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«A lot of youth problems»
Moscow University Vitte by name
Penza 2025
Youth problems
Students of group PSO 110-23-2
Petrakova Polina
The description of problems
Emotional problems. Teenagers tend to show emotional independence from their parents and take responsibility for their actions.
Communication problems. Some guys can't make friends with their peers, despite their sincere desire to communicate.
Falling in love. Success inspires, but failure can lead to feelings of emptiness and anxiety.
Study overload. Excessive workload can lead to poor grades, decreased interest in studying, and even health problems.
Dependence on gadgets . Communication through gadgets and social networks is perceived by teenagers as safer.
Attempts to prove their own importance. The teenager does not comply with the requests of his parents, even those voiced many times in a row, and even acts contrary to their demands.
I would like to tell you about the emotional problems of a teenager.
Depressive state. It can manifest itself in excessive fastidiousness, complete refusal to eat or sleep.
Anxiety and emotional instability. Mental health disorders such as panic and constant fear may also occur.
Dissatisfaction with oneself. A teenager may not like himself: appearance, height, figure, as well as the level of intelligence and lack of academic success. At the same time, he develops low self-esteem, lack of self-confidence and self-reliance.
Social isolation. Teenagers may feel misunderstood, lonely, or afraid of being ridiculed.
To help a teenager, it is important not to ignore his emotional problems. You need to establish a confidential conversation with him, let him talk, feel heard and understood.
I would like to tell you about communication problems among teenagers. Difficulties in communicating with peers.
A teenager does not always know how to occupy a satisfying position among them, and there is a fear of being insignificant in the eyes of his peers.
Problems in communicating with adults.
They manifest themselves in a lack of understanding of the inner world of a teenager, demanding complete obedience from an adult.
The impact of social media. Teenagers often communicate virtually, believing that it is easier than in real life. This can lead to Internet addiction and difficulties in real communication.
Individual characteristics. In adolescence, it is important to be understood by the people around you. If a child is ridiculed, his opinion is not understood, then he begins to "close in on himself."
To eliminate communication problems in teenagers, you can try the following:
Develop the skills of building new contacts.
We need to teach teenagers how to meet new people, trust them, and build friendly relationships.
Work on self-esteem. It is necessary to praise for success, encourage and motivate. Such words will boost a teenager's self-esteem and help them feel confident.
Seek help from a specialist. A psychologist will help a teenager to build communication with other people.
I would like to tell you about the confusion of feelings and thoughts.
There may be a violation of the schedule, neglect of studies, social and household duties, distrust of the care of parents and teachers, and suspiciousness.
The contradiction between the idea of what a loved one should be like and what he is in reality. The ideal image usually contains a lot of inflated, non-existent requirements, and other important qualities are not realized and go unnoticed.
Loneliness. Unrequited love, lack of attention from the opposite sex, or the desire to fall in love, but the lack of a suitable candidate causes sadness and longing.
Dangerous consequences of early romantic relationships. Falling in love, teenagers sometimes forget about all their responsibilities or cannot think about them because their thoughts are occupied with other things.
To help a teenager understand difficult feelings, parents should be supportive and help the child properly. For example, avoid importunity and moralizing, do not criticize the chosen one, allow the teenager to be alone with his thoughts and try to distract him from negative thoughts. love among teenagers.
I would like to tell you about the academic overload. Overwork in adolescents can lead to negative consequences for their health and psyche.
Some signs of overwork:
During the day, the child feels sleepy, and in the evening, on the contrary, he cannot fall asleep for a long time.;
poor appetite;
concentrating, poor memory, and loss of interest in learning;
irritability, frequent mood swings;
headaches and periodic increase in blood pressure. The causes of overloads in adolescents can be different, for example:
irrational organization of the educational process and the constant increase in the volume and intensity of the academic load;
the features of curricula, in particular, a large amount of theoretical material;
excessive expectations and demands of parents.
To help a teenager cope with the learning load, it is recommended:
Determine the optimal daily routine. It is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of biorhythms, the level of working capacity at different times of the day and other moments. To help you find activities you like. If a person is really passionate about something, the load is easier to bear. Make sure that the child does not spend a lot of time at the computer. As a teenager, he should not sit at the monitor for more than an hour and a half. If you need to sit at the computer while completing a study assignment, it is important to take breaks for 10 minutes every half hour. To encourage success and not punish failure. If any of the symptoms do not disappear within 1.5-2 weeks, you need to consult a doctor.
I would like to tell you about gadget addiction. Teenagers' dependence on gadgets is their uncontrolled use, which negatively affects their health, both mentally and physically.
Some signs of addiction in a teenager:
good mood and positive emotions when the gadget is in direct access, and the diametrically opposite state without it;
the inability of a teenager to control the time spent with the gadget, unwillingness to finish his "favorite activity" even with repeated reminders, violation of all agreements on restrictions;
unjustified spending of money on virtual and real purchases; any attempts to divert the teenager's attention end in anger.
To help a teenager get rid of addiction, you can try the following:
analyze child-parent relations; build a constructive dialogue and express emotions;
find alternative replacements for gadgets;
set soft time limits; to set a personal positive example.
If the addiction problem is serious, it is recommended to seek help from a psychologist.
I would like to tell you about the attempts to prove my own worth. Attempts to prove their own importance in teenagers can be a problem. Wanting to make decisions on his own, the teenager does not comply with the requests of his parents, even those voiced many times in a row, or acts contrary to them.
The reason for this behavior is the excessive demands placed on the child by adults. By not following the rules, teenagers prove their own importance to others.
To avoid conflicts, parents should not put pressure on the child. When he protests, it is important to understand his reasoning, to allow him to express his own opinion. Most likely, it will be possible to come to at least a compromise.
If attempts to prove your own importance are harmful to personal growth and effective interaction with others, it is recommended to consult a professional psychologist.