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"Comparison of Adjectives" ашы? саба?

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comfortable  the most comfortable

interesting  the most interesting

important  the most important

beautiful  the most beautiful

Good  better  the best

Bad  worse  the worst

Little  less  the least

Many  more  the most

Far  farther  the farthest

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«"Comparison of Adjectives" ашы? саба? »

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Questions about countable and uncountable nouns 5$ 5$ 10$ 10$ 15$ 15$ 20$ 20$ Menu

Questions about

countable and

uncountable nouns














Where does it live? 15$ b) On the moon   a) In the  tropical forest   c) In the street Next

Where does it live?


b) On the moon

a) In the

tropical forest

c) In the street


Does it have legs ? 20$  b) No а) Yes в) I don’t know Next

Does it have legs ?


b) No

а) Yes

в) I don’t know


Is it a dangerous animal? 5$ b) No it isn’t а) Yes it is c) I don’t know Next

Is it a dangerous animal?


b) No it isn’t

а) Yes it is

c) I don’t know


Tigers are ….. animals 10$ b) weak a) strong c) kind Next

Tigers are ….. animals


b) weak

a) strong

c) kind


Why do people kill them? 15$ a)  for their meat b) for their skin c) for their teeth Next

Why do people kill them?


a) for their meat

b) for their skin

c) for their teeth


Since when have people been hunting them? 20$ a) Since 1985 b) Since last year c) Since the war Next

Since when have people been

hunting them?


a) Since 1985

b) Since last year

c) Since the war


Where do they live? 15$ a) In Africa b) In Australia c) In Russia Next

Where do they live?


a) In Africa

b) In Australia

c) In Russia


How much liters of water do they drink a day?  20$ а) 102 b) 189 c) 205 Next

How much liters of water do they drink a day?


а) 102

b) 189

c) 205


Comparison of Adjectives

Comparison of Adjectives

We add – er   to one syllable adjectives.

We add – er to one syllable adjectives.

  • Cold Cold er
  • Old Old er
  • Tall Tall er
  • Fast Fast er
We add – er after  a vowel+consonant,  we double the final consonant.

We add – er after a vowel+consonant, we double the final consonant.

  • Hot Hot ter
  • Big Big ger
  • Fat Fat ter
We add –er to one-syllable adjectives ending in –e .

We add –er to one-syllable adjectives ending in –e .

  • Wid e Wide r
  • Lat e Late r
  • Larg e Large r
We add –ier to  two-syllable adjectives after  a consonant + -y .

We add –ier to two-syllable adjectives after a consonant + -y .

  • Ea sy Eas ier
  • Ear ly Earl ier
  • Hap py Happ ier
We use more with two or more syllable adjectives.

We use more with two or more syllable adjectives.

  • Beautiful More beautiful
  • Famous More famous
  • Useful More useful
  • Comfortable More comfortable
A few adjectives have  irregular comparative forms.

A few adjectives have irregular comparative forms.

  • Good Better
  • Bad Worse
  • Far Farther/Further
  • Little Less
  • Many More
comparative + than   we use than after the comparative

comparative + than we use than after the comparative

Red house is big ger  than blue house

Red house is big ger than blue house

He is tal ler  than me

He is tal ler than me

Forming  the Superlative

Forming the Superlative

We use – est , - st or – iest   to form the superlative of  one-syllable adjectives.

We use – est , - st or – iest to form the superlative of one-syllable adjectives.

  • old old er the old est
  • large larg er the large st
  • happy happ ier the happ iest
  • late lat er the late st
We use most to form the superlative of adjectives that have two or more syllables

We use most to form the superlative of adjectives that have two or more syllables

  • comfortable the most comfortable
  • interesting the most interesting
  • important the most important
  • beautiful the most beautiful
A few adjectives have irregular superlative forms.

A few adjectives have irregular superlative forms.

  • Good better the best
  • Bad worse the worst
  • Little less the least
  • Many more the most
  • Far farther the farthest
He is the happiest  man in the world.

He is the happiest man in the world.

This is the biggest animal.

This is the biggest animal.

This car is expensive

This car is expensive

This is more  expensive than the first one.

This is more expensive than the first one.

This is the most expensive

This is the most expensive

Complete the sentences using the comparative form of the verbs.

Complete the sentences using the comparative form of the verbs.

  • A plane is……(fast) than a car.
  • A bike is …… (cheap) than a motorbike.
  • A city is …… (big) than a village.
  • Winter is …….(cold) than Spring.
  • A motorbike …..(expensive) than a bike.
The End

The End

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

"Comparison of Adjectives" ашы? саба?

Автор: Тойчиев ?уломжан Тахирович

Дата: 31.01.2015

Номер свидетельства: 164845

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