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Knowledge is power

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                 educational:  to enrich pupili knowledge about Kazakhstan

                                       to teach to work creatively, to educate the respect and interest in different countries

                developing:to develop pupil’s habits and skills in speaking, listening and reading, writing

                 bringing up: to bring up pupils to be patriots of their motherland, to love their country  and  to make  

                                      great efforts in the development of  the country.


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«knowledge is power »

Knowledge is power

Knowledge is power

Plan :

Plan :

  • Baiga
  • Polyglot
  • Find the antonyms
  • Make up sentences
  • Make a word
  • Captains’ competition
1 st round: “ Baiga”

1 st round:


Questions for the first team about Kazakhstan : 1. Where is the Republic of Kazakhstan situated ? 2. What kind of state is Kazakhstan? 3. What is the capital of Kazakhstan? 4. What is the official language of Kazakhstan? 5. Who is the head of Kazakhstan? 6. When does Kazakhstan celebrate the Independence day? 7. When was the first President of the Republic elected? 8. What is the national currency of Kazakhstan? 9. What is the most popular national holiday in  Kazakhstan?

Questions for the first team about Kazakhstan :

1. Where is the Republic of Kazakhstan situated ?

2. What kind of state is Kazakhstan?

3. What is the capital of Kazakhstan?

4. What is the official language of Kazakhstan?

5. Who is the head of Kazakhstan?

6. When does Kazakhstan celebrate the Independence day?

7. When was the first President of the Republic elected?

8. What is the national currency of Kazakhstan?

9. What is the most popular national holiday in


Questions for the second team about Great Britain: 1. What is the official name of Great Britain? 2. How many parts does the UK consist of? 3. What are they? 4. Where is the UK situated?  5. What is the official language of Great Britain? 6. What kind of state is the UK? 7. What is the capital of Great Britain? 8. Who is the head of Great Britain? 9. What is the currency of the UK?

Questions for the second team about Great Britain:

1. What is the official name of Great Britain?

2. How many parts does the UK consist of?

3. What are they?

4. Where is the UK situated?

5. What is the official language of Great Britain?

6. What kind of state is the UK?

7. What is the capital of Great Britain?

8. Who is the head of Great Britain?

9. What is the currency of the UK?

2 nd round: “ Polyglot”

2 nd round:

“ Polyglot”

Riddles Білімнен мол сый асы, Балғындардың ұясы Мектеп – школа - school Шәкіртке жанашыр, Мейірман кім, жаны асыл? Мұғалім – учитель - teacher Сатайын десем ауыр кілем, Сатпайын десем тәуір кілем . Жер – земля - earth Қыста ғана болады, Ұстасан қолын тоңады Қар – снег - snow Жазу жазып жалықпаған, Жаза – жаза арықтаған . Бор – мель - chalk


Білімнен мол сый асы,

Балғындардың ұясы

Мектеп – школа - school

Шәкіртке жанашыр,

Мейірман кім, жаны асыл?

Мұғалім – учитель - teacher

Сатайын десем ауыр кілем,

Сатпайын десем тәуір кілем .

Жер – земля - earth

Қыста ғана болады,

Ұстасан қолын тоңады

Қар – снег - snow

Жазу жазып жалықпаған,

Жаза – жаза арықтаған .

Бор – мель - chalk

3 rd round: “ Find the antonyms”

3 rd round:

“ Find the antonyms”

Find the antonyms Fast - Slow Expensive - Cheap  Lazy - Hardworking Difficult - Easy Clever - Stupid  Safe -  Dangerous  Dirty Clean -  Young Old -

Find the antonyms

Fast -


Expensive -


Lazy -


Difficult -


Clever -


Safe -



Clean -


Old -

4 th round: “ Make up sentences”

4 th round:

“ Make up sentences”

Make up sentences is / Kazakhstan / the / Astana / of / capital Astana is the capital of Kazakhstan Kingdom / of / parts / consists / the / four / United The United Kingdom consists of four parts oil / important / is / resource / the most / world / the / in Oil is the most important resource in the world the/ England / is/ of/ London/ capital London is the capital of England

Make up sentences

is / Kazakhstan / the / Astana / of / capital

Astana is the capital of Kazakhstan

Kingdom / of / parts / consists / the / four / United

The United Kingdom consists of four parts

oil / important / is / resource / the most / world / the / in

Oil is the most important resource in the world

the/ England / is/ of/ London/ capital

London is the capital of England

5 th round: “ Make a word”

5 th round:

Make a word”


Make a word













6 th round: “ Captains’ competition”

6 th round:

Captains’ competition”

Thank you for your  attention!

Thank you

for your


Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

knowledge is power

Автор: Матжанова Айымгуль Хизатовна

Дата: 05.02.2015

Номер свидетельства: 167979

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