Урок английского языка по теме "Healthy food" (6 класс)
Урок английского языка по теме "Healthy food" (6 класс)
Урок английского языка в 6 классе направлен на закрепление и систематизацию знаний по теме "Healthy food" ". Учащиеся учатся собирать, систематизировать и обобщать информацию, взаимодействовать при работе в группах, выражать своё мнение по заданной теме средствами иностранного языка.
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«Урок английского языка по теме "Healthy food" (6 класс)»
Тема урока: Healthy food.
Развивающий аспект – развитие самостоятельности, креативности, воображения, способности осуществлять продуктивные речевые действия.
Учебный аспект – развитие умений диалогической и монологической речи, а также навыков аудирования.
Воспитательный аспект – формирование потребности и способности понимать чужую точку зрения, выражать своё мнение по поводу правильного, здорового питания.
Место урока в цикле: урок – обобщение.
Аспекты языка:лексика – названия продуктов питания.
Грамматика:исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные
Виды речевой деятельности: говорение, аудирование.
Режим работы: фронтальный, в парах, групповой.
Ход урока
Организационно-мотивационный момент
Good morning! I’m glad to see you!
How are you today? (Приветствует учащихся, проводит рефлексию настроения)
(We are fine, thank you. How are you?)
I’m fine, thanks.
-- Беседа о погоде, о хобби, дети называют число и день недели.
--Well done.
Подводит учащихся к формулировке темы и цели урока.
Now look at the screen. In order to find out the subject of our lesson try to solve the rebus. (Слайд 1)
Дети предполагают тему урока с опорой на полученную информацию (разгадывают ребус).
So what is the aim of our lesson? (Слайд 2)
-- We are going to talk about our food and drinks.
-- So you need to revise some new words on this topic.
-- After that we are going to play different games.
2. Активизация лексики в речи.
1) Игра“Передай другому”. Повторение лексики в режиме T------ P1-- P2-- P3 …(Учитель объявляет тему и дает муляж яблока первому ученику. Ученики, передавая муляж друг другу, называют продукты; учитель прерывая цепочку, меняет тему и игра продолжается).
2) Отгадываем загадки.
1. It is a fruit. It is red or yellow, sometimes green. It is very tasty. Children like to eat it very much. …apple
2. It is a vegetable. It is orange. It is sweet. It is good for vegetable soup or salad. It is good to eat. …carrot
3. It is white or brown. It is good to eat with meat soup or vegetable soup. It is good to eat with butter or jam. It may be toast….bread
4. It is a very tasty thing. Everybody usually buys it for a birthday party. …cake
5. It is white. It is oval. It is good to eat for breakfast. It comes from a hen. …egg
6. It is a drink. It is white. Children like to drink it. It comes from a cow. …milk
3. Развитие навыков устной речи по теме «Foodandhealth».
Look at the screen, please. There are a lot of pictures on the screen. These words are well – known for you. (Слайд №3)
Dear boys and girls, answer my questions (фронтальный опрос класса):
Do you like milk?
Yes,It’s delicious. Do you like ice – cream? Yes,It’s sweet.
Do you like fish? No, It’s horrible.etc.
Which is your favorite food or drink?
Open your exercise - books, please. Make a list of six things (My favorite food is …). (Слайд № 4)
Then write the words on your list in two columns: healthy and unhealthy food (Учитель раздает заранее подготовленные шаблоны таблицы) (Cлайд № 5)
Let’s try to compare you answers.
For example: I think pizza is healthy but coke is unhealthy. (фронтальный опрос класса)
Complete the table with the words from the box. (Слайд № 6)
I like tasty things to eat and drink Bread and butter, cornflakes, porridge, milk, Chicken, rice, potato, salad, fish, Sandwich, meat They're not all I wish.
Breakfast, dinner, supper, lunch I like all them very much I like all them very much Yummy-yummy
I've a sweet tooth That's why I like to eat
Chocolate, ice-cream, pudding, biscuits, sweets. I like yoghurt, cakes and apple-pie Healthy diet I will say "Goodbye".
Breakfast, dinner, supper, lunch I like all them very much I like all them very much Yummy-yummy.
5. Совершенствование навыков чтения вслух.
- Now, read about the foods we eat and check your guesses. (Слайд № 7).
- Do you eat all of the “seven important things”?
- Look at the screen and correct your answers if they are wrong . (Слайд №8)
Answers: fruit and vegetables – keep your healthy, bread and sugar – give you energy, butter and meat - help you to grow and make you strong, sweets and chips – empty foods.
6. Творческое задание. Работа в группах.
And now I have a special task for you. You need to make and draw healthy menus for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Work in groups. (Слайд № 10)
7. Развитие навыков диалогической речи
Let’s have the role play. “Booking a table at a restaurant.”
a) -- Make a phone call to reserve a table. In pairs, take the roles of a customer and a waiter and act out the dialogue.
Customer: Hello, I’d like to book a table, please.
Host: Certainly. When would you like it for?
Customer: For Thursday evening, at 7: 00 pm
Host: Thursday evening, April 25. For how many people?
Customer: We’ll be two.
Host: Certainly, sir. What name should I book it under?
Customer: Stephens. That is S-T-E-P-H-E-N-S.
Host: Stephens, right. Could I also have a contact number?
Customer: Sure, it’s 9279907002.
Host: So that’s a table for four for Thursday evening, April 25th at seven.
Thank you, Mr. Stephens.
Customer: You’re welcome.
b).-- Act out the dialogue: “I invite you to lunch.”
Pupil 1: Thanks for inviting me to lunch.
Pupil 2: You’re welcome. Oh, I love this place.
Pupil 1: Me too. Where’s the menu? I’m really hungry.
Pupil 2: The waiter’s bringing it now, look!
Waiter: Here you are, sir.
Pupil 2: Thank you. Hmm, I want the roast beef.
Pupil 1: Really? But you usually have the spicy grilled chicken.
Pupil 2: Well, today I’m trying something else for a change.
What about you? Do you want the sirloin steak with creamed mushrooms?
You always enjoy that.
Pupil 1: No, I’m having the chef’s salad today. I’m on a diet.
Waiter: Are you ready to order, sir?
Pupil 2: Yes. We’d like the chef’s salad and the roast beef, please.
Waiter: Would you like anything to drink?
Pupil 2: Can I have a glass of mineral water, please?
Waiter: A glass of mineral water and a cola… Thank you.
7.Описание и обсуждение пирамиды продуктов.
-- Very good! But we all want to be healthy.
-- P1, do you want to be healthy?
-- What foods can help us with that?
-- Look at this food pyramid and answer the question:
-- Which food type contains fiber (iron, vitamin, potassium, calcium, protein) ?
a) P1: Bread and grains contain fiber, iron and vitamin B.
b) P2: Fruit and vegetables contain potassium and vitamins A, C and E.
c) P3: Dairy products contain calcium and vitamin D.
d) P4: Meat and fish contain magnesium and protein.
e) P5: We shouldn’t eat a lot of fats and oils but a little oil every day (about five or six spoonfuls) is useful against heart disease.
-- Children, what can you tell me about our food?
-- What foods can help us to be healthy?
-- P1: Garlic prevents heart disease.
-- P2: Onion is good for our nerves.
-- P3: Milk strengthens our bones.
-- P4: Banana is good for our muscles.
-- P5: Carrots are good for our eyesight.
-- P6: A little oil every day is useful against heart disease.
T: Eat wisely. If you eat a balanced diet, you will feel great, look great, and always be healthy! “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”
У уч-ся на столе карточки-смайлики (улыбающийся-грустный). Учитель задает вопросы уч-ся, а они на утвердительный показыв. улыбающийся смайлик, а на отрицательный-грустный.
- Do you eat bread with soup?
- Do you like porridge?
- Does Aygiza like porridge?
- Do you like to eat many sweets? (Let's see who has a sweet tooth)
- Do you like to eat cornflakes for breakfast?
- Does Alsu like to eat cornflakes for breakfast?
8. Заключительный этап
I think we’ll stop doing this now. You’ve all done that quite well. Don’t forget to do the task in your work-books.
Учитель подводит итоги урока и оценивает работу учеников.
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