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Та?ырыбы: The republic of Kazakhstan.
Ма?саты: О?ушыларды? білімдерін ?алыптастыру, а?ылшын тілінде с?ра?тар?а д?рыс жауап беру, ?з ойларын жеткізуге білу ж?не с?йлемдерді ??растыру, ?з Отаны? с?йе білу, о?ушыларды? ?ызы?ушылы?тарын арттыру.
Саба?ты? т?рі: сайыс саба?ы
Саба?ты? амал - т?сілдері: с?ра? - жауап
Саба?ты? к?рнекілігі: интерактивті та?та, слайдтар
Саба?ты? барысы: а) ?йымдастыру кезе?і(сынып 2 топ?а б?лінеді), д?рыс жауап?а 1 ?пай беріледі ?) ?аза?стан туралы м?лімет б) с?ра?тар?а жауап беру в) «Б?л кім?» деген ойыны г) с?йлемдерді толы?тыру ?) с?здер ??растыру д) с?зж?мба? шешу
2. The theme of our lesson: The republic of Kazakhstan.
Mother country
One among many countries,
Native land - mother
Native land - universe,
Native land - Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan is the ninth largest country in the world in terms of area. It is a country with rich natural resources, which can follow its own path of development.
The largest cities are Almaty, Karaganda, Shimkent, Pavlodar and Astana. Astana is the capital of the Republic. Kazakh is the official language of the country.
There are a few rivers and lakes in Kazakhstan. The four rivers are the main resources of water in the country. They are Irtysh, in the east, Syr – Darya in the southwest, Illi in the southeast and Ural in the northwest of the country.
Today, Kazakhstan is not only a country with great possibilities, but also it is realizing all of them.
3. Answer the questions:
1) Who is the 1st president of Kazakhstan?
2) Where was he born?
3) Do you know any famous buildings and monuments?
4) What is the capital of the Republic?
5) What is the official language of the country?
6) What can you say about the population of the Republic?
7) Where is Astana?
8) What is your nationality?
9) Where is Kazakhstan?
10) Are there any mountains and lakes in Kazakhstan?
4 Who are these people?

5. Complete the sentences:
1) The capital of Kazakhstan is..
2) The national money of Kazakhstan is …….
3) The residence of president is.
4) The monument Astana is.
5) Almaty is famous for it` s.
6) Tokhtar Aubakirov and Talgat Musabaev are …….
7) Roza Rymbaeva and Makpal Zhunusova are …….
8) Abai Kunanbaev and Shakarim Kudaiberdiev are …….
9) The 1st of December is …….
10 ) The Kazakh national holiday is ……….

6. Make words.
E t a p k s h b I r d n
a). d).
b). e).
c). f)..
7. Kazakhstan is in the future:
Draw a plan of your dream country.

8. Complete the crossword:

9. Our competition lesson is over and we want our teachers to give a mark to their competition.

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Kazakhstan food and national meals Kazakhstan food info First of all the guest of Kazakhstan family regaled with kumiss (the drink based on mare milk), shubat or airan, next meal was tea with milk or cream, baursaks, raisins, irimshik, kurt. Then the guest was tasting horse-flesh or mutton snacks - kazi, shuzhuk, zhal, zhaya, sur-et, karta, kabirga. Wheat flour cookies were very common too .

Kazakhstan food and national meals

Kazakhstan food info

First of all the guest of Kazakhstan family regaled with kumiss (the drink based on mare milk), shubat or airan, next meal was tea with milk or cream, baursaks, raisins, irimshik, kurt. Then the guest was tasting horse-flesh or mutton snacks - kazi, shuzhuk, zhal, zhaya, sur-et, karta, kabirga. Wheat flour cookies were very common too .

Kazakhstan food - Kumiss

Kazakhstan food - Kumiss

Kazakhstan traditional food facts and features The main meal of every dastarkhan and one of the most delicious for Kazakh people was Kazakh style cooked meat. Boiled meat was served in large uncut pieces. The host was cutting the meat himself and treat every guest: pelvic bones and shank for honourable old people, brisket for son-in-law or daughter-in-law, neck-bone for girls and so on. The most honorable guest received particular method cooked head of the ram. The guest should part the head between people around the dastarkhan obeying to ancient ritual showing respectful attitude to guests, old people, kids, near and far relations.

Kazakhstan traditional food facts and features

The main meal of every dastarkhan and one of the most delicious for Kazakh people was Kazakh style cooked meat. Boiled meat was served in large uncut pieces. The host was cutting the meat himself and treat every guest: pelvic bones and shank for honourable old people, brisket for son-in-law or daughter-in-law, neck-bone for girls and so on.

The most honorable guest received particular method cooked head of the ram. The guest should part the head between people around the dastarkhan obeying to ancient ritual showing respectful attitude to guests, old people, kids, near and far relations.

Kazakhstan food - Besbarmak

Kazakhstan food - Besbarmak

He or she is first treated to  kumys  (fermented mare's milk),  shubat  (fermented camel's milk) or  airan  (fermented cow's milk), then to tea with milk or cream, baursaks (fried dough balls), raisins, irimshik (dried cheese balls), and  kurt  (dried cheese and whey). Appetizers of horse or mutton meat follow (  kazy , shuzhuk,  zhal ,  zhaya , sur-yet,  karta , kabyrga) always served with  flat bread . Kazakhs eat  at a low table called a 

He or she is first treated to  kumys  (fermented mare's milk),  shubat  (fermented camel's milk) or  airan  (fermented cow's milk), then to tea with milk or cream, baursaks (fried dough balls), raisins, irimshik (dried cheese balls), and  kurt  (dried cheese and whey).

Appetizers of horse or mutton meat follow (  kazy , shuzhuk,  zhalzhaya , sur-yet,  karta , kabyrga) always served with  flat bread .

Kazakhs eat  at a low table called a  "dastarkhan"  and the most popular dish has always been the national meat dish,  "beshparmak" ("five fingers" because of the manner in which it is eaten).

These people who have lived peacefully with the Kazakhs have influenced their cuisine, everyday life and culture and adopted some Kazakh traditions. Today's Kazakh cuisine includes traditional  Kazakh dishes  as well as Uzbek, Uigur, Russian, Tatar, and Korean dishes, which Kazakhs enjoy. Today, the range of ingredients available locally has considerably widened and influenced the national cuisine accordingly. Traditionally Kazakh cuisine was mostly based on  meat and milk  products. But more recently vegetables, fruits, fish, seafood, baked dishes and sweets have been added to the list of delights Kazakhs offer to their guests.

These people who have lived peacefully with the Kazakhs have influenced their cuisine, everyday life and culture and adopted some Kazakh traditions.

Today's Kazakh cuisine includes traditional  Kazakh dishes  as well as Uzbek, Uigur, Russian, Tatar, and Korean dishes, which Kazakhs enjoy.

Today, the range of ingredients available locally has considerably widened and influenced the national cuisine accordingly.

Traditionally Kazakh cuisine was mostly based on  meat and milk  products. But more recently vegetables, fruits, fish, seafood, baked dishes and sweets have been added to the list of delights Kazakhs offer to their guests.

Kazakhstan food - Kuirdak Today Kazakh meal is something different from the old one but still it is imbued with ancient laws of hospitability. On the contrary the hospitability is larger then ever for now because not only Kazakhs but people of various nations (Kazakhstan is a multinational country) have a meal around the dastarkhan: Russians, Tatars, Ukrainians, Uzbeks, Germans, Uigurs, Koreans and more. All these nations made their contribution on Kazakhs cookery. Kazakhstan cuisine includes not only traditional national Kazakhstan dishes but the best dishes of Uzbek, Russian, Tatar, Korean and other cookeries. That’s why Kazakh cuisine saving its national characteristic features has some international features.

Kazakhstan food - Kuirdak

Today Kazakh meal is something different from the old one but still it is imbued with ancient laws of hospitability. On the contrary the hospitability is larger then ever for now because not only Kazakhs but people of various nations (Kazakhstan is a multinational country) have a meal around the dastarkhan: Russians, Tatars, Ukrainians, Uzbeks, Germans, Uigurs, Koreans and more. All these nations made their contribution on Kazakhs cookery.

Kazakhstan cuisine includes not only traditional national Kazakhstan dishes but the best dishes of Uzbek, Russian, Tatar, Korean and other cookeries. That’s why Kazakh cuisine saving its national characteristic features has some international features.

Kazakhstan food - Baursaki

Kazakhstan food - Baursaki

Kazakhstan food - Sorpa and Baursaki

Kazakhstan food - Sorpa and Baursaki



Beverages The traditional drinks are fermented mare's milk ( kumys ), camel's milk ( shubat ), cow’s milk (airan), as well as  sheep milk  and its products– kaymak  ( sour cream ),  katyk  or  ayran  ( buttermilk ),  kurt , which is made from dried cheese and whey and rolled into balls, and irimshik  (dried sour milk product similar to kurt, but not rolled into balls). These drinks were traditionally consumed with the main course. However, meals often end with Kumys as well and then tea. In the summer,  chal  is one of the staple foods of the Adai Kazakhs. Black tea  was introduced from  China  since the foundation of Silk Way and was traditionally consumed with sweets after the main course. Nowadays tea (with milk) has virtually replaced other traditional drinks.


The traditional drinks are fermented mare's milk ( kumys ), camel's milk ( shubat ), cow’s milk (airan), as well as  sheep milk  and its products– kaymak  ( sour cream ),  katyk  or  ayran  ( buttermilk ),  kurt , which is made from dried cheese and whey and rolled into balls, and irimshik  (dried sour milk product similar to kurt, but not rolled into balls). These drinks were traditionally consumed with the main course. However, meals often end with Kumys as well and then tea. In the summer,  chal  is one of the staple foods of the Adai Kazakhs. Black tea  was introduced from  China  since the foundation of Silk Way and was traditionally consumed with sweets after the main course. Nowadays tea (with milk) has virtually replaced other traditional drinks.

Desserts The traditional sweets are Baursaks,  Shecksheck  and Zhent .


The traditional sweets are Baursaks,  Shecksheck  and Zhent .







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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс


Автор: Оспанова Н?рг?л Ескендір?ызы

Дата: 07.04.2015

Номер свидетельства: 198295

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