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Конспект урока англ

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Цель урока: Осуществить контроль усвоенного материала.

Основные задачи урока:

·         Общеобразовательные:

o    учить работе в парах;

o    способствовать развитию памяти, внимания, логического мышления.

·         Развивающие:

o    формировать мотивацию к изучению иностранного языка;

o    развивать интеллектуальные умения;

·         Практические:

o    анализировать употребление лексики и грамматических структур: совершенствовать навыки монологической и диалогической речи.

·         Воспитательные:

o    воспитывать понимание красоты и разнообразия окружающего мира;

o    воспитывать эстетический вкус;

o    воспитывать бережное отношение к природе.


I. Орг.момент

T: Good morning, girls and boys. I’m glad to see you again. I hope you are fine.  We’ll talk about the times of the year. Answer the questions, please. What’s the weather like today?  Is it windy today? Look at the slides:

We’ll see the beautiful pictures of our nature. We’ll also speak about the seasons and the weather

II. Речевая зарядка

 Spring is
 summer is
 autumn is
 winter is

III. Фонетическая зарядка ……

[si:zn]      [wind]               

[skeit]     [rein]                     

[gri:n]     [swim]   [tri:]                        

IV. Match the words (найти прилагательные к существительным)

Winter                      hot
summer                    cool
autumn                     warm

Spring                       cold 

V. Guess! What season is it? Read the text and say

T: Now we are going to speak with you about one season. Guess what season it is. This season is beautiful. Everything in the streets is white and clean. What is the season? That’s right. It is winter. Please, will you tell us about this wonderful season?

P1: Winter is the coldest season of the year. The rivers and lakes are frozen over. The sun sets early and rises late. The days are short and the nights are long. The sky is grey. It often snows. There is a lot of snow everywhere. The trees, the streets, the houses are white with snow. Children can ski, skate, and play hockey and snowballs.

T: It was rather good, thank you. Now listen to the poem about winter.

Ученик рассказывает стихотворение.

The snow is falling,
the north wind is blowing.
The ground is white
all day and all night.

P2: Spring is a nice season. March, April and May are spring months. …. . begins in March and ends in May. The weather is usually fine in spring. It is warm. The trees are green. We can see the fir t flowers. The farmers begin to work in the fields. At the end of March the weather gets warmer. The sun shines brightly. The days become longer, the nights become shorter.

T: Very well. Sit down, please. Now I’d like to ask ________ to tell you the poem about spring.

It’s lovely, lovely spring
and birds begin to sing.
The sun is very high
it’s smiling in the sky.

It’s lovely, lovely spring
and all the children sing.
They sing a merry song
they sing:”Ding-dong”.

P3: Summer is the hottest season of the year. The sun shines brightly. The sky is blue. It is warm or sometimes hot. The days are long and the nights are short. Children are happy because they have their long summer holidays. They can play, swim in the river or go to the forest for mushrooms and berries. There are a lot of flowers in the gardens and parks.

This is the season
when fruit grow.
I come to the garden
and make water flow.

This is the season
when days are long.
And the sun is high 
and strong.

 P4. Autumn comes in September with the beginning of the school year. The trees and grass become yellow, red and brown. There are many fruit and vegetables in the gardens. In October the days grow shorter and the nights grow longer. It becomes colder and darker and cold winds blow. It often rains. Birds fly away to warm countries.

T: Well done________, And now pupils, will recite a poem.

Yellow, red, green and brown – 
See the leaves come down …
Dancing, dancing in the breeze.
Falling, falling from the trees …

VI. Answer the questions

-How many seasons are there in a year? -Name the winter month (spring, summer, autumn) - How many days are there in (February)?

- What season it now? - What month is it now?

VII. Find the odd one out.

1 autumn, spring, summer, weather

2 rainy, noisy, snowy, windy

3. Weather, December, March, October

4 golden, brown, yellow, leaf

VIII. Игра

Girls and boys! Imagine yourselves in a garden in autumn. There are many fruit and vegetables here. You see, we must pick them up! This is a basket. I’ll ask you riddles about different fruit and vegetables. If you guess what fruit or vegetable I mean you can put it into the basket. Are you ready? Let’s start!

1. This vegetable is long and green.
It’s so tasty with sour cream. (А cucumber)

2. My head is green and round.
I always grow on the ground.
I always wear lots of coats,
I’m the best food for goats. (А cabbage)

3. Look at me! My chicks are red.
Make some salad and eat with bread.
I’m juicy, I’m sweet.
Would you like to taste a bit? (А tomato)

4. You can see it on the tree.
Pick up it for you and me.
Make some jam or cook some pies. (Аn apple)
This fruit is always sweet and nice.

5. You can’t cook soup without it.
This vegetable isn’t sweet.
But for chips it is so good.
I think you like this tasty food. (А potato)

T: There are no riddles any more. But there are still some fruit and vegetables. Come here, name them and put them into the basket.

IX. Give 3 equivalents of the words

         Sunny – солнечно-шуа?ты

    Windy -  -

     Сloudy -  -

     Snowy - -

     Hot - -   

     Cold - -

     Foggy - -

X. Write the letters in the correct order:

?  - n a m w o n S

?  - l l a b w o n S

?  - b e r m e v o N

?  - m e r S u m

?  - y r a u n a J

?  - r e b m e c e D

?  - t e r W i n

XI. Составь предложения из слов (работа в группах) 

  • swim, I, in, the river.
  • read, They, a poem, lesson, next.
  • football, He, plays.
  • We, play, in winter, snowballs.
  • brother, flies, My, a kite, too.
  • visiting, friend, am, I, my.


  • XII. Translate the sentences
  • 1. Monday is the first day of the week.
  • 2. February is the second month of the year.
  • 3. October is the second month of the autumn.
  • 4. April is the second month of the spring.
  • 5. On Monday and on Wednesday I go to the music school.
  • 6. On Tuesday and on Friday I go to the sports school.
  • 7. I like Saturdays and Sundays.
  • 8. I don’t like Thursdays. 
  • XIII. Рефлексия.

T: А теперь я хочу, чтобы вы оценили наш урок и свою работу на уроке. Выберите одно предложение из списка и закончите его 

  1. сегодня я узнал…
  2. было интересно…
  3. было трудно…
  4. я выполнял задания…
  5. теперь я могу…
  6. я научился…
  7. у меня получилось …
  8. я смог…
  9. меня удивило…
  10. мне захотелось…

Our lesson is over. Thank you for your wonderful work!
1. You know the new words (вы узнали новые слова).
2. You can ask questions (вы можете задавать вопросы).
3. You can speak on this topic (вы можете рассказывать текст).
Good bye!

XIV. Подведение итогов.

T: Вы сегодня работали очень хорошо, я очень довольна вашей работой. Вы показали очень хорошие знания по теме.

Thank you for your work! The lesson is over. Good-bye! 

Д/задание: Написать пословицы на английском о временах года

Вы уже знаете о суперспособностях современного учителя?
Тратить минимум сил на подготовку и проведение уроков.
Быстро и объективно проверять знания учащихся.
Сделать изучение нового материала максимально понятным.
Избавить себя от подбора заданий и их проверки после уроков.
Наладить дисциплину на своих уроках.
Получить возможность работать творчески.

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«конспект урока англ»

Seasons and Weather

Seasons and Weather

Рeчевая зарядка       Spring is    Summer is   Autumn is   Winter is

Рeчевая зарядка

Spring is Summer is Autumn is Winter is

Фонетическая зарядка   [si:zn] [wind] [skeit] [rein] [gri:n] [swim] [tri:]

Фонетическая зарядка

  • [si:zn]
  • [wind]
  • [skeit]
  • [rein]
  • [gri:n]
  • [swim]
  • [tri:]

  • [plei]
  • [best]
  • [red]
  • [dei]
  • [wet]
  • [windi]
  • [ski:]
Match the words winter hot   summer cool   autumn warm   spring cold

Match the words

winter hot summer cool autumn warm spring cold

Guess! What season is it? … . . is the coldest season of the year. The rivers and lakes are frozen over. The sun sets early and rises late. The days are short and the nights are long. The sky is grey. It often snows. There is a lot of snow everywhere. The trees, the streets, the houses are white with snow. Children can ski, skate, play hockey and snowballs.

Guess! What season is it?

… . . is the coldest season of the year. The rivers and lakes are frozen over. The sun sets early and rises late. The days are short and the nights are long. The sky is grey. It often snows. There is a lot of snow everywhere. The trees, the streets, the houses are white with snow. Children can ski, skate, play hockey and snowballs.

… . . is a nice season. March, April and May are … months. … begins in March and ends in May. The weather is usually fine in spring. It is warm. The trees are green. We can see the fir t flowers. The farmers begin to work in the fields. At the end of March the weather gets warmer. The sun shines brightly. The days become longer, the nights become shorter.

… . . is a nice season. March, April and May are … months. … begins in March and ends in May. The weather is usually fine in spring. It is warm. The trees are green. We can see the fir t flowers. The farmers begin to work in the fields. At the end of March the weather gets warmer. The sun shines brightly. The days become longer, the nights become shorter.

… . . is the hottest season of the year. The sun shines brightly. The sky is blue. It is warm or sometimes hot. The days are long and the nights are short. Children are happy because they have their long summer holidays. They can play, swim in the river or go to the forest for mushrooms and berries. There are a lot of flowers in the gardens and parks.
  • … . . is the hottest season of the year. The sun shines brightly. The sky is blue. It is warm or sometimes hot. The days are long and the nights are short. Children are happy because they have their long summer holidays. They can play, swim in the river or go to the forest for mushrooms and berries. There are a lot of flowers in the gardens and parks.
… . . comes in September with the beginning of the school year. The trees and grass become yellow, red and brown. There are many fruit and vegetables in the gardens. In October the days grow shorter and the nights grow longer. It becomes colder and darker and cold winds blow. It often rains. Birds fly away to warm countries.

… . . comes in September with the beginning of the school year. The trees and grass become yellow, red and brown. There are many fruit and vegetables in the gardens. In October the days grow shorter and the nights grow longer. It becomes colder and darker and cold winds blow. It often rains. Birds fly away to warm countries.

-Who wants to the recite a poem?

-Who wants to the recite a poem?

Find the odd one out.

Find the odd one out.

  • autumn, spring, summer, weather
  • rainy, noisy, snowy, windy
  • weather, December, March, October
  • golden, brown, yellow, leaf
Choose the correct translation:

Choose the correct translation:

  •     Sunny – солнечно - шуақты
  •     ............... - .................... - желді
  •     Сloudy - ..................... - ....................
  •     ................ - снежный - .....................
  •      Hot  -   ..................... - .....................
  •     ................ - холодный - ......................
  • ...…………. - …………… - тұманды
Работа с карточками

Работа с карточками

Write the letters in the correct order:

Write the letters in the correct order:

  • - n a m w o n S
  • - l l a b w o n S
  • - b e r m e v o N
  • - m e r S u m
  • - y r a u n a J
  • - r e b m e c e D
  • - t e r W i n
Let’s play a game Imagine yourselves in a garden in autumn. There are many fruits and vegetables here. You see, we must pick them up

Let’s play a game

Imagine yourselves in a garden in autumn. There are many fruits and vegetables here. You see, we must pick them up

R I d d l e s

R I d d l e s

  • 1. This vegetable is long and green. It’s so tasty with sour cream. 
  • 2. Which fruit is spelt like a colour?  Какой фрукт звучит как цвет?
  • 3. Look at me! My chicks are red. Make some salad and eat with bread. I’m juicy, I’m sweet. Would you like to taste a bit? 
4. You can see it on the tree.  Pick up it for you and me.  Make some jam or cook some pies.   This fruit is always sweet and nice.  5. You can’t cook soup without it.  This vegetable isn’t sweet.  But for chips it is so good.  I think you like this tasty food. 
  • 4. You can see it on the tree. Pick up it for you and me. Make some jam or cook some pies. 

This fruit is always sweet and nice.

  • 5. You can’t cook soup without it. This vegetable isn’t sweet. But for chips it is so good. I think you like this tasty food. 

Translate the sentences

Translate the sentences

  • Monday is the first day of the week.
  • February is the second month of the year.
  • October is the second month of the autumn.
  • April is the second month of the spring.
  • On Monday and on Wednesday I go to the music school.
  • On Tuesday and on Friday I go to the sports school.
  • I like Saturdays and Sundays.
  • I don’t like Thursdays. 
What month is it?

What month is it?

  • This month has got 31 days. It’s between June and August. 
  • It’s the first month of the year.
  • School starts in this month for most of the children. 
  • This month comes after May. 
  • St. Valentine’s Day is on 14th of this month. 
  • Halloween is on the 31st of this month.
  • It’s the last month of the year. 
  • This month comes after March. 
  • This month comes after February. 
  • June comes after this month. 
  • It’s one of the summer holiday months. 
  • December comes after this month. 
1. It’s July.   2. January   3. September   4. June   5. February   6. October   7. December   8. April   9. March   10. May   11. August   12. November 
  • 1. It’s July.  2. January  3. September  4. June  5. February  6. October  7. December  8. April  9. March  10. May  11. August  12. November 
Reflection сегодня я узнал… было интересно… было трудно… я выполнял задания… теперь я могу… я научился… у меня получилось … я смог… меня удивило… мне захотелось…  


  • сегодня я узнал…
  • было интересно…
  • было трудно…
  • я выполнял задания…
  • теперь я могу…
  • я научился…
  • у меня получилось …
  • я смог…
  • меня удивило…
  • мне захотелось…


Аты –жөні: Жұмабаева Ботакөз Қанатқызы Атырау облысы, Махамбет ауданы, Есенбай Ағелеуов атындағы Махамбет орта мектебі Ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі  Сертификат алу үшін

Аты –жөні: Жұмабаева Ботакөз Қанатқызы

Атырау облысы, Махамбет ауданы,

Есенбай Ағелеуов атындағы Махамбет орта мектебі

Ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі

Сертификат алу үшін

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

конспект урока англ

Автор: Жумабаева Ботакоз Канатовна

Дата: 02.02.2016

Номер свидетельства: 287138

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