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Is there a playground in the park?Aim:to teach the letter Uu,its sounds

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Date:15.09.2016 y

Class:3 «G»

Theme:  is there a playground in the park?

Aim:to teach the letter Uu,its sounds


1)Education:to answer rhe questions What is there in the park?to write words

To teach articles a,an,the

2)Developing) to develop pupils memory, skills   in reading,speaking,writing

3)Bringing- up:interesting to the English

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«Is there a playground in the park?Aim:to teach the letter Uu,its sounds»

Date:15.09.2016 y

Class:3 «G»

Theme: is there a playground in the park?

Aim:to teach the letter Uu,its sounds


1)Education:to answer rhe questions What is there in the park?to write words

To teach articles a,an,the

2)Developing) to develop pupils memory, skills in reading,speaking,writing

3)Bringing- up:interesting to the English

The Plan

1.Organing moment:

Good afternoon ,dear pupils!

Good afternoon teacher!

How are you?-I am fine, thank you and you?

I am fine,Thank you!Sit down,please! Who is on duty today? What day is it today?

2.Phonetic drill:

Uu use,cube,tune,tube,costume,mule,duke,,fumes.wtite down plese these words

Numbers 1-100.10+20,45=60,80+7,40+30.Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thirsday


3ex.2.p 20.Listen and tick

4.vocabulary work.playgroun-игровая площадка,trampoline-батут,pond-пруд,be careful-будь осторожным

5.Physical break

Clap,clap,clap you hands together.

Step,step,step you feet together!

Ex.3pa p 15.group work.Look ,write and number

What is a wonderful park! There is a playground.There is a pound,too

8.Presentation of the new material. В английском языке ,если слово начинается с гласной буквы, то перед словом ставится артикль an.а если слово начинается с согласной буквы то перед словом ставим a.А если же наше слово повторяется во второй раз то перед эти словом ставим артикль the. A duce,an eagle, the eagle.

Читаем и запоминаем стрю22

9.Let’s continue our lesson with the ex.6 on the page 22

10.ex.7 p 23

9.consolidation of the material

10.conclusion.What did you do at the lesson?What did you like?

11.Giving of home task: Our lesson comes the end.open you dairies and write down ex.7.Copybook 6,7 p.17.12.Evalution

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 3 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Is there a playground in the park?Aim:to teach the letter Uu,its sounds

Автор: Адайбаева Самал Сарсенгалиевна

Дата: 12.05.2017

Номер свидетельства: 414649

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