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I think it's beautyful

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theme: I think it's beautyful.

aims: learn new words that connected with nature and talk about our capital city Astana. 

Visual aids: interactive board and cards.

Astana is situated on the river Ishim. 

New words:

North - солт?стік

West – батыс

East – шы?ыс 

South- о?т?стік

Island - арал

Mountain- тау 

Beach- жа?алау

Forest – орман 

Cliff- жартас •Where do you live?

•Do you live in the south of Kazakhstan?

•Do you live in the north of Kazakhstan?

•Do you live in the west of Kazakhstan?

•Do you live in the east of Kazakhstan?

•Is there a river near your town village?

•Are there mountains near  your village? 

Akhorda is the residence of our President Baiterek is a symbol of Astana.  

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«I think it's beautyful »

I think it’s beautiful

I think it’s beautiful

Akhorda is the residence of our President.

Akhorda is the residence of our President.

Baiterek is a symbol of Astana.

Baiterek is a symbol of Astana.

Astana is situated on the river Ishim.

Astana is situated on the river Ishim.

Duman Center

Duman Center

New words: North - солтүстік West  – батыс East – шығыс South - оңтүстік Island  - арал Mountain - тау Beach - жағалау Forest  – орман Cliff - жартас

New words:

North - солтүстік

West – батыс

East – шығыс

South - оңтүстік

Island - арал

Mountain - тау

Beach - жағалау

Forest – орман

Cliff - жартас

Answer the questions:

Answer the questions:

  • Where do you live?
  • Do you live in the south of Kazakhstan?
  • Do you live in the north of Kazakhstan?
  • Do you live in the west of Kazakhstan?
  • Do you live in the east of Kazakhstan?
  • Is there a river near your town village?
  • Are there mountains near your village?
  • Beach
  • Forest
  • Mountain


Ending of the lesson:

Ending of the lesson:

  • Giving home task: ex:8,p.157 draw and write composition about “My fantasy Island”
  • Reflection: “Who have learnt more new words? ”
  • Evaluating:

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

I think it's beautyful

Автор: Танаткан Жулдыз Шегенбайкызы

Дата: 16.04.2015

Номер свидетельства: 202184

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