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Higher medical education in the USA

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Entrance exams to universities of the USA aren’t held - admission is performed according to the results of final school tests SAT. After college, students enter medical schools, where they are taught during 4 years.

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«Higher medical education in the USA»

Higher medical education in the USA

Higher medical education in the USA

Peculiarities of entering campaign   Тo prepare a pack of documents To write an essay on

Peculiarities of entering campaign

  • Тo prepare a pack of documents
  • To write an essay on "Why I want to be a doctor"
  • To have recommending letters
  • To pass a hard interview

Entrance exams to universities of the USA aren’t held - admission is performed according to the results of final school tests SAT. After college, students enter medical schools, where they are taught during 4 years.

Form of education “ Double Helix” form of education is based on the principle of fusion of theory and practice, when students from the first course dive into clinical medicine, simultaneously studying fundamental disciplines

Form of education

Double Helix” form of education is based on the principle of fusion of theory and practice, when students from the first course dive into clinical medicine, simultaneously studying fundamental disciplines

Form of education 3 rd year clinical subjects: - therapy; - surgery; - obstetrics and gynecology; - pediatrics; - psychiatry.  4 th year – STEP 2: Test Clinical skills 1,2 years fundamental disciplines: - anatomy; - pharmacology; - biochemistry; - basics of psychiatry; - physiology;  - histology; - pathology; - embryology. STEP 1 Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)

Form of education

3 rd year

clinical subjects:

- therapy;

- surgery;

- obstetrics and gynecology;

- pediatrics;

- psychiatry.

4 th year – STEP 2:

  • Test
  • Clinical skills

1,2 years

fundamental disciplines:

- anatomy;

- pharmacology;

- biochemistry;

- basics of psychiatry;

- physiology;

- histology;

- pathology;

- embryology.


Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)

Residency  (from 3 to 7 years) The first year of residency is called the internship.  Interns spend almost the whole year in hospitals.

Residency (from 3 to 7 years)

The first year of residency is called the internship.

Interns spend almost the whole year in hospitals.

At the end of the residency they pass the exams to get license, which must be held every ten years.

At the end of the residency they pass the exams to get license, which must be held every ten years.

Student’s life Students of many high schools and colleges are united in «phraties» (from Greek

Student’s life

Students of many high schools and colleges are united in «phraties» (from Greek "brotherhood").

Officially proclaimed purposes of their activity - the organization of student's leisure, including sports, carrying out of charitable actions, all-round aid to "brothers" and etc.

It is the typical form of preparation for seminars: students gather in groups of 3-5 persons and try to understand material by discussion in group.

It is the typical form of preparation for seminars: students gather in groups of 3-5 persons and try to understand material by discussion in group.

Libraries form an essential part of student’s life, as it’s not only a place of studying, but mainly interacting with other students.

Libraries form an essential part of student’s life, as it’s not only a place of studying, but mainly interacting with other students.

Campus includes, as a rule, educational and scientific research institutes, libraries, audiences, dining rooms etc.

Campus includes, as a rule, educational and scientific research institutes, libraries, audiences, dining rooms etc.

Thank you for attention! 

Thank you for attention! 

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: Прочее.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Higher medical education in the USA

Автор: Доржиева Екатерина Валериевна

Дата: 23.10.2018

Номер свидетельства: 481875

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