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"История музыкалыного инструмента"

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Данная презентация содержит информацию об истории возникновения русского национального инструмента балалайка. Презентация содержит информацию и изображения с первых дней жизни этого музыкального инструмента и до наших дней.

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«"История музыкалыного инструмента"»



Balalaika — one of the tools that have become, along with the accordion, the symbol of the Russian people. The most famous Russian instrument.

Balalaika — one of the tools that have become, along with the accordion, the symbol of the Russian people. The most famous Russian instrument.

Вставка рисунка Balalaika has a triangular body shape, strings — three. Typical intake sound of the balalaika is the saber — strokes of the finger on all strings at the same time.

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Balalaika has a triangular body shape, strings — three. Typical intake sound of the balalaika is the saber — strokes of the finger on all strings at the same time.

Вставка рисунка It is believed that the balalaika became widespread from the late seventeenth century. The balalaika acquired by musician and educator Vasiliy Andreev and masters V. Ivanov, F. Paserbsky, S. I. Nalimov and others, who in 1883 was engangered in its improvement century. Probably comes from the Asian dombra.

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It is believed that the balalaika became widespread from the late seventeenth century.

The balalaika acquired by musician and educator Vasiliy Andreev and masters V. Ivanov, F. Paserbsky, S. I. Nalimov and others, who in 1883 was engangered in its improvement century. Probably comes from the Asian dombra.

Balalaika is used as a solo, concert, ensemble and orchestral instrument

Balalaika is used as a solo, concert, ensemble and orchestral instrument

Вставка рисунка In a modern orchestra of Russian folk instruments used five varieties balalaika: prima, second , Alto, bass and contrabass.

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In a modern orchestra of Russian folk instruments used five varieties balalaika: prima, second , Alto, bass and contrabass.

Duration of training on the balalaika at the children's music school is 5-7 years (depending on the age of the student), in the average school for 4 years and in higher education 4-5 years. Repertoire: folk songs, arrangements of classical pieces, original music.

Duration of training on the balalaika at the children's music school is 5-7 years (depending on the age of the student), in the average school for 4 years and in higher education 4-5 years. Repertoire: folk songs, arrangements of classical pieces, original music.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

"История музыкалыного инструмента"

Автор: Моргунова Екатерина Николаевна

Дата: 04.06.2018

Номер свидетельства: 472143

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