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How many stamps have you got? 6 grade T.Ayapova

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Type of the lesson: Generalization and systematize the knowledge and method of activity

Aims: 1) Educational aim:

-  To form intercultural-communicative skills in the frame of the sphere and theme;

-  To develop students' reading, listening and speaking skills;

-  To activate their background knowledge in order to help them predict likely vocabulary in a given authentic text;

-  To improve students' own ability to organize discourse.

2) Development aim:

 - To develop students' critical thinking skills: - identifying central issues

- understanding cause and effect

- To develop perception, logic, imagination, and creativeness.

3) Upbringing:

- To be respectful to his own things, to know  where to put off and find them.

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«How many stamps have you got? 6 grade T.Ayapova»

The theme: How many stamps have you got?

The theme:

How many stamps have you got?

Type of the lesson: Generalization and systematize the knowledge and method of activity Aims: 1) Educational aim: -  To form intercultural-communicative skills in the frame of the sphere and theme; -  To develop students' reading, listening and speaking skills; -  To activate their background knowledge in order to help them predict likely vocabulary in a given authentic text; -  To improve students' own ability to organize discourse.   2) Development aim:  - To develop students' critical thinking skills: - identifying central issues - understanding cause and effect  - To develop perception, logic, imagination, and creativeness.   3) Upbringing: - To be respectful to his own things, to know where to put off and find them.

Type of the lesson: Generalization and systematize the knowledge and method of activity

Aims: 1) Educational aim:

- To form intercultural-communicative skills in the frame of the sphere and theme;

- To develop students' reading, listening and speaking skills;

- To activate their background knowledge in order to help them predict likely vocabulary in a given authentic text;

- To improve students' own ability to organize discourse.


2) Development aim:

- To develop students' critical thinking skills: - identifying central issues

- understanding cause and effect

- To develop perception, logic, imagination, and creativeness.


3) Upbringing:

- To be respectful to his own things, to know where to put off and find them.

  • stamp
  • coin
  • badge
  • car
  • shell
  • postcard
  • game
  • foreign
  • friend
  • марка
  • монета
  • значок
  • машина
  • ракушка
  • почтовая открытка
  • игра
  • зарубежный
  • друг
EX. 5, P. 105 Read the text, find the new words in the dialogue and pay attention to their meanings.

EX. 5, P. 105

Read the text, find the new words in the dialogue and pay attention to their meanings.

Ex. 2, p. 20 Write sentences A book(+),a notebook (+), a calculator (-) I have got a book and a notebook but haven`t got a calculator b) A bike(+),a watch (+),a calculator (-)

Ex. 2, p. 20

Write sentences

  • A book(+),a notebook (+), a calculator (-)

I have got a book and a notebook but haven`t got a calculator

b) A bike(+),a watch (+),a calculator (-)

SPEAKING What is your first name? What colour is your copy book? Have you got a walkman? How many postcards have you got? How many stamps have you got? How many shells have you got?


What is your first name?

What colour is your copy book?

Have you got a walkman?

How many postcards have you got?

How many stamps have you got?

How many shells have you got?

Home task Ex13-14, p 56-57; Learn by heart new words

Home task

Ex13-14, p 56-57;

Learn by heart new words

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

How many stamps have you got? 6 grade T.Ayapova

Автор: Nurgul Doskozhayeva

Дата: 13.11.2015

Номер свидетельства: 252628

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