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Unit 13 Lesson 4  Theme: Fun in April 

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«For english teachers»

Fun in April  5-sinflar uchun Unit 13. Lesson 4   Done by : Sayidova M

Fun in April 5-sinflar uchun Unit 13. Lesson 4

Done by : Sayidova M

Activity 1 Listen and sing. 10 min  Objectives: to warm up by singing the song; to check homework  STEP 1: Play the DVD. Ask the pupils to listen to the song and sing it.Look at Unit 13   DVD script: Spring holidays (Tune of “Twinkle, In warm March and April, May. We have lots of holidays. Women’s Day and 9th of May. But Navruz is best of all. People cook palov, manti, Jam and sweets and sumalak. Twinkle”) On the happy Navruz Day We can dance and sing all day. On the warm and sunny days We have lots of holidays. Mother’s Day we celebrate “ Mummy, I love you,” we say.

Activity 1 Listen and sing. 10 min Objectives: to warm up by singing the song; to check homework STEP 1: Play the DVD. Ask the pupils to listen to the song and sing it.Look at Unit 13


  • DVD script:
  • Spring holidays (Tune of “Twinkle,
  • In warm March and April, May.
  • We have lots of holidays.
  • Women’s Day and 9th of May.
  • But Navruz is best of all.
  • People cook palov, manti,
  • Jam and sweets and sumalak.
  • Twinkle”)
  • On the happy Navruz Day
  • We can dance and sing all day.
  • On the warm and sunny days
  • We have lots of holidays.
  • Mother’s Day we celebrate
  • Mummy, I love you,” we say.

New Words Visit the relatives- qarindoshlarnikiga tashrif buyurmoq Camping- lager , oromgoh Beach –dengiz bo’yi Countryside- shahar tashqarisi go sightseeeing- diqqatga sazovor joylarni ko’rishga borish New costumes- yangi urf –odatlar Meet – uchrashmoq Buy souvenirs- esdalikka sotib olish

New Words

  • Visit the relatives- qarindoshlarnikiga tashrif buyurmoq
  • Camping- lager , oromgoh
  • Beach –dengiz bo’yi
  • Countryside- shahar tashqarisi
  • go sightseeeing- diqqatga sazovor joylarni ko’rishga borish
  • New costumes- yangi urf –odatlar
  • Meet – uchrashmoq
  • Buy souvenirs- esdalikka sotib olish

Activity 3a Listen and answer the questions. 8 min  Objective: to practise listening for specific information

Activity 3a Listen and answer the questions. 8 min Objective: to practise listening for specific information

  • 1 Do people always say true things on the first of April?
  • 2 Do you think April Fool’s Day is a good day?
  • DVD script :
  • April Fool’s Day is a funny day in England. It’s on the first of April. On thefirst of April people say things which are not true. When the things arefunny, people laugh. But it is only in the morning – we can’t do it after twelveo’clock. For example, Lucy’s mother says to Lucy, “Look! There is a blackcat in your schoolbag.” Lucy looks in her schoolbag but there is no catthere. Her mother laughs and says, “April Fool!”
Want – xohlamoq, istamoq

Want – xohlamoq, istamoq

  • I want to go camping on my holidays
  • He wants to go to the mountains.
  • She wants to go to the city with her family.
  • We want to go to amusement park with my friends.
  • They want to visit their relatives on holidays.
VI. Homework 2 min  Ask the pupils to look at the homework on Page 122. Check that everybody  understands what to do. If necessary, explain the homework .     1 How does Fluffy feel? Why? 2 Is it a true story?  

VI. Homework 2 min Ask the pupils to look at the homework on Page 122. Check that everybody understands what to do. If necessary, explain the homework .


  • 1 How does Fluffy feel? Why?
  • 2 Is it a true story?


  • The weather is bad. It is cold andsnowy. Fluffy, the polar bear is sad.She looks at her mother and says,“Mum, am I a polar bear?”“Yes, of course you are, my dear.You are a beautiful polar bear.”“Are you sure, mum?”“Of course I’m sure. You are snow-white (like a snow), you can swim in thecold water, you can walk on the ice. I’m sure you are a polar bear. Why doyou ask?”Fluffy says, “Because I’m freezing cold .”

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

For english teachers

Автор: Sayidova Makhfuza Nigmatovna

Дата: 03.04.2020

Номер свидетельства: 545200

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