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«Поурочное планирование на тему "Celebrations"»
8 form Lesson 3 Date: 16.01.17
Тема: Celebrations
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Закрепить грамматические формы условного предложения: First Conditional with Iforunless
Задачи урока:
формирование лексических умений и навыков в устной речи (умение рассказывать о праздниках).
формирование грамматических навыков на материале условного предложения
отработка произносительных навыков.
развивать владение всеми видами речевой деятельности (аудирование, говорение, чтение, письмо).
прививать любовь и интерес к иностранному языку;
воспитывать умение работать в парах, группах, самостоятельно, по цепочке.
Procedure of the lesson
1. Phonetic training
T:Hello! Pupils all together: Hello!
Are you fine?
Are you fine, Danila? (- Yes, I am)
How are you, Polina? (- Fine, thank you)
And you, Masha? (I’m fine, too)
T: Great! Sit down, please. Let’s start our lesson.
Look at the board. You can see the title of our lesson. Celebrations. (Bubbles) I am sure you know much about celebrations because we already read some information about celebrations in different countries of the world.
Answering teacher’s questions
Do you like celebrations?
Do you celebrate any holidays?
What holidays do you know?
Ps:Christmas, New Year’s day, Victory Day, St Valentine’s Day...
Учащимся раздаются карточки – соотнести названия праздников и даты
T: Look at the cards, please. Match the names of the holidays with dates. Take your pencils or pens and do the task.I give you half a minute.
1. Highland games
2. The Festival of Lights
3. Christmas
4. New Year s Day
5. Saint Valentine s Day
6. The White nights
a) 14 th of February
b) 25 th of December
c) the first Saturday of September
d) In late autumn
t) The 21s t of June
f) The 31 st of December
2. Listening
ВикторинаA Guessing Game (the riddles about some holidays)
T:Well, children, I am sure you already know something about these popular holidays, nowlisten to me attentively and give the name of the holiday which I describe – guess the riddles.
- The next task our lesson is writing. You should use the Present Continuous. I give you three minutes for the task.
The athletes (run) a heavy tree trunk.
Many tourists (travel) on the Great Britain.
My mother (prepare) the holiday dinner.
We (decorate) our home for New Year.
I (hang) colorful lamps on New Year tree.
My father (bring) the New Year tree in our house.
4. Reading
T: Now, boys and girls, it’s time for reading. You will get some more information about Christmas in the UK.
5. Making a postcard
Now, boys and girls, it’ s time for creative work. You will make postcards to your friends.
There are many pieces for work on the table. You must collect your postcards and make them with glue. I give you 3 minutes to do the task.
But before you must decide what postcard you will make. (New Year’s Day, Christmas, Birthday, Halloween)
Через пять минут представитель от каждой команды рассказывает об открытке.
What is your favorite holiday?
It’s postcard on …
6.Giving marks:
7. Saying ‘Good bye’
T: Well, thank you for your work, boys and girls. You were so active, clever and friendly today. Stand up, please. (T — Сl)
‘Good-bye!’ (in chorus)
With lots of love
I am sending you sweet
Birthday wishes!
Have a very Happy Birthday!
May prosperity and successes
Be with you this year
Аnd always!
Happy New Year!
May your days be merry
Аnd bright this holiday season!
Merry Christmas!
Give us cookies, fruit and gum, Hurry up and give us some. You had better do it quick Or we'll surely play a trick. Trick or treat, trick or treat, Give us something good to eat.