Основной дидактический метод: личностно- ориентированный, коммуникативно- когнитивный, компетентностный.
Частные методы и приемы: объяснительно- иллюстративный, репродуктивный, частично- поисковый.
План урока:
Организационный момент. Приветствие, подготовка рабочего места (1 минуты);
Фонетическая разминка (2 минуты);
Постановка цели и задачи (1 минута);
Введение материала, активизация работы над повторением лексики и составлением сложных предложений, перессказ диалогов «На улицах города» (20 мин)
Активизация работы над закреплением материала(10 минут) (работа по заполнению пропусков в письменном задании, самоконтроль с помощью интерактивной доски);
Физкультминутка , прослушивание песни (3 минуты);
Обобщение усвоенного материала (монологи) (5 минут);
ИКТ - средства: CD- диск, интерактивная доска, компьютер
Со слабыми учениками больше времени уделить работе с текстом, грамматическими структурами, а с сильными - в составлении диалогов.
13. Ожидаемые результаты:
Предметные: отработали активную лексику, отработали произношение, закрепили в речи(диалоги, монологи), повторили правила составления сложных предложений( порядок слов), Освоили информацию о достопримечательностях Лондона. Научились вести беседу на улицах города.
Метапредметные: освоение УУД.
Личностные: развитие памяти, повышение мотивации к изучению языка
Ход урока.
I. организационный момент.
Good morning, children.
Who is on duty today? Is anybody absent today?
What date is it today?
What date is it? What season is it now?
What are winter months? Do you like winter?
Winter, Winter, winter
The snow is falling
The wind is blowing
The ground is white all day and night
What is your favorite season? Kiril? What about you, Marina?
What is the weather like today?
What temperature is it today? What is the main holiday in winter?
II.Ход урока
Well, children. Look at the blackboard and say what our lesson is about.
We are going to England today.
What is the capital of England?
London is the capital of England
Yes, you are right. We will go sightseeing in the capital of the country asking the way.
You will tell me your dialogues and make your reports about interesting places.
2. Do you like London? - Why do you like it? – I like London because it is big, …….
What places do you want to visit? – I want to visit Big Ben. ……..
But if you want to visit London you must know English well.
Can you speak English? –Yes we can…..
Let’s revise our phrases and the names of some sights ( демонстрация слайдов)
To turn right
To turn left
To go down the street
To go up the street
To go past smth
On the right
On the left
On the corner
How do I get to…. Where is.. How can I get to….
Interesting place
To go sightseeing
a station
Madame Tussaud’s museum
Natural History Museum
Westminster Abbey
The Tower of London
Charrimg Cross
Brompton Road
Eccleston Street
St James’s park
Hyde park
St Paul’s Cathedral
Проводится хоровая работа «учитель-класс»,
3.Now Tell me your dialogues (диалогинаулицахЛондона)
-Excuse me can you tell me where Trafalgar Square is .
- Go up the street, turn left, go past the mall. It is not far from Charing Cross
-Thank you
--Excuse me. How do I get to The Natural History Museum?
-Go down the street, turn right, It is not far from Hide park, on the left side of Kensington road.
- Thank you
-Excuse me, how can I get to Buckingham Palace?
Go down the street, turn right, go past Trafalgar square. It is next to St. James’s Park.
- Thank you
-Excuse me. How do I get to Sherlock Holmes’s House?
-Go up the street, turn left, go past the Globe. It is on the left side of Baker street.
- Thank you
-Excuse me can you tell me where Big Ben is
-Go up the street, turn right, go past Victoria station. It is not far from Westminster Abbey
- Thank you
4. Now Listen to the dialogue and fill in the gaps/
-Excuse me, can you tell us where the train station …?-
-Sure, it is not very far. Go …. Brompton road and go …. Knightsbridge underground station. Then …. up Knightsbridge and turn ….. at Eccleston street. Go down Eccleston street and …. right. The train Station is …. the right.
(дети слушают, вставляют пропуски на раздаточных листочках, проверяют на интерактивной доске)
5.Read the dialogue ,please.
6. Listen to the rap and sing along Ex.7, p.79 (детислушаютпеснюипоют) “Can you tell us please, where Charring Cross is.”
7. Well, children tell us about sights of London
1 St. Paul’s Cathedral is one of the greatest English churches. The famous English architect Sir Christopher Wren built it in the 17th century after the Great Fire. It is a beautiful building with many columns and towers. In one of its towers there is one of the biggest bells in the world.
2 Westminster Abbey is one of the most famous and beautiful churches in London. It is very old too. There are so many monuments and statues there. Many English kings and queens are buried there.
4 The British Museum is the biggest museum in London. There are many ancient manuscripts, coins, sculptures. It is famous for its library.
5 The centre of London is Trafalgar Square. Some people say it is the most beautiful place in London. At the top of the column there is a statue of Admiral Nelson, who had to fight the French in the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805.
6 Big Ben is a large clock. It is one of the towers. Big Ben is the name of the clock. We can hear the sound of Big Ben every hour in London.
7 Madame Tussaud’s is a famous museum of wax figures. They have wax figures of all the famous people in the world.
8 Buckingham Palace is the London home of the Queen. It is not open for the public. It is a wonderful building with a monument in front of it, which is the Queen Victoria Memorial.
9 The Tower is a very interesting place to see. First it was the seat of English kings. Then it was turned into a fortress, later it was a prison, now it is a museum.
11 Hyde Park is one of the most popular places of Londoners on hot summer days. It is also famous for its Speaker’s Corner.
12.Natural History museum Is not far from Hyde Park At this museum we can learn about the history of plants, animals, minerals. The museum organizes a sleepover or a night excursion for children.
What did you do at the lesson?
We London . (visit)
We many interesting places. (see)
We dialogues and monologues. (tell)
We a text and in the gaps in it. (read) (fill)
We a rap. (learn)
Дети заполняют пропуски глаголами правильной формы (рефлексия)
You are brilliant today. Thank you very much for today’s lesson. I’ll give you only good marks.
(выставление оценок)
Write down your homework(объяснение домашнего задания).