Kyzylorda region, Shiely district
School #241
Grade: 5th “A”
English teacher: Kenzheeva G.
2014-2015 academic year
The theme of the lesson: What’s your address?
The aims of the lesson:
To explain new theme about introducing and asking about the living place;
To know and use numbers, address and question forms accuracy within;
To teach them to work individually and in groups.
Expected result:
They will know how to introduce and ask about the living place;
They will be able to use numbers, address and question forms accuracy within;
They will be able to work individually and in groups.
Methods: question-answer, team work, individual work, put in correct order
Type: to explain new material
Kind: mixed
Connection: other languages, geography, life
The procedure of the lesson
Organization moment
*Greeting students
*Check the attendance of the students
Sing a song “Little piggy”
One little, two little, three little piggies
Four little, five little, six little piggies
Seven little, eight little, nine little piggies
Ten little piggies.
Ten little , nine little, eight little piggies
Seven little, six little, five little piggies,
Four little, three little, two little piggies
One little piggies
(count from 1 till 10 and then do it vice versa)
Check up the homework
Check their knowledge by using a game
They will work in pairs, one of them have a part of numbers next will have the next part.
Teacher shows the correct answer and children should check their partner’s work.
Main part
Listen, read and speak
*Teacher reads the given dialogue and others should carefully listen.
*Teacher asks two of them to come to the board and act it out.
Colin: What's your address, Omar?
Omar: Flat 8, 23 Baker Street.
Colin: And your telephone number?
Omar: It's 385574.
Colin: Say it again, please.
Omar: Three — eight — double five — seven — four. And what's your phone number?
Colin: It's 670913
Omar: Six — seven — oh — nine — one — three.
Colin: Right.
*One by one they should ask the question and then answer as the following:
- What’s your address?
- It’s ….
Street – көше
Number – нөмірі
Flat – пәтер
Address – мекен-жайы
Say again – қайта айту
Telephone – телефон
Double – қосарланған (екі)
Phonetic drill
Little mouse, little mouse
Where is your house?
Little cat, little cat
I’m a poor mouse
I have no house
Little mouse, little mouse
Come to my house
Little cat, little cat
I can’t do that
You want to eat me, cat.
Doing exercise
*Before doing exercise they should read the data given in the box.
Read and remember! (Оқы және есіңде сақта!)
Word building (Сөз құрау)
Numerals (Сан есімдер)
*Teacher asks them to open page number 35 and do exercise 10.
Explanation: 12-2=10
Twelve take away two is ten.
*Walk around and find your partner
-What’s your name?
My name is Ainur
-How are you?
I’m fine, thank you.
-How old are you?
I’m ten.
-Where are you from?
I’m from Kazakhstan.
-What’s your address?
It’s Baker street No2
-What’s your telephone number?
It’s 36176
S1 S2 S3
Howe task: Compile a dialogue
The end
The lesson was interesting. The lesson is over, good-bye.