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Travelling. Types of tourism. Popular tourist routs. Prefixes and suffixes of adjectives and adverbs.

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План-конспект по английскому языку. цель урока развивать лексическую и грамматическую способность учащихся. так же воспитать  чувство патриотизма

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«Travelling. Types of tourism. Popular tourist routs. Prefixes and suffixes of adjectives and adverbs.»







Theme: Travelling. Types of tourism. Popular tourist routs. Prefixes and suffixes of adjectives and adverbs. The Famous travelers. Pronouns each, every, either, neither, all, both.


  • to present new lexis connected to travelling, types of tourism, popular tourist routs and famous travelers; to form the skill of building of adjectives and adverbs by help of prefixes and suffixes; repeat pronouns each, every, either, neither, all, both;

  • to develop reading, writing, listening and speaking activities;

  • to bring-up patriotic feelings to Kazakhstan.

Plan of the lesson:

  1. Organizational moment.

- Good morning boys and girls! I see that all are present today. I am fine. How are you? And you? That’s OK! Let’s begin our lesson. Today we`ll talk about the tourism in Kazakhstan, about the popular tourist routs and famous travellers. Then we`ll learn new grammar Prefixes and suffixes of adjectives and adverbs. We`ll also repeat pronouns each, every, either, neither, all, both.

  1. Repetition.

  • Let`s check-up your homework.

  1. Presentation of new lexis:

  1. Presentation of new grammar:

-al, -ial, -ical: relating to, having the quality of

  • accidental, educational, brutal, historical, regional, social, universal, personal...

-able, -ible: capable or worthy of, tending to

  • flammable, discernible, culpable...

-an, -ian: one who is or does, related to

  • agrarian, simian...

-ary: relating to quality or place

  • customary, momentary, cautionary, dietary...

-full: full of, tending or liable to

  • beautiful, wonderful, awful, skillful, successful...

-ic: pertaining or relating to

  • athletic, historical, scenic, fantastic...

-ive: performing or tending toward

  • cooperative, supportive, sensitive...

-ish: origin, nature

  • foolish, childish, selfish, sheepish, pinkish...

-less: without, lacking, unable to act

  • powerless, friendless, worthless, useless, homeless...

-like: like

  • lifelike, ladylike, warlike, childlike, birdlike...

-y: characterized by, tending to

  • rainy, funny, dirty, messy, dirty...

-ous, -ose: full of, relating to

  • poisonous, dangerous, nervous, mysterious, victorious, bellicose...

-ant, -ent: performing or being

  • important, incessant, independent...

-ile: tending to, capable of

  • futile, senile, fragile...

  • Обобщающие местоимения


all   все, всё    (абсолютно все, всё)

both  оба, обе   (только о двух - оба вместе)

either  и тот и другой   (только о двух - каждый из двух)

each  каждый

every  каждый, всякий

everybody everyone   все

everything всё

other , (another )  другойдругие

  1. Practicing of new material:


  1. Analysis of new grammar.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Планирование

Целевая аудитория: 11 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Travelling. Types of tourism. Popular tourist routs. Prefixes and suffixes of adjectives and adverbs.

Автор: Аркенова Салтанат Маратовна

Дата: 06.06.2018

Номер свидетельства: 472414

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