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"Word formation" 11 класс

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тест для обучающихся 10-11 классов на словообразование, раздел лексика

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«"Word formation" 11 класс»

Вариант 1

1.Past Simple/ Past Perfect
1. My brother (be not)______________at home when I (arrive)____________________

2. We (go)______________ out to buy some bread but the shop (close)_________________

3. I (do not)_______________ recognize her. He (change)_______________ a lot.

4. My friend was late for work . I (be)__________very surprised.He never (be)_______ late before

5. Before we (take)________ our son to the theatre ,he never (see)________ a play on the stage before.

2.Word formation

Our new multi-activity holidays offer a wide (1)_____________ of courses. Ranging from (2)_________ to cookery. And they are so (3)_________ that everyone can afford them. Supervision at all times by our experienced, (4)___________ staff is included in the price of the holiday. If you are (5)___________ in trying out an adventure course, don’t worry if you are (6)__________ - we understand that not everyone is a super-athlete. Our helpful (7)__________ will take your level of (8)__________ into account and design the course accordingly. You don’t have to be physically (9)___________ to enjoy one of our holidays. There are different courses for computer fans, (10)___________ and artists. Every one has a lot of fun and you will never tell (11)____________ . So write or telephone now for an application form and join in the fun.

  1. VARY (5) INTEREST (9) ACT

  2. MOUNTAIN (6) FIT (10) MUSIC



Вариант 2

1.Past Simple/ Past Perfect

1.By the time we (arrive)____________, the party (finish)____________________.

2. The man (be)_________ a stranger for me. I never( see )_____________him before.

3. I (feel)____________ happier when they( leave)________________________.

4. I (read)____________ the book my teacher (recommend)________________.

5. We (to pack)_____________ already all our bags when they (to phone)_________ us.

2. Word formation

The street party is a popular form of (1)_________ in Britain. Whole street come together to mark such important (2)___________ occasions as a new millennium. Clearly it is (3)____________ to hold a party in a busy street, so traffic is banned. This may annoy motorists but it is (4)_____. Street parties need the (5)__________ of as many people as possible. The (6)___________ people who live in cities to unite as a community just as they would in a (7)_________ small village or town. Street parties are simple, (8)__________ affairs, which involve a great deal of eating, drinking, dancing and generally (9)_________ . There should be games so that small children do not get bored and (10)_________ . There should also be plenty of good music to (11)____________ the teenagers to stay around.


  2. NATION (6) ABLE (10) BEHAVE



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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 11 класс

"Word formation" 11 класс

Автор: Юдина Олеся Николаевна

Дата: 09.01.2024

Номер свидетельства: 643689

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