Алматы облысы
Панфилов ауданы
Шежін орта мектебі
А?ылшын тілі п?ніні? м??алімі
Аубакирова Алия Батырхан?ызы
9th grade
The Theme of the lesson: Brilliant Violin Soloist
The objective of the lesson\Саба?ты? ма?саты:
1. O?ушыларды? топпен ж?мыс істеу ?абілетін ж?не оларды?
проблемалы? с?ра?тар жайлы ?з беттерінше материалдар іздестіруі, оны
жина?тау, ж?йелеп ??гімелеуін да?дыландыру ж?не Марат Бейсенгалиев
туралы м?лімет беру.
2.Cаба??а ?ызы?уын, ынтасын. ізденушілігін, белсенділік ?абілеттерін
сонымен ?атар с?здік ?орын дамыту.
3.Iзденімпазды??а, е?бек?орлы??а, ?йымшылды??а, ?з еліні?
м?дениетін ма?тан етуге т?рбиелеу.
- К?тілетін н?тиже: о?ушылар а?ылшын тілінде м?тінді ??гімелейді,?з беттерінше материалдар іздестіру, Шы?aрмaшылы? ?aбілеттері іс-?рекетте к?рінеді.
Топты? бa?aлaу мен топішілік бa?aлaуды ?йренеді.
К?рнекілігі: суреттер, слайд, стикер,интерактивті та?та, aудио мaтериaл, ?aлaмтор мaтериaлы.
Саба? т?рі: аралас
?дісі: с?ра?-жауап, жекелей,ж?пты? ж?мыс
П?наралы? байланыс: музыка
The Procedure of the lesson
І. Organization moment.Greetings.
Good morning dear students!
I am glad to see you again
Sit down, please
Who is on duty? And who is away?
ІІ. Warm up.
I am glad that all pupils are present, that’s OK! I think all of you are ready. It’s time to begin our lesson.
III.At first I’ll check up your home task.
Your home task was to write short informations about museums of Kazakhstan.
IV.New theme
What kind of music do you like?
Do you have a favourite composer (soloist)?..
Read the text. Marat Bisengaliev is a violionist.Me has an interesting life so far. Life events. Look quickly through the chart of events in his life. What are some of the things he has done?
Which orchestras has he played with?
What has he won?
How long has he been playing as a professional musician?
How long has he been playing with the West Kazakhstan Philharmonic Orchestra?
How long has he been a Professor of Birmingham Conservatory?
Answer the questions.
How long has he been living in England?
V. Practice.
Exercise 5. (Slide) Complete the sentences with the phrases from the box.
Write into the copybook
1 between 1981 and 1984
2 in 2003
3 while he was living in England
4 when he was nine at the
5 after winning Gold Disk
6 when he was 38
7 age of 26
8 at the age of 27
Then answer them with your partners.
Ex.6 Complete the questions.
Ex.7 Match the idioms with their definitions.
Ex.Complete the sentences with the correct music idioms.
1 blow your own trumpet
2 good ear for music
3 out of tune
4 music to your ears
Relaxation. to show short video about M.Beisengaliev.
VI. Conclusion.
Read about what some people think of music.
Write about what you think of music.?
VII. Results and marks.
You’ve worked hard today. Tell me, what new facts have you learnt from the lesson? And what new facts you want to know at the next the lesson? Giving marks.
VIII. Home task. Search the Internet and find information about a famous musician\ composer\singer from your country. Find information about
M.Beisengaliev .
Топ аралы?, ?зін-?зі ба?алау
«Екі ж?лдыз бір тілек» рефлексиясы.
Good bye children!