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Festivals and National Events in the UK

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«Festivals and National Events in the UK»

Festivals and National Events in the UK

Festivals and National Events in the UK

Chelsea Flower Show   The Chelsea Flower Show- formally known as the Great Spring Show , is a garden show held in May by the Royal Horticultural Society  in Chelsea , London. The show lasts for 5 days.

Chelsea Flower Show

The Chelsea Flower Show- formally known as the Great Spring Show , is a garden show held in May by the Royal Horticultural Society in Chelsea , London. The show lasts for 5 days.

Chelsea Flower Show

Chelsea Flower Show

  • Chelsea plays host to one of the biggest flower shows in the country in May, the Chelsea Flower Show. Highlights to the Chelsea Flower Show include the avant-garde show gardens designed by leading names of Floral Marquee. The Chelsea Flower Show is a wonderful showcase of blooms. Among the celebrities you can see even the Queen .
Crufts Dog Show

Crufts Dog Show

  • "Kraft» (Crufts Dog Show) - is not only a world famous dog show, takes place every year in the UK, but also a kind of national holiday, which is look ed forward by the whole country! This year, the traditional four-day competition was attended by more than 22 thousand dogs!
http :// www.youtube.com / watch?v=AjRkHtcdi_w

http :// www.youtube.com / watch?v=AjRkHtcdi_w

Pancake Day  Pancake Day was started in England and is celebrated as Shrove Tuesday, which is the day before Lent.

Pancake Day

Pancake Day was started in England and is celebrated as Shrove Tuesday, which is the day before Lent.

Pancake Day .  The tradition of eating pancakes on the day is due to the fact that the recipe was a good way to use up rich food such as eggs, milk and sugar before the start of the 40 fasting days of Lent.

Pancake Day

.  The tradition of eating pancakes on the day is due to the fact that the recipe was a good way to use up rich food such as eggs, milk and sugar before the start of the 40 fasting days of Lent.

Pancake Races  This tradition started when a housewife was so busy making pancakes that she forgot the time until she heard the church bells ringing for the service.  In a rush, she raced out of her house to church while still carrying her frying pan and pancake.  And so, the pancake race was bor n.

Pancake Races

This tradition started when a housewife was so busy making pancakes that she forgot the time until she heard the church bells ringing for the service.  In a rush, she raced out of her house to church while still carrying her frying pan and pancake.  And so, the pancake race was bor n.

Royal Ascot Royal Ascot dates back 300 years and is attended by the Royal Family, including Her Majesty the Queen. The Queen has enjoyed considerable success at Royal Ascot, having owned many winners including Estimate, the horse which won the Gold Cup in 2013.

Royal Ascot

Royal Ascot dates back 300 years and is attended by the Royal Family, including Her Majesty the Queen. The Queen has enjoyed considerable success at Royal Ascot, having owned many winners including Estimate, the horse which won the Gold Cup in 2013.

Royal Ascot   It's all about fast horses and fancy hats at Royal Ascot, the world's most famous race meeting, and the most glamorous event in London's sporting calendar.Royal Ascot is Britain's most popular race event . It's the place to see and be seen for high society.

Royal Ascot

It's all about fast horses and fancy hats at Royal Ascot, the world's most famous race meeting, and the most glamorous event in London's sporting calendar.Royal Ascot is Britain's most popular race event . It's the place to see and be seen for high society.

Easter Easter is the time for holidays, festivals and time for giving chocolate Easter eggs, the day of parties, and above all a celebration that Jesus raised from the dead and lives forever.


Easter is the time for holidays, festivals and time for giving chocolate Easter eggs, the day of parties, and above all a celebration that Jesus raised from the dead and lives forever.

Easter Eggs play an important part in  Easter celebration;The eggs are either hollow or have a filling, and are usually covered with brightly colored silver paper.


Eggs play an important part in Easter celebration;The eggs are either hollow or have a filling, and are usually covered with brightly colored silver paper.

Conclusion I have chosen the topic Festivals and National Events in the UK because I enjoy learning the English language and I wanted to know more about British ways of life and traditions. Working on this topic I  have understood that British people are very conservative. They are proud o f their traditions and carefully keep them up.


I have chosen the topic Festivals and National Events in the UK because I enjoy learning the English language and I wanted to know more about British ways of life and traditions. Working on this topic I have understood that British people are very conservative. They are proud o f their traditions and carefully keep them up.

Sources http :// www.rhs.org.uk / Shows-Events / RHS-Chelsea-Flower-Show /2014 http :// en.wikipedia.org / wiki / Crufts http :// en.wikipedia.org / wiki / Chelsea_Flower_Show http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/events/chelsea-flower-show#?tab=map http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Easter http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/religion/christianity/easter.shtml http://www.royal.gov.uk/RoyalEventsandCeremonies/RoyalAscot/Overview.aspx


http :// www.rhs.org.uk / Shows-Events / RHS-Chelsea-Flower-Show /2014

http :// en.wikipedia.org / wiki / Crufts

http :// en.wikipedia.org / wiki / Chelsea_Flower_Show





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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Festivals and National Events in the UK

Автор: Алексеева Виктория Викторовна

Дата: 28.12.2016

Номер свидетельства: 374165

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