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Biography Enid Blyton

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«Biography Enid Blyton»

Enid Blyton (1897-1968)   Biography

Enid Blyton (1897-1968)




  • One of the most popular children’s writers in Britain
  • Was born in London, brought up in Buckingham
  • Began writing poetry in her early teens
  • Was trained as a kindergarten teacher, later became a journalist
  • Was a talented pianist but gave up musical studies when she trained as a teacher
  • Was married to A.Pollock. The couple honeymooned in Jersey and Enid later based Kirrin in the Famous Five books on an island, castle and village they visited there.
The Famous Five – the most popular series of books

The Famous Five – the most popular series of books

Blue plaque on the site of her home in East Dulwich

Blue plaque on the site of her home in East Dulwich

Subject matter of her books Adventures, solving crimes e.g. Famous Five , Secret Seven and Adventure series Boarding school story (day-to-day life at school) e.g. the Malory Towers stories, the St Clare’s stories, the Naughtiest Gir l series Fantastical e.g. the Wishing-Chair books and The Faraway Tree

Subject matter of her books

  • Adventures, solving crimes

e.g. Famous Five , Secret Seven and Adventure series

  • Boarding school story (day-to-day life at school)

e.g. the Malory Towers stories, the St Clare’s stories, the Naughtiest Gir l series

  • Fantastical

e.g. the Wishing-Chair books and The Faraway Tree

Why is she still so popular?

Why is she still so popular?

  • Good understanding of how to grip a child’s interest
  • Clear, pure style
  • Captivating plots


  • When was she born?
  • When did she die?
  • Who did she write for?
  • How many books did she write?
  • Where was she born?
  • Where was she brought up?
  • What talent did she have?
  • Enyd Blyton isn’t the only name she is known by. What is another one?
  • What is the most famous series of books?
  • What is the genre of her books?


  • 1897
  • 1968
  • Children
  • More than 600
  • London
  • Buckingham
  • For music
  • Mary Pollock
  • The Famous Five
  • Children’s adventure stories, fantasy, magic

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: Прочее

Biography Enid Blyton

Автор: Тарханова Татьяна Михайловна

Дата: 07.01.2017

Номер свидетельства: 376330

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