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Happy Halloween

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Презентация ориентирована на учащихся 5-6 классов для ознакомления с традициями Великобритании на примере праздника “Хэллоуин” и призвана заинтересовать детей в изучении английского языка, как средства для ознакомления с традициями англоязычных стран.

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«Happy Halloween»

Выполнила: учитель английского языка МБОУ СОШ № 2 пос. Новозавидовский Иванова Наталья Николаевна

Выполнила: учитель английского языка


пос. Новозавидовский

Иванова Наталья Николаевна

One of the national festivals of English-speaking countries is Halloween. It takes place on October 31 on Allhallow’s Eve.  One of the national festivals of English-speaking countries is Halloween.  It takes place on October 31  on Allhallow’s Eve. 

One of the national festivals of English-speaking countries is Halloween. It takes place on October 31 on Allhallow’s Eve. 

One of the national

festivals of English-speaking

countries is Halloween.

It takes place on October 31

on Allhallow’s Eve. 

The pumpkin is a symbol of this festival in which offensive face is cut out. A lighted candle is put into the pumpkin. On All Saints’ Day the pumpkin left about the house was considered to drive off malignant demons.

The pumpkin is a symbol of this festival in

which offensive face is cut out.

A lighted candle is put into the pumpkin.

On All Saints’ Day the pumpkin left about the house

was considered

to drive off malignant demons.

The song “Monster Mash” by Bobby Pickett is an informal hymn of this festival. On this day parties are held and people put on suits of the terrible creatures and monsters from films.

The song “Monster Mash” by Bobby Pickett is

an informal hymn of this festival.

On this day parties are held and people put on suits

of the terrible creatures and monsters from films.

Children go from house to house, sing songs and try to get sweeties.  Besides that games and fortune-telling are widely spread on Halloween. At night children and teenagers tell each other horror stories and legends and the most popular legend is about Bloody Mary

Children go from house to house, sing songs

and try to get sweeties.

Besides that games and fortune-telling

are widely spread on Halloween.

At night children and teenagers

tell each other horror stories and legends and

the most popular legend is about Bloody Mary

She is said to appear in a mirror when her name is called three times. Organization of attractions where visitors are got scared is also an important tradition. On this holiday television broadcasts a lot of horror films and animations.

She is said to appear in a mirror

when her name is called three times.

Organization of attractions

where visitors are got scared

is also an important tradition.

On this holiday television broadcasts

a lot of horror films and animations.

On this day we can show our fantasy and live in the world of death for a little while. Halloween has been gaining in popularity in Russia recently.

On this day we can show our fantasy

and live in the

world of death for a little while.

Halloween has been gaining

in popularity in Russia recently.

People thought that the evening (eve) before is the time when the veil between the living and the dead is lifted and witches, ghosts and other supernatural beings are about. So this holiday is associated with death and supernatural things. People thought that the evening (eve) before is the time when the veil between the living and the dead is lifted and witches, ghosts and other supernatural beings are about. So this holiday is associated with death and supernatural.

People thought that the evening (eve)

before is the time

when the veil between

the living and the dead is

lifted and witches, ghosts and

other supernatural beings are about.

So this holiday is associated

with death and supernatural things.

People thought that the evening (eve) before is the time when the veil between the living and the dead is lifted and witches, ghosts and other supernatural beings are about. So this holiday is associated with death and supernatural.

These are the symbols of Halloween Spiders Skeletons Black cats Bats Ghosts Witches

These are the symbols of Halloween



Black cats




Unscramble the words. dark radk ctiwh msak sogths emutsoc kpinpum olewnleHa witch mask ghost costume pumpkin Halloween

Unscramble the words.















Answer the questions:    When is Halloween celebrated?  In what country is Halloween the most famous holiday?  Is it a Christian or an un-Christian holiday? What colours are widely used at Halloween? What activity is the most popular one with children? Why is Halloween known in many countries?

Answer the questions:

When is Halloween celebrated?

In what country is Halloween the most famous holiday?

Is it a Christian or an un-Christian holiday?

What colours are widely used at Halloween?

What activity is the most popular one with children?

Why is Halloween known in many countries?

Let's solve puzzles horror howl spirit   scare  

Let's solve puzzles






Wordsearch "Halloween"

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

Happy Halloween

Автор: Иванова Наталья Николаевна

Дата: 18.02.2015

Номер свидетельства: 175213

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