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Robbery on Christmas

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«Robbery on Christmas»

Robbery on Christmas Eve

1.Организационный момент

Hello dear boys and girls, I m very glad to see you. Take your seats.

How are you? How do do? How do you find the weather today? How many lessons are there on your timetable today? What subjects did you have yesterday? What subjects will you have tomorrow?

2.Речевая разминка She sells sea shell on the sea shore and the shells she sells are sea shells, Im sure.

3. Ход урока: 1) I have given you the sheets with the task.There are some characters from the text. Lets get acquainted with them. A shopkeeper, who is a shopkeeper?What is that the job? Describe her or him…..How old she or he could be…..

-her two children-why do they spend their time with her? How old are they? How do they look like?

A young man –why did he come to the shop? What’s his appearance?

An 8 -year–old boy-

The police-what he or she was wearing?

Now, put 5 questions about the main characters, 1 question to each person. At the end of the lesson we will decide, if the answers are found or not.(4 мин)

2) First I am going to ask to look at the whiteboard. Here you’ll see some items. I m sure, you have recognized some of them. Give them names. (задания на листах). Now check.

Now, we know the meanings of the words. They are from different branches, but belong to one text. On one hand, we are going to speak about Christmas, but on the other hand we have mentioned gun, balaklava, plastic bags, smarties. What is, to your opinion, we are going to learn about?( дают версии про ограбление магазина, и тп). Фиксирую тему на доске.

3)The setting- what is this place?

4) Now, let’s discuss some phrases from the story. Choose any phrase you want and show me, as if you were there, at that shop.(показывают мини-диалоги по фразам).

5) We have learnt quite much information from the text. Now its just the time to give your own versions of what happens in the text. What do you predict is a story about?(рассказывают свои версии происходящего в истории) Who thinks that the robber is a young man? Or a little boy?

6)Think of a title of the text.

) Физкультминутка( Это мой дом,,.)

7)Now I give you the text, read it and compare with your own stories. Don’t forget to find the answers to the questions.(выясняем, какие вопросы были отвечены, а какие нет).

8) Now try to make up your own dialogues which could take place at that shop between the shopkeeper and the boy, the shopkeeper and the police.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Планирование

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Robbery on Christmas

Автор: Емельянова Татьяна Владимировна

Дата: 12.01.2017

Номер свидетельства: 378357

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