Animals. Colours. Rooms.
5 сынып
О?утуды? негізгі ма?саты:
«Т?стер», «Жануарлар», «Б?лмелер» та?ырыбына ?атысты с?здерді
а?ылшын тілінде пайдалана біледі.
Саба? т?рі: ?айталау саба?ы
К?рнекілігі: интерактивті та?та, суреттер, о?улы?
Саба?ты? ?дісі: с?ра?-жауап, ж?пты? ж?мыс, топты? ж?мыс.
The procedure of the lesson.
- Organization moment.
- Brainstorming. What animal is it?
- Pair work.
- Group work.
- Test.
- Home task.
- Organization moment.
- Good morning, children!
Good morning, good morning.
Good morning to you.
Good morning, good morning.
We are glad to see you.
- Answer my questions.
What date is it today?
What day is it today?
What season is it now?
What month is it now?
Просмотр содержимого документа
«А?ылшын тілінен : animals,colours,rooms »
Animals. Colours. Rooms.
5 сынып
Оқутудың негізгі мақсаты:
«Түстер», «Жануарлар», «Бөлмелер» тақырыбына қатысты сөздерді
ағылшын тілінде пайдалана біледі.
Сабақ түрі: қайталау сабағы
Көрнекілігі: интерактивті тақта, суреттер, оқулық
Сабақтың әдісі: сұрақ-жауап, жұптық жұмыс, топтық жұмыс.
The procedure of the lesson.
Organization moment.
Brainstorming. What animal is it?
Pair work.
Group work.
Home task.
Organization moment.
Good morning, children!
Good morning, good morning.
Good morning to you.
Good morning, good morning.
We are glad to see you.
Answer my questions.
What date is it today?
What day is it today?
What season is it now?
What month is it now?
What association do you have with this word?

What animal is it?
It has orange and black stripes. It is very strong.
It is very big and strong. It has big ears. It is grey.
It has white and black stripes. It very kind.
This animal is very tall. It is yellow and brown.
It is very funny. It comes from Africa. It is brown.
b) What association do you have with this word?

Pair work.
Talk to your partner.
You are at your friend’s home.
Act out the dialogue.
Would you like to eat ….?
Group work.
This is a living room. There is a sofa and an armchair in the living room.
There is a cat on the sofa. There is a table near the sofa. There is a vase and
a clock on the table. There is a dog under the table. There is a picture on the wall.
b) This is my friend’s house. There is a house in the street. There is a tree near
the house. There is a cat on the tree. There is a dog under the tree. There are
many flowers near the house.
c) This my friend’s room. There is a table near the window. There is a chair
near the table. There is a bag on the chair. There is a computer and a lamp
on the table. There is a shelf and a clock on the wall. There are books on
the shelf.
Where do we sleep? In the …
q) bathroom r) bedroom s) study
2. Where do we do our home work? In the …
m) kitchen n) hall o) study
3. Where do we wash our hands? In the …
o) bathroom p) bedroom q) study
4. Where do we have dinner? In the …
k) living room l) hall m) kitchen
5. Where do we watch TV? In the …
q) Bathroom r) kitchen s) living room
( rooms )
Home task: грам. тест дайындалу
Name | What animal Is it? | At your friend. | Group work | Test | Mark |
Zhanibek T | | | | | |
Samat | | | | | |
Kuat | | | | | |
Zhanbolat | | | | | |
Nursat | | | | | |
Olzhas | | | | | |
Azamat | | | | | |
Aidana | | | | | |
Zhanibek K | | | | | |
Vlavislav | | | | | |
Mukhtar | | | | | |
Korgan | | | | | |
Arai | | | | | |
GroupN1 | Marks | Group N2 | Marks | Group N3 | Marks |
Zhanibek | | Nursat | | Zhanibek | |
Samat | | Olzhas | | Vladislav | |
Kuat | | Azamat | | Mukhtar | |
Zhanbolat | | Aidana | | Korgan | |
| | | | Arai | |