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Art is for enjoyment, isn't it?

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The Presentation is  about Art is for pleasure and enjoyment

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«Art is for enjoyment, isn't it?»

Title page:

The surname, name, patronymic:

Sabirova Mayya Rustambekovna

Place of work: school №257

Profession: English teacher

Region, town: Uzbekistan, Tashkent city.

The subject : English

The theme of the lesson: Art is for enjoyment, isn’t it? (consolidating lesson)

Level: the 8th grade (A2)

The annotation to the lesson:

This lesson plan is aimed at giving the pupils access to different genres of art, raising the cultural level of the pupils, making them better informed about the works of art of famous Uzbek national and foreign painters, upbringing an aesthetic taste; developing oral speech and communicative skills, enriching the vocabulary, making up sentences using The Passive Voice.

Type of the lesson: lesson-excursion, imaginative travelling - consolidating and systematizing, mixed type

Methods of the lesson: a) visual-methods of demonstration and illustration, b) verbal methods - discussion, conversation

(‘Socratic dialogue’, monologue) c) individual and pair, group work,

The moral issue of the lesson: A man can’t live by bread alone (the proverb)


Part of the lesson




Organizational moment.



2 min.


Revising the themes

-cluster.(Word Web)

5 min



-listening and singing the song ‘Imagine’

3 min.


Consolidating the theme

-acting dialogues (role-playing).

-video presentation.

-group work.

( monologue and listening to the orator, drawing a picture)

20 min.


Relaxation. Warm-down.

-Power Point Presentation (pictures of different artists)

5 min.



-to give the homework and explain it to the pupils.

5 min.


Evaluating, conclusion.

-to give marks

5 min.

The aims of the lesson:

Educational: a)to enable pupils to speak English fluently; b)to help pupils to understand the main ideas of pictures and different ways of expressing the feelings of the painters; c)to enable pupils to distinguish different types of art;

Developing: a)to develop pupils reading, writing and speaking skills; b)to develop the communicative skills of the pupils, using the Passive Voice(affirmative, negative, questions); c)to develop the cultural level of each student;

Upbringing: a) to bring up the love for art; b)to teach pupils to understand the original works of art of Uzbek painters, as well as other world famous artists.

Required equipment: textbook, portraits, paintings, photos,

ceramics, objects, laptop, projector, poster, coloured pencils, crayons, CD player

The procedure of the lesson:

I. Organizational moment ( 2 min)

a) Greeting

Teacher: Good morning, pupils.

Pupils: Good morning, miss.

Teacher: I’m very glad to see you at our lesson today. I hope everybody is present. Is it so? Pupils on duty, help me to do the registration. Is anybody absent?

Pupils on duty: No, everybody is present, miss.

Teacher: I’m very glad to hear that. Because today we’re going to discuss a very interesting theme. Look around you. Can you guess what theme we’re going to talk about today?

Pupil 1: I think, sculpture.

Pupil 2: In my opinion, painting.

Pupil 3: Maybe artists?

Teacher: All of you are right. Briefly, we’ll talk about art and its different genres. Let’s recall, what genres of art we know.



) Cluster.(Word Web) (5 min)

(music, photos, ceramics, paintings, sculpture, theatre, literature)

Teacher: What is your opinion about art? Do you like one genre or all of them?

Pupil: I like photos, they are real.

Pupil: I like music, it makes me happy.

Pupil: I like all genres of art. All of them are wonderful.

II. Warm-up (3 min.)

Teacher: Now I want you to listen to song ‘Imagine’ and sing together with the singers. Who knows any information about this song?

Pupil: May I answer, miss? This song was originally sung by John Lennon, a musician from the group ‘The Beatles’ and recently our Uzbek singers Lola and Dj.Piligrim have sung it in our Uzbek instrumental style.

Teacher: Thank you, so imagine anything you like and let’s listen to it, sing it and enjoy it.

(the song ‘Imagine’ is played using CD player or laptop.)

III. Acting dialogues (role-playing).(5 min)

Teacher: Thank you. And art in our life is very important, do you agree? So, you’re divided into 3 groups, and each group has its tasks and home task. Let’s begin and, please, act dialogues by the theme ‘At the gallery’.

Group A (name ‘Landscape’)

A: Wow! It’s the most amazing picture I’ve ever seen!

B: What picture is it?

A: ‘Still Life’.

B: Who was it painted by?

A:It was painted by Peale.

B:I also like this picture.

Group B (name ‘Portrait’)

A:Have you ever seen this picture?

B:No,I haven’t. Who was it painted by?

A:It was painted by Kandinsky. Can you understand anything when you look at it?

B:Er… Sorry, I can’t. What about you?

A: I can understand that’s it modern art. That’s all.

Group C (name ‘Still Life’)

A: Do you like this painting?

B: Yes, I do. It’s so realistic.

A: Whose portrait is it?

A:The name of this picture is ‘Mother’s Portrait’.

B: Who was it painted by?

A:It was painted by Akhmedov.

B: Wasn’t it painted by Usto Mumin?

A: No,it wasn’t painted by Usto Mumin. It was painted by Rakhim Akhmedov in 1989.

Teacher: Thank you. I’m glad you can communicate with each other. At the end of the lesson you’ll be evaluated.

IV. Video presentation. (5 min)

Teacher: And now I want you to watch our video from the art gallery. Unfortunately, we don’t have an art gallery in our town, but we have it in our school, on the 2nd floor. Let’s enjoy it and listen to our guide from the 9th form.

a)(The demonstration of video made by the pupils of the 9th form. )

b)Guggenheim museum video.

IV. Relaxation. Warm-down.(5 min)

Teacher: And now let’s enjoy some paintings of our Uzbek artists, as well as foreign ones.

(Power Point Presentation, with lyrical accompaniment.)

V. Group work. (10 min)

a)monologue and listening to the orator ( 3min)

Teacher: I hope you’ve enjoyed the presentation. And does anybody know any information about our Uzbek painters?

Pupil: May I answer, miss? I’ve got some information about Lekim Ibragimov. He was born on December 21, 1944.He studied the National Institute of Arts and Design of Kamoliddin Behzod. He is also a member of the Union of Artists of Uzbekistan . A 528-squre metre painting by an Uzbek artist, Lekim Ibragimov, titled ‘One Thousand Angels and One Painting,’ has been nominated for entry in the Guinness World Records Book. The painting consists of 1,000 separate finished paintings each depicting an angel. But all of them form one single painting based on oriental fairy tales. It weighs 22 tons, its area is 528 square meters, 8 metres high and 66 meters long.

We are proud of him, because the whole world admires him too.

b) Drawing a picture(7 min).

Teacher: Thanks a lot for your information. And now I’ve got a special task for three groups. In 5 minutes you should try to draw a picture yourselves with pencils, coloured crayons, as you like. Choose from these themes: portrait, still life, landscape or maybe modern art. Are you ready? So, let’s begin. Draw and listen to beautiful music.

VI. Giving homework. (5 min)

Teacher: Your time is up. Let’s look at your pictures, shall we? I like all of them so much! And what is your opinion?

Pupils: We also like them!

Teacher: Thanks a lot. And our lesson is coming to its end, so I want to give you a homework. Your homework for the next time will be to write a mini-composition or essay by the theme: ‘Art in our life. Do we need it?’ You must write your own opinion, advantages and maybe disadvantages of different genres of art. And of course you must have introduction, main part and conclusion. Is it clear to you?

VII. Evaluating. (3 min)

Teacher: Now it’s time to sum up and to evaluate your progress. Your marks are ……

VIII. Conclusion. (2 min)

Teacher: So, dear pupils, our lesson is almost over and I want to thank all of you for your active participation. Goodbye!

Pupils: Goodbye!

Used literature and Internet resources:

1. ‘Fly High English 8’ textbook, L.Jurayev, S.Khan, R.Ziryanova.

2. ‘Fly High English 8’ Teacher’s Book, L.Jurayev, S.Khan,

3. en.wikipedia.org . (wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

4. www.Yandex.ru.images. (pictures)

5. www.youtube.com.user. (museums)

6. www.Uz.player.com ( songs)

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: Прочее

Art is for enjoyment, isn't it?

Автор: Сабирова Майя Рустамбековна

Дата: 18.05.2020

Номер свидетельства: 550156

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