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Grammar:First Conditionals

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The  theme  of  the  lesson:    Grammar: First  Conditional

The  aims  of  the  lesson: 1.to  teach  using  First  Conditionals  in  speech;

                                            2.to  develop  pupils’  writing  and  speaking  habits:

                                            3.to  teach  to  protect  the environment.

The  type  of  the  lesson:  traditional

The  methods  of  the  lesson: doing  grammar  tasks

Visual  aids:  gr.tables,cards.

The  Procedure  of  the  lesson:

I. Org.moment

       А) greeting

       B) report  of  the  duties

II. Checking  up  the  home task

 Retelling  the  text

III.Doing  grammar  tasks

13. Read the text and answer the question. What's the problem of the Aral sea. Read
the meaning of the word "evaporate"

The Aral Sea had a natural balance by replacing the water which evapo­rates in the hot weather with new water brought by the Syr Darya and the Amu Darya.

Nowadays these two rivers do not bring the needed amount of water because of the demand of water to irrigate cotton and rice fields of Central Asia. As a result the Aral Sea has lost its natural balance. The amount of water that reaches the Aral Sea is not enough to replace the lost water through evaporation

15.  Read the sentences and complete them.

1) If I go to Astana I will see the House of Parliament

If I go to the Parliament House I will walk along the central square.

If I walk along the square I will meet a lot of people. If I meet a lot of people I will talk with them

a. If I talk with them.............

........ (make friends with)

b. If I make friends with them..........

..... (go to the cinema/the park.)

с If I go to the cinema............

.... (know her/him/them/more)

d. If I know him/her/them more.........

.........  (be good friends)

2) If we take care of the world we will be happy.

a. If we____ /look after/the world-the world/be/beautiful.

b. If we____ /plant/trees every year the air____ /be fresh/

с If we_____ /protect/ seas from pollution any sea____ never /die/

d. If we always____ /protect/ the environment on land in many ways

then we______ /protect wild life and their habitats.

  1. Now write the sentences according to the chart.
  2. Future   Present

What will you give me if I marry you? I will give you a gold ring if you marry me.

IV. Home  task

 Exercise 16                                                        

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«Grammar:First Conditionals»


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Lesson 40

Date: 11 A -18.11.15

The theme of the lesson: Grammar: First Conditional

The aims of the lesson: 1.to teach using First Conditionals in speech;

2.to develop pupils’ writing and speaking habits:

3.to teach to protect the environment.

The type of the lesson: traditional

The methods of the lesson: doing grammar tasks

Visual aids: gr.tables,cards.

The Procedure of the lesson:

I. Org.moment

А) greeting

B) report of the duties

II. Checking up the home task

Retelling the text

III.Doing grammar tasks

13. Read the text and answer the question. What's the problem of the Aral sea. Read
the meaning of the word "evaporate"

The Aral Sea had a natural balance by replacing the water which evapo­rates in the hot weather with new water brought by the Syr Darya and the Amu Darya.

Nowadays these two rivers do not bring the needed amount of water because of the demand of water to irrigate cotton and rice fields of Central Asia. As a result the Aral Sea has lost its natural balance. The amount of water that reaches the Aral Sea is not enough to replace the lost water through evaporation

15. Read the sentences and complete them.

1) If I go to Astana I will see the House of Parliament

If I go to the Parliament House I will walk along the central square.

If I walk along the square I will meet a lot of people. If I meet a lot of people I will talk with them

a. If I talk with them

(make friends with)

b. If I make friends with them

(go to the cinema/the park.)

с If I go to the cinema

(know her/him/them/more)

d. If I know him/her/them more

(be good friends)

2) If we take care of the world we will be happy.

a. If we /look after/the world-the world/be/beautiful.

b. If we /plant/trees every year the air /be fresh/

с If we /protect/ seas from pollution any sea never /die/

d. If we always /protect/ the environment on land in many ways

then we /protect wild life and their habitats.

  1. Now write the sentences according to the chart.

  2. Future Present

What will you give me if I marry you? I will give you a gold ring if you marry me.

IV. Home task

Exercise 16

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Планирование

Целевая аудитория: 11 класс

Grammar:First Conditionals

Автор: Нургалиева Алтынай Жаумитбаевна

Дата: 20.11.2015

Номер свидетельства: 256042

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