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Adventure notebook ( revision)

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Aims of the lesson:

-Systematizing pupils’ knowledge of grammar: Present Continuous;

-To bring up – respect and interest to studying language.

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«Adventure notebook ( revision)»

The 25 th of January Theme: Adventure notebook ( revision)  Done by: Baratova S.E.

The 25 th of January


Adventure notebook

( revision)

Done by: Baratova S.E.

Aims of the lesson: -Systematizing pupils’ knowledge of grammar: Present Continuous;

Aims of the lesson:

-Systematizing pupils’ knowledge of grammar: Present Continuous;

  • To bring up – respect and interest to studying language.
Course of the lesson: 1.Organizational moment:  Teacher: Good morning pupils!  Pupils: Good morning, Good morning  Good morning to You!  Good morning, Good morning  We are glad to see You!  Teacher: I am glad to see you too.

Course of the lesson:

1.Organizational moment:

Teacher: Good morning pupils!

Pupils: Good morning, Good morning

Good morning to You!

Good morning, Good morning

We are glad to see You!

Teacher: I am glad to see you too.

Warm-up: Always try to be polite  In everything you do.  Remember always to say


Always try to be polite In everything you do. Remember always to say "Please", And don't forget "Thank you".

3. Checking up hometask: ex 5, 6 page 31

3. Checking up hometask:

ex 5, 6 page 31

Vocabulary: Canada [ kæneda] America [əmerika] Spain [spein]


Canada [ kæneda]

America [əmerika]

Spain [spein]

  • America
Canada [
  • Canada [
Doing exercises: 1. Ex 1. Read and match These girls are from Spain. They are sitting. They are wearing lovely dresses. What colour are the dresses? The girls are happy.   This girl is from Canada. What is she wearing? She is wearing a white jacket and jeans. She has got big boots. She is playing with her dogs.

Doing exercises:

1. Ex 1. Read and match

  • These girls are from Spain. They are sitting. They are wearing lovely dresses. What colour are the dresses? The girls are happy.


  • This girl is from Canada. What is she wearing? She is wearing a white jacket and jeans. She has got big boots. She is playing with her dogs.

  • This boy is from America. Look at his hat. It is big and black. He is wearing black jeans and boots. He is a cowboy….
Ex 2. Write Yes/ No

Ex 2. Write Yes/ No

  • The girls from Spain are wearing black hats No
  • The girl from Canada is wearing a white jacket …
  • The boy from America is wearing jeans …
  • The girls from Spain are wearing trousers ….
  • The boy from America is wearing trainers ....
2. CHOOSE AND CIRCLE 1.The zookeeper works in a zoo/ farm/ plane.  2.The elephants eat water/ apples/ cola.  3.Timbo is a zookeeper/ a chocolate biscuit/ an elephant.  4.The pilot flies cars/ planes/ taxis.  5.The pilot flies/ doesn’t fly/ goes every day.  


1.The zookeeper works in a zoo/ farm/ plane.

2.The elephants eat water/ apples/ cola.

3.Timbo is a zookeeper/ a chocolate biscuit/ an elephant.

4.The pilot flies cars/ planes/ taxis.

5.The pilot flies/ doesn’t fly/ goes every day.


Grammar : Present Continuous  Это время, которое употребляется для описания действия, происходящего в настоящий момент. Present Continuous Образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола to be (am, is, are) и смыслового глагола, к которому добавляется окончание –ing  I am sleeping I’m not sleeping Специальные вопросы: What -Что? Where -Где? Куда? Who - Кто ? Whose - Чей? Is Alice playing? Yes, she is What is she playing? She’s playing tennis Where is she playing? She’s playing in the park What are you wearing? I’m wearing pyjamas I’m not wearing pyjamas What’s he/ she wearing? He/ she’s wearing pyjamas What are they wearing? They’re wearing pyjamas

  • Grammar : Present Continuous
  • Это время, которое употребляется для описания действия, происходящего в настоящий момент. Present Continuous Образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола to be (am, is, are) и смыслового глагола, к которому добавляется окончание –ing
  • I am sleeping I’m not sleeping
  • Специальные вопросы: What -Что? Where -Где? Куда? Who - Кто ? Whose - Чей?
  • Is Alice playing? Yes, she is
  • What is she playing? She’s playing tennis
  • Where is she playing? She’s playing in the park
  • What are you wearing? I’m wearing pyjamas
  • I’m not wearing pyjamas
  • What’s he/ she wearing? He/ she’s wearing pyjamas
  • What are they wearing? They’re wearing pyjamas

Ex 1. Write. I am sleeping (sleep) I …..(have a bath) I …..(play) I ….. (eat) He ….. (drink) She ….. (dance) We ….. (run)

  • Ex 1. Write.
  • I am sleeping (sleep)
  • I …..(have a bath)
  • I …..(play)
  • I ….. (eat)
  • He ….. (drink)
  • She ….. (dance)
  • We ….. (run)

Ex2. Choose and circle I not eating/ I am not eating She not is writing/ She is not writing They are not playing/ They not are playing You not are flying / You are not flying
  • Ex2. Choose and circle
  • I not eating/ I am not eating
  • She not is writing/ She is not writing
  • They are not playing/ They not are playing
  • You not are flying / You are not flying


Ex3. Write question form They having a bath. Are they having a bath? She is riding a bike. ….. I am dancing. …. They are speaking English. …. He is running in the park. …..
  • Ex3. Write question form
  • They having a bath. Are they having a bath?
  • She is riding a bike. …..
  • I am dancing. ….
  • They are speaking English. ….
  • He is running in the park. …..


Revision the vocabulary (animALS)

Revision the vocabulary




  • A whale


  • A lion


  • A giraffe


  • An elephant


  • A zebra
Your hometask :  ex 7, 8 p32

Your hometask :

ex 7, 8 p32

Our lesson is over!  Thank you!  Goodbye!

Our lesson is over!

Thank you!


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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 2 класс

Adventure notebook ( revision)

Автор: Баратова Севда Эльшадовна

Дата: 03.02.2017

Номер свидетельства: 387328

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    ["file_id"] => string(6) "547025"
    ["category_seo"] => string(15) "angliiskiyYazik"
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