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I.N.Vereshchagina. Class 2. Lesson 14.Presentation

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Данная презентация составлена к УМК Верещагиной "Английский " 2 класс для школ с углубленным изучением английского языка.Помогает реализовать на практике коммуникативную методику обучения

I.N.Vereshchagina. Class 2. Lesson 14.Presentation

 Презентация составлена  к УМК И.Н.Верещагиной «Английский язык» 2 класс для школ с углубленным изучением иностранного языка.

Презентация помогает реализовать на практике коммуникативную методику обучения.

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«I.N.Vereshchagina. Class 2. Lesson 14.Presentation»

Teddy Bear  Teddy bear, teddy bear!  Oh, where are you? Oh, where?  I love you, teddy bear!  Oh, where are you? Oh, where?

Teddy Bear

Teddy bear, teddy bear! Oh, where are you? Oh, where? I love you, teddy bear! Oh, where are you? Oh, where?

-Have you got a telephone?  -Yes, I've got a telephone.   -What is your telephone number?  -My telephone number is 2793458.   -What is your telephone number?  -My telephone number is ...

-Have you got a telephone? -Yes, I've got a telephone. -What is your telephone number? -My telephone number is 2793458. -What is your telephone number? -My telephone number is ...

a plane planes

a plane


a car cars

a car


Dick has got cars.  How many cars has he got?  He has got 5 cars.  He likes his cars.

Dick has got cars. How many cars has he got? He has got 5 cars. He likes his cars.

Jack has got planes.  How many planes has Jack got?  He has got 4 planes:1 red plane and 3 blue planes.

Jack has got planes. How many planes has Jack got? He has got 4 planes:1 red plane and 3 blue planes.

play, to play, like to play.  I like to play.  My sister and I like to play.  My sister and I like to play mothers and daughters.   with, with toys, with dolls, with cars, with planes.  I like to play with toys.  I like to play with cars.  I like to play with my friends.   draw, like to draw.  I like to draw.  I like to draw planes.  I like to draw cars, too.

play, to play, like to play. I like to play. My sister and I like to play. My sister and I like to play mothers and daughters. with, with toys, with dolls, with cars, with planes. I like to play with toys. I like to play with cars. I like to play with my friends. draw, like to draw. I like to draw. I like to draw planes. I like to draw cars, too.

Hi! My name is Pam. I am from Great Britain, from London. I am five. I've got a brother. His name is Jim. He is four. I've got a sister, too. Her name is Betsy. She is eight. My brother Jim has got many toys: cars and planes, balls and teddies. He has got ten cars, eight planes, three balls and two teddy bears.  My sister Betsy hasn't got cars or planes. She has got dolls: two Barbies, one Matryoshka and one Jack doll.  I've got many toys, too. I like them all.

Hi! My name is Pam. I am from Great Britain, from London. I am five. I've got a brother. His name is Jim. He is four. I've got a sister, too. Her name is Betsy. She is eight. My brother Jim has got many toys: cars and planes, balls and teddies. He has got ten cars, eight planes, three balls and two teddy bears. My sister Betsy hasn't got cars or planes. She has got dolls: two Barbies, one Matryoshka and one Jack doll. I've got many toys, too. I like them all.

1. Where is Pam from?  2.How old is she?  3.How many brothers has she got?  4.What’s his name?  5.How old is Jim?  6.What toys has Jim got?  7. How many cars has he got?  8.Has Betsy got toys?  9.What toys has Betsy got?

1. Where is Pam from? 2.How old is she? 3.How many brothers has she got? 4.What’s his name? 5.How old is Jim? 6.What toys has Jim got? 7. How many cars has he got? 8.Has Betsy got toys? 9.What toys has Betsy got?

1. She is from Great Britain.

1. She is from Great Britain.

2.She is five.

2.She is five.

3. She has got one brother.

3. She has got one brother.

4. His name is Jim.

4. His name is Jim.

5. He is four.

5. He is four.

6.He has got cars, planes, balls and teddies.

6.He has got cars, planes, balls and teddies.

7. He has got ten cars.

7. He has got ten cars.

8. Yes.

8. Yes.

9. No

9. No

10. She has got dolls.

10. She has got dolls.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 2 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

I.N.Vereshchagina. Class 2. Lesson 14.Presentation

Автор: Палицына Анастасия Владимировна

Дата: 20.12.2015

Номер свидетельства: 268508

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