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Достопримечательности восточной Англии : замок Лидз, презентация.

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Мы много знаем про Лондон, но Великобритания - это не только столица, более того, это вовсе не столица, а скорее провинция. Именно она даёт ощущение, что ты в Англии, и именно она рисует имидж страны. Во всяком случае так было со мной. Предложенная мной презентация позволяет раширить рамки образа Англии, показать те места, где не часто бывает русский турист или студент. Это может заинтересовать изучающего английский язык и дать дополнительный стимул к его изучению. Лидз -это один из замечательных средневековых замков , про которые ходят легенды и пишутся сказки.Я предлагаю вам заглянуть в его уголки и заодно подсмотреть, как жили английские короли и королевы. Все фотографии, использованные в презентации, сделаны составителем презентации.

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«Достопримечательности восточной Англии : замок Лидз, презентация. »



Leeds castle is one of the loveliest place in Great Britain.

Leeds castle is one of the loveliest place in Great Britain.

Nearly 560,000 people visit the castle every year .   Castle park is full of trees , plants and birds.

Nearly 560,000 people visit the castle every year . Castle park is full of trees , plants and birds.

The Castle park occupies 50 acres of land.   Peacocks are walking around .

The Castle park occupies 50 acres of land. Peacocks are walking around .

  The castle is built on islands in a lake formed by the  River Len  to the east of the village of  Leeds . It has been open to the public since 1976 .

  The castle is built on islands in a lake formed by the  River Len  to the east of the village of  Leeds . It has been open to the public since 1976 .

In the 13th century it came into the hands of King  Edward I , for whom it became a favourite residence.  The Towers and walls of the castle.

In the 13th century it came into the hands of King  Edward I , for whom it became a favourite residence. The Towers and walls of the castle.

In the 16th century,  Henry VIII  used it as a residence for his first wife,  Catherine of Aragon .   The halls of the castle.

In the 16th century,  Henry VIII  used it as a residence for his first wife,  Catherine of Aragon The halls of the castle.

The Kings’ bedroom and bathroom.

The Kings’ bedroom and bathroom.

The Henry Vlll Hall.   His fireplace and a small chapel .

The Henry Vlll Hall. His fireplace and a small chapel .

The castle today dates mostly from the 19th century  .  The castle halls.

The castle today dates mostly from the 19th century  . The castle halls.

The castle and its grounds are a major leisure destination with a maze and a grotto.  The way is leading to the maze .

The castle and its grounds are a major leisure destination with a maze and a grotto. The way is leading to the maze .

The maze at Leeds Castle was made with 2,400 yew trees and was opened in 1988.

The maze at Leeds Castle was made with 2,400 yew trees and was opened in 1988.

You can escape the maze only coming through the grotto.  The grotto contains lots of figures and rather frightening sounds.

You can escape the maze only coming through the grotto. The grotto contains lots of figures and rather frightening sounds.

Just some landscapes on the way back…Lovely, aren’t they?

Just some landscapes on the way back…Lovely, aren’t they?

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: Прочее

Достопримечательности восточной Англии : замок Лидз, презентация.

Автор: Яковлева Галина Геннадьевна

Дата: 26.07.2015

Номер свидетельства: 223608

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