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"Food and Drinks"

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Конспект урока английского языка для 6 класса по теме "Food and Drinks"

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«"Food and Drinks"»




Виконала вчитель англійської мови

Горшкова Т.Л.

Кривий Ріг


Food and drinks.

Objectives: - to develop pupils’ skills in reading, listening and speaking, and writing;

  • to practice new words and expressions;

  • to develop pupils’ logical thinking;

  • to revise the vocabulary on the topic;

  • to develop grammar skills.

“A hungry man is an angry man”

James Howell


  1. Starting moment. Greeting.

T. Dear children! Good afternoon! Sit down, please.

What day is it today? What is the date today? What season is it now?

Open your copybooks and write down the date.

The topic of our lesson is FOOD AND DRINKS.

Today we shall speak about food, (name the objectives)

Food is one of the most essential parts of our life. Food gives us energy and health and food sets us into a cheerful working mood. James Howell said …

  1. Warming-up activity.

T: Let’s start warming up our vocabulary. Listen to me and try to complete some sentences using necessary words.

Вкуснотища - Very good! Пищу называют – food

Это вовсе не каприз, сыр мы называем – Cheese

Мясо жарится, шкварчит, мясо по-английски – Meat

Арбуз предпочитаю сливам, арбуз иначе - Water-melon

Узнали все впервые, что груша – это Pear

Масло нужно всем ребятам. Масло по-английски – Butter

Без соли борщ не лезет в рот. Соль по-английскипросто Salt

Ведро воды не принесете? Вода, водичка будет – Water

Слива тут и слива там. Слива по-английски – Plum

Виноград мы съели весь. Виноградиначе grape.

T: Look at the screen. There is a sentence here. But all the words in it are written together.

Try to divide these words and read this sentence.


T: Let’s play the game “Stepping stairs”.

You can see a stairs on the board. Your task is to make the stairs by stepping stairs. For each stair a word has written in English. Find it and make up stairs.

Words: борщ, кофе, чай, суп, салат, цыплята, бекон, рыба, картошка, деруны.

  1. Phonetic drill.

T: Look at the screen and repeat after me.

[p] – plum, pear, apple, pepper

[t] – nut, carrot, plate

[S] – sugar, mushroom, radish

[tS] – cherry, cheese, chocolate

[d3] – jam, juice, cabbage, vegetables

[i:] – tea, pea, sweet, meat

[ei] – cake, grapes, apricot

  1. Homework

T: Your home task for today was to write down the recipe of the dish and we have on the blackboard some of them. Who wants to comment the recipe?

  1. Lexical work.

T: Take the copies. Your task is - match the words with their definition. You have minutes

1) salt

a) хлеб

2) sugar

b) лук

3) bread

c) огурцы

4) butter

d) соль

5) onion

e) подсолнечное масло

6) tomatoes

f) чистить

7) cucumbers

g) масло

8) oil

h) бить

9) beat

i) помидоры

10) mix

j) резать

11) chop

k) смешивать

12) peel

l) сахар

T: Change the copybooks with each other, check up the task and put the marks

Who has got 12? What is your mark? OK. Good for you.

  1. Relaxation.

T: I want you to choose any 3 fruits from these pictures which you like most of all. Are you ready? Now, please, stand up and follow my instructions if you here the name of one of the three fruits you thought of:

If you like bananas – touch your nose.

If you like lemons – please, turn around.

If you like pears – clap your hands 3 times.

If you like apples – stamp your feet 3 times.

If you like watermelons – please, jump up and down.

If you like oranges – shake your hands.

If you like pineapples – please, take your seat.

T: Thank you very much. Sit down, please!

Now I propose you to guess riddles

A vegetable known

In gardens grown,

Her clothes a mess

Won’t undress

She’ll make you cry

If you try. (an onion)

Round as an apple

Sweet as pear,

Colour is dapple

Surrounded by hair. (a peach)

Oval and green

In gardens seen. (a cucumber)

Lives in woods

And lives in fields

A sombrero hat

His body shields. (a mushroom)

T: Good for you! Thanks!

  1. Grammar task.

T: The next task is grammatical task. Work in pairs. Open the brackets and use the correct form of the verb.

    1. My father (to cook) meals every Sunday.

    2. The boy (to eat) an apple now.

    3. We usually (to drink) orange juice in the morning.

    4. They (to have) a birthday party last Saturday.

  1. Reading.

T: Read and the text and then answer the questions bellow.


I have my breakfast at 8 o’clock. On week-days my breakfast is usually scant: bread and butter, a cheese or a sausage sandwich and a cup of tea or coffee. I don’t for cocoa. Sometimes I have fried eggs, sausages or cottage cheese, a bun or a cake, tea or coffee.

On my days off my breakfast is substantial. It consists of some cereal: semolina, rice cereal or porridge, curd pancakes, meat or cabbage patties and freshly-made strong tea.

  1. What do you have for breakfast on week-days?

  2. Is your breakfast scant or substantial?

  3. What time do you have a breakfast at?

  1. Speaking. Group work

T: Work in groups.

    1. Write as many names of fruits or vegetables as you can (red, blue, green, yellow)

Complete the sentences, please.

    1. When I make a ____ I take ___ (salad, cake, soup, pizza, potato)

  1. Homework.

T: Your home task for the next lesson. Write down the story about your breakfast. What do you like to eat for breakfast?

  1. Summarizing.

T: The time is up. I hope you aren’t tired and you like the lesson.

Was our lesson interesting? What activities do you like best of all?

Thank you for your work. Your marks are …

Have you any questions?

The lesson is over. Good – bye, children

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

"Food and Drinks"

Автор: Горшкова Тетяна Леонідівна

Дата: 16.12.2020

Номер свидетельства: 567310

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