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England is famous for its rain and the lush green of its countryside

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«England is famous for its rain and the lush green of its countryside»

England is famous for its rain and the lush green of its countryside

England is famous for its rain and the lush green of its countryside

What is England famous for?

What is England famous for?

Warmest  and coldest months

Warmest and coldest months

Situated in the North West, the Lake District is one of the most beautiful locations in the United Kingdom. The lush green hillsides, tranquil lakes and abundance of plants and wildlife provide the perfect atmosphere for a relaxing and picturesque holiday.

Situated in the North West, the Lake District is one of the most beautiful locations in the United Kingdom. The lush green hillsides, tranquil lakes and abundance of plants and wildlife provide the perfect atmosphere for a relaxing and picturesque holiday.

The Lake District is England's wettest region

The Lake District is England's wettest region

Weather around Britain

Weather around Britain

North wind - Arctic very cold South wind - Tropical warm.  West wind bring s cloud and rain.

North wind - Arctic very cold

South wind - Tropical warm.

West wind bring s cloud and rain.

Использованные ресурсы : http :// www.hempnallpc.org / Business& Facilities.html?tab=3  http :// tourism-london.ru / news / page /23/  http :// rpnsd.ru / news / layam-gallaher-snimet-kartinu-o-gruppe-oasis /  http :// www.popmatters.com / pm / feature /114941-let-me-tell-you-how-this-will-be  http://картинки.cc/город-лондон-london-высота-мост-река-лодки-ло/ http :// www.examiner.com / live-music-bar-scene-in-charlottesville / music-and-tea-delight-the-senses-at-the-twisted-branch-tea-bazaar  http://www.winapp.net/tag/mobile-application/  http://www.traveletour.com/  http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-north-east-wales-11984667  http :// www.festival.md / rom /hawaiian-flag-and-islands&page=5  http :// focusgoroda.ru / materials /2012-01-24/830.html

Использованные ресурсы :

http :// www.hempnallpc.org / Business& Facilities.html?tab=3

http :// tourism-london.ru / news / page /23/

http :// rpnsd.ru / news / layam-gallaher-snimet-kartinu-o-gruppe-oasis /

http :// www.popmatters.com / pm / feature /114941-let-me-tell-you-how-this-will-be


http :// www.examiner.com / live-music-bar-scene-in-charlottesville / music-and-tea-delight-the-senses-at-the-twisted-branch-tea-bazaar




http :// www.festival.md / rom /hawaiian-flag-and-islands&page=5

http :// focusgoroda.ru / materials /2012-01-24/830.html

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

England is famous for its rain and the lush green of its countryside

Автор: Петрова Татьяна Михайловна

Дата: 03.11.2016

Номер свидетельства: 354978

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