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"King Arthur"

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Исследование истории и легенды о короле Артуре.

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«"King Arthur"»

King Arthur: history and legend

King Arthur: history and legend

King Arthur is a legendary British leader who, according to medieval histories and romances , led the defence of Britain against the Saxon invaders in the early 6th century.    Some scholars argue that Arthur was originally a fictional hero of folklore – or even a half-forgotten Celtic deity – who became credited with real deeds in the distant past.

King Arthur is a legendary British leader who, according to medieval histories and romances , led the defence of Britain against the Saxon invaders in the early 6th century. Some scholars argue that Arthur was originally a fictional hero of folklore – or even a half-forgotten Celtic deity – who became credited with real deeds in the distant past.

The Round Table - King Arthur's famous Round Table was first mentioned in about 1155, in Wace's

The Round Table - King Arthur's famous Round Table was first mentioned in about 1155, in Wace's "Roman de Brut," a rewrite of the first popular Arthurian novel, Geoffrey of Monmouth's "History of the Kings of Britain". Wace explains that the King installed the table in order to prevent quarrels over seating precedence, as a circular table had no head. Later writers add that there had actually been brawls at Court over the matter.

С ode of honour and service :  - To never do outrage nor murder  - Always to flee treason   - To by no means be cruel but to give mercy unto him who asks for mercy  - To always do ladies, gentlewomen and widows succor   - To never force ladies, gentlewomen or widows  - Not to take up battles in wrongful quarrels for love or worldly goods

С ode of honour and service : - To never do outrage nor murder - Always to flee treason - To by no means be cruel but to give mercy unto him who asks for mercy - To always do ladies, gentlewomen and widows succor - To never force ladies, gentlewomen or widows - Not to take up battles in wrongful quarrels for love or worldly goods

The Name

The Name "Excalibur" was first used for King Arthur's sword by the French Romancers.

Merlin first appears in extant records from the early 10th century as a mere prophet, but his role gradually evolved into that of magician, prophet and advisor, active in all phases of the administration of King Arthur's kingdom.

Merlin first appears in extant records from the early 10th century as a mere prophet, but his role gradually evolved into that of magician, prophet and advisor, active in all phases of the administration of King Arthur's kingdom.

King Arthur’s figure in literature   Arthur (top centre) in an illustration to the Middle English poem Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, late 14th century

King Arthur’s figure in literature Arthur (top centre) in an illustration to the Middle English poem Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, late 14th century

In recent years the portrayal of Arthur as a real hero of the 5th century has also made its way into film versions of the Arthurian legend, most notably King Arthur (2004) and The Last Legion (2007).

In recent years the portrayal of Arthur as a real hero of the 5th century has also made its way into film versions of the Arthurian legend, most notably King Arthur (2004) and The Last Legion (2007).

The name Arthur itself appears to derive from the Celtic word Art , meaning

The name Arthur itself appears to derive from the Celtic word Art , meaning "bear". Three Bear-gods are known from the Celtic world.

The popular notion of Arthur appears to be limited, not surprisingly, to a few motifs and names, but there can be no doubt of the extent to which a legend born many centuries ago is profoundly embedded in modern culture at every level.

The popular notion of Arthur appears to be limited, not surprisingly, to a few motifs and names, but there can be no doubt of the extent to which a legend born many centuries ago is profoundly embedded in modern culture at every level.

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Thank you for your attention!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: Прочее

"King Arthur"

Автор: Потапова Елена Михайловна

Дата: 21.08.2017

Номер свидетельства: 425860

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