

15. What river is London situated on? (the Thames)

16. Who discovered America? (Christopher Columbus) (слайд 16)

17. How many stripes does the American flag have? (13)

18. What is the capital of Scotland? (Edinburgh)

19. What is the capital of the USA? (Washington)

20. What country gave the USA the Statue of Liberty? (France)

21. What river is Washington situated on? (The Potomac River)

22. What is the capital of Australia? (Canberra)

23. What is the capital of New Zealand? (Wellington)

24. What holiday is celebrated in Britain on the 25th of December? (Christmas) (слайд 17)

25. What is the poetic name of Great Britain? (ALBION)

26. What is the geographical name of Great Britain? (the British Iles) Why? (the country occupies the islands which called the British Iles)

27. What is the geographical name of the USA? (America) Why? (the country is situated on the continent America)

28. What does the red cross on the white background on the British flag stand for? (It stands for saint patron of England)

29. What is the saint patron of England? (Saint George)

30. What is the saint patron of Scotland? (Saint Andrew)

31. What is the saint patron of Ireland? (Saint Patrick) (слайд 18)



  • T.: So, we’ve brushed up our knowledge of some countries. What do all these countries have in common? (The English language) Let’s speak a bit about the role of English nowadays.

1. What chances does the English language give a person?

2. What can you say about practical value of English?

3. How many great languages do scientists distinguish?

4. Why has English become a lingua franca?

5. Where is English the official language?

6. Why is knowledge of English life necessity?

7. What do you learn English for?

T.: Thank you, for the discussion! It was interesting to know your points of view.

T.: Surely, learning English is not easy but very interesting and useful.



T.: It’s time to judge and, of course, to award.

(пока жюри подводит итоги учащиеся разыгрывают сценку “Job Hunting (см. Приложение 2) (слайд 19)

Приложение 1

Схема оценивания презентации


1. Полнота раскрытия заявленной темы.


2. Слайды представлены в логической последовательности.


3. Текст хорошо написан и сформированные идеи

ясно изложены и структурированы.


4. Отсутствие ошибок на английском языке.


5.Сохранение единого стиля.


6.Эффектность презентации.


Общий балл



Great Britain (presentation); (содержание: название, географическое положение, климат, главные города, политическое устройство, экономическое положение).

England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, the USA (presentations); (содержание: название, столица, главные города, символы, политическое устройство (кратко), достопримечательности, климат).

Приложение 2

Job Hunting

Boss: Доброе утро! Входите смелее. Вы – Сидоров Виктор Иванович, не так ли? Садитесь, пожалуйста. Подождите пока я закончу подписывать эти письма. Чтобы не терять время, заполните пока эту анкету ….. .

Ну, теперь всё, я могу заняться Вами, Виктор Иванович. Что Вы знаете о нашей фирме? У Вас есть какие-либо вопросы ко мне?

Job Hunter: Полагаю, что Ваша фирма имеет большие перспективы. Я хотел бы узнать от Вас, на чём Вы собираетесь сосредоточить свои усилия в ближайшие годы?

Boss: Мы планируем развернуть свою деятельность в нескольких англоязычных странах, в основном в Англии, закупать там оборудование, технологии, а также организовать здесь обучение специалистов. Нам нужна сильная творческая команда, это необходимо для того, чтобы наша фирма стала со временем конкурентоспособной на мировом рынке.

Итак, скажите, каковы три Ваших основных достоинства?

Job Hunter: Думаю, что это – надёжность, лояльность и энергия.

Boss: Ладно ….. Вы хорошо переносите ежедневные нагрузки?

Job Hunter: Да, я привык напряженно работать.

Boss: Вы по натуре лидер?

Job Hunter: Думаю, что да.

Boss: Хорошо. Теперь, Виктор Иванович, я готов предложить Вам работать с нами. Well? We’ll be seeing you on the 15 of May.

Job Hunter: Что-что? Извините, а можно по-русски?

Boss: Sorry, can’t you speak English? Just a moment. The problem is that we have a lot of foreign partners. And we need a specialist, who is able to conduct negotiations with English partners, make telephone calls, read and answer partners’ letters and so on. In general, our company requires a person who will be responsible for our contacts with English partners. {By the way, if I’m not mistaken, you’ve pointed out in your resume that you know English?} (+то же самое на русском).

Job Hunter: Извините, ошибочка вышла. Думаю мне пора. 

Boss: Good luck! Learn English and then come back! (+то же самое на русском).

Просмотр содержимого презентации
«ПрезентацияThe English-Speaking Countries»

Коренькова Наталья Васильевна учитель английского языка МБОУ ООШ №5 г. Александров Класс 9 Тема внеклассного занятия: The English-Speaking Countries

Коренькова Наталья Васильевна

учитель английского языка

МБОУ ООШ №5 г. Александров

Класс 9

Тема внеклассного занятия:

The English-Speaking Countries

OWN ONLY WHAT YOU CAN CARRY WITH YOU: KNOW LANGUAGE, KNOW COUNTRIES, KNOW PEOPLE …….  То имей, что можно всегда пронести с собой: знай языки, знай страны, знай людей …. .

OWN ONLY WHAT YOU CAN CARRY WITH YOU: KNOW LANGUAGE, KNOW COUNTRIES, KNOW PEOPLE ……. То имей, что можно всегда пронести с собой: знай языки, знай страны, знай людей …. .

THE ENGLISH-SPEAKING COUNTRIES PLAN 1. Presentations Great Britain England Scotland Wales Northern Ireland The USA 2. Country-studying Quiz 3. Speaking and Discussion 4. The Scene “Job Hunting”



1. Presentations

  • Great Britain
  • England
  • Scotland
  • Wales
  • Northern Ireland
  • The USA

2. Country-studying Quiz

3. Speaking and Discussion

4. The Scene “Job Hunting”

When the mistress of this building is at home, the Royal Standard is flying. Every day at 11.30 a.m. they are changing the Guard. It is the London home of the Queen. It is called …

When the mistress of this building is at home, the Royal Standard is flying. Every day at 11.30 a.m. they are changing the Guard. It is the London home of the Queen. It is called …

On the column in the center there is a statue of the great English seaman who defeated the French in 1805. This column with the statue of Admiral Nelson on its top is located in …

On the column in the center there is a statue of the great English seaman who defeated the French in 1805. This column with the statue of Admiral Nelson on its top is located in …

Here there are the tombs of many British kings and queens, other famous people and the beautiful Henry VII Chapel. It is a royal church. It is …

Here there are the tombs of many British kings and queens, other famous people and the beautiful Henry VII Chapel. It is a royal church. It is …

It is the most famous of all historical buildings in London. There are a lot of interesting collections here. It was a fortress, a royal palace and a prison. It is a museum now. The ravens are another famous sight of …
  • It is the most famous of all historical buildings in London. There are a lot of interesting collections here. It was a fortress, a royal palace and a prison. It is a museum now. The ravens are another famous sight of …
What do you know about St. Paul’s Cathedral?

What do you know about St. Paul’s Cathedral?

What are the names of the people from the following countries? Example: The people from Brazil are Brazilians.

What are the names of the people from the following countries?

  • Example: The people from Brazil are Brazilians.

  • The USA
  • Britain
  • Switzerland
  • England
  • Scotland
  • Wales
  • Northern Ireland
  • Australia
  • New Zealand
  • Canada


Say the nicknames of the American States:

Say the nicknames of the American States:

  • Alaska –
  • Arkansas –
  • California –
  • Florida –
  • Kansas –
  • Nevada –
  • New York –
WHAT ARE THE MOTTOS OF THE STATES? Florida A) The people rule B) Ever upward C) In God we trust  Kansas A) All for our country B) To the stars through difficulties C) Ever upward


  • Florida

A) The people rule

B) Ever upward

C) In God we trust

  • Kansas

A) All for our country

B) To the stars through difficulties

C) Ever upward

WHAT ARE THE MOTTOS OF THE STATES?  New York A) North to the future B) The people rule C) Ever upward  Nevada A) All for our country B) Eureka (I’ve found it) C) Liberty and Prosperity


  • New York

A) North to the future

B) The people rule

C) Ever upward

  • Nevada

A) All for our country

B) Eureka (I’ve found it)

C) Liberty and Prosperity

QUIZ: HOW MUCH I KNOW ABOUT ENGLISH-SPEAKING COUNTRIES?”   1. What is the official name of Great Britain? 2. What are the main parts of Great Britain? 3. Could you name the biggest cities of Great Britain? 4. What are the most important rivers in Great Britain? 5. What separates Great Britain from Europe? 6. Could you name the symbols of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland? 7. What is the capital of Northern Ireland? 8. How is the American flag called?


1. What is the official name of Great Britain?

2. What are the main parts of Great Britain?

3. Could you name the biggest cities of Great Britain?

4. What are the most important rivers in Great Britain?

5. What separates Great Britain from Europe?

6. Could you name the symbols of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland?

7. What is the capital of Northern Ireland?

8. How is the American flag called?

QUIZ: 9. What colour are the stripes on the American flag? 10. How is the British flag called? 11. Name three countries whose first language is English. 12. What is the capital of Canada? 13. What are the official languages of Canada? 14. What place is the official home of the Queen? 15. What river is London situated on? 16. Who discovered America?  


9. What colour are the stripes on the American flag?

10. How is the British flag called?

11. Name three countries whose first language is English.

12. What is the capital of Canada?

13. What are the official languages of Canada?

14. What place is the official home of the Queen?

15. What river is London situated on?

16. Who discovered America?


QUIZ: 17. How many stripes does the American flag have? 18. What is the capital of Scotland? 19. What is the capital of the USA? 20. What country gave the USA the Statue of Liberty? 21. What river is Washington situated on? 22. What is the capital of Australia? 23. What is the capital of New Zealand? 24. What holiday is celebrated in Britain on the 25 th of December?


17. How many stripes does the American flag have?

18. What is the capital of Scotland?

19. What is the capital of the USA?

20. What country gave the USA the Statue of Liberty?

21. What river is Washington situated on?

22. What is the capital of Australia?

23. What is the capital of New Zealand?

24. What holiday is celebrated in Britain on the 25 th of December?

QUIZ: 25. What is the poetic name of Great Britain? 26. What is the geographical name of Great Britain? Why? 27. What is the geographical name of the USA? Why? 28. What does the red cross on the white background on the British flag stand for? 29. What is the saint patron of England? 30. What is the saint patron of Scotland? 31. What is the saint patron of Ireland?  


  • 25. What is the poetic name of Great Britain?
  • 26. What is the geographical name of Great Britain? Why?
  • 27. What is the geographical name of the USA? Why?
  • 28. What does the red cross on the white background on the British flag stand for?
  • 29. What is the saint patron of England?
  • 30. What is the saint patron of Scotland?
  • 31. What is the saint patron of Ireland?




  • 1. What chances does the English language give a person?
  • 2. What can you say about practical value of English?
  • 3. How many great languages do scientists distinguish?
  • 4. Why has English become a lingua franca?
  • 5. Where is English the official language?
  • 6. Why is knowledge of English life necessity?
  • 7. What do you learn English for?




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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Конспект и презентация внеклассного занятия по теме "The English-Speaking Countries"

Автор: Коренькова Наталья Васильевна

Дата: 21.12.2014

Номер свидетельства: 146414

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