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Olympic medalists of Rio

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This daily lesson plan about Rio medalists of Republic of Kazakhstan. This lesson plan was made according English in Mind For 9th grade.

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«Olympic medalists of Rio»

The theme of the lesson:

Olympic medalists


Teacher name: Bugybayeva E.


Number present:


Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

Revising Comparative and Superlative Adjectives

Language objectives:

Key words and phrases: types of winter and summer sports

For discussion: types of winter and summer sports

Offers according writing: Rio 2016 Olympiad medallists and describing them with the help of degrees of adjectives

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

  • use antonyms and synonyms ,they are able to speak about medallists

Most learners will be able to:

  • Share knowledge gained from Olympic medallist article and offer some insight

Some learners will be able to:

  • Do peer assessment. Demonstrate and explainwhat kind of differences have between paraolympic and simple Olympiad

Previous learning

Alice’s story


Planned timings

Teacher divide pupils into 3 groups (athletics, wrestling, boxing)

Each pupil says about his (her) favourite sport in a merry circle


Additional time for reading


The teacher will ask the students introductory questions:

-What do you know about Rio 2016 Olympiad?

-How many gold , silver, bronze medals have our medallists won?


17 minutes

Task 1

The teacher will revise degrees of adjectives (irregular adjectives, structure as…as)

-The teacher will hand out vocabulary lists which the students can use to describe Rio Olympiad.

-The teacher will explain some of the terms on the vocabulary lists.

Each group choose on of the photos of Rio Olympiad medallists and must make up sentences to degrees of adjectives (structure as…as)

Task 2

The teacher will ask the students introductory questions:

What is paraolympics?

Do you know any paraolympic participants?

Zulfia Gabidullina won gold medal in women’s 100m. freestyle( swimming)

Game marathon (each group must give description about th medallist)

Task 3

Pupils will do exercise to degrees of adjectives. Then each group will exchange their copybooks and check up.

Task 4

Teacher will hand out adjectives which pupils must find antonyms of these adjectives.

Internet materials

Teacher’s book

Student’s book



The teacher and students dicuss the challenges that the students have faced while completing the task.

Learners assess the partner’s

Peer assessment sheet

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Планирование

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Olympic medalists of Rio

Автор: Бугыбаева Эльмира Мухтаровна

Дата: 08.04.2017

Номер свидетельства: 407615

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