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At the party. urok

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The first is B, the second is O, the fourth is K. What is the third?
2. The first is P, the second is E, What is the third?
3. The first is D, the the second is O, What is the third?
4. The second is E, the third is D, what is the first?
5. The first is F, the second is I, the fourth is M, what is the third?

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«At the party. urok »

What letters are missing?

What letters are missing?

Letter riddles 1 . The first is B, the second is O , the fourth is K. What is the third?  2. The first is P , the second is E, What is the third?  3. The first is D , the the second is O , What is the third?  4. The second is E , the third is D , what is the first?  5. The first is F , the second is I, the fourth is M , what is the third?

Letter riddles

1 . The first is B, the second is O , the fourth is K. What is the third? 2. The first is P , the second is E, What is the third? 3. The first is D , the the second is O , What is the third? 4. The second is E , the third is D , what is the first? 5. The first is F , the second is I, the fourth is M , what is the third?

Fairytale “The Turnip”

Fairytale “The Turnip”

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

At the party. urok

Автор: Утепова Венера Сагинбаевна

Дата: 17.05.2015

Номер свидетельства: 212617

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Видеоуроки для учителей

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