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Hum - a town of medieval charm

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Авторы презентации рассказывают о миниатюрном городке в Хорватии, в котором всего 20 домов и 23 жителя.  Девочки считают, что для увеличения количества туристов, необходимо провести ряд усовершенствований, не нанося вреда уникальному, живописному месту.

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«Hum - a town of medieval charm»

HUM : from a small town to the tourist center. Korneeva Evgeniya Shkirenko Svetlana 11 B class

HUM : from a small town to the tourist center.

Korneeva Evgeniya

Shkirenko Svetlana

11 B class

Attractive features of the town : We can develop the city without changing its appearance and infrastructure  the town will attract people by its small size, unusual history, and what is most important an abundance of open space and tranquility around for a man to take a break from the bustle of the big city life.

Attractive features of the town :

  • We can develop the city without changing its appearance and infrastructure
  • the town will attract people by its small size, unusual history, and what is most important an abundance of open space and tranquility around for a man to take a break from the bustle of the big city life.

To make this place a better tourist destination we plan : to upgrade the town’s infrastructure, without changing its appearance to reconstruct the ancient wall (one of the main attractions of the town) to build a hotel and a roadside cafe on the way to Hum for the convenience of tourists Hum in Croatia is located on a hill, so you can see more at the entrance to it. So we need to build a parking lot where visitors could park their vehicles.

To make this place a better tourist destination we plan :

  • to upgrade the town’s infrastructure, without changing its appearance
  • to reconstruct the ancient wall (one of the main attractions of the town)
  • to build a hotel and a roadside cafe on the way to Hum for the convenience of tourists
  • Hum in Croatia is located on a hill, so you can see more at the entrance to it. So we need to build a parking lot where visitors could park their vehicles.

Entertainment & Attractions of Hum Today Hum is a town-monument and one of the rare well-preserved specimen of a medieval town, the development of which took place exclusively within the early medieval walls.

Entertainment & Attractions of Hum

Today Hum is a town-monument and one of the rare well-preserved specimen of a medieval town, the development of which took place exclusively within the early medieval walls.

Clock Tower (built in 1552) The Church of the Assumption of Mary (built in 1802)

Clock Tower (built in 1552)

The Church of the Assumption of Mary (built in 1802)

The town Museum, which has a small collection of Glagolitic inscriptions. The city walls, within which are two small streets

The town Museum, which has a small collection of Glagolitic inscriptions.

The city walls, within which are two small streets

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 11 класс

Hum - a town of medieval charm

Автор: Корнеева Евгения, Шкиренко Светлана, Дармаева Ольга Борисовна (куратор)

Дата: 08.09.2017

Номер свидетельства: 427629

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