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Викторина по английскому языку для 6 класса "Do you know the UK?"

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«Викторина по английскому языку для 6 класса "Do you know the UK?"»


1. What is the official language in Great Britain?

a) English b) French c) Russian d) Chinese

2. Big Ben is ___.

a) a horse b) an animal in the zoo c) a clock d) a famous name

3. The changing of the guard happens every day at ___.

a) 12.30p.m. b) 12 o’clock c) 11.00 a.m. d) 9 o’clock

4. Great Britain is divided into ___.

a) three parts b) five parts c) four parts d) two parts

5. What is the Tower of London now?

a) a prison b) a house c) a fortress d) a museum

6. The name of the Palace where the Queen lives is ___.

a) the Tower of London b) the White House c) the Buckingham Palace d) the Houses of Parliament

7. The capital of Great Britain is ___.

a) Paris b) Moscow c) London d) Cardiff

8. What can you see in Trafalgar Square?

a) Nelson’s statue b) King memorial c) Queen memorial d) Queen Victoria memorial

9. The name of the river in London is ___.

a) the Volga b) The Thames c) the Nile d) the Mississippi

10. Westminster Abbey is ___.

a) the house b) the monastery c) the hotel d) the church

11. The British Parliament is in ___.

a) the Buckingham Palace b) the Houses of Parliament c) Backer Street

d) Westminster Abbey

12.Great Britain consists of ___.

a) England b) England, Scotland and Wales c) England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland

13. Trafalgar Square is in ___.

a) England b) Wales c) Scotland

14. What was Nelson famous for? We have learnt that he ___

a) defeated the French at the Battle of Trafalgar b) built the Tower Bridge c) built St. Paul’s Cathedral

15. Who is the head of state in Great Britain?

a) a monarch b) a prime minister c) the House of Commons d) the House of Lords


1. Where are kings and queens buried (похоронены)?

a) St. Paul’s Cathedral b) Tower of London c) Westminster Abbey d) The British Museum

2. Madam Tussaud’s is a museum of ___

a) wax figures b) western paintings c) ancient coins

3.What is the largest part of the UK?

a) England b) Wales c) Scotland d) Northern Ireland

4. The British Parliament is in ___.

a) the Buckingham Palace b) the Houses of Parliament c) Backer Street

5. Who is the Head of State in Great Britain?

a) The President b) The King c) The Parliament d) The Queen

6. What is the London home of the Queen?

a) Buckingham Palace b) Westminster Palace c)The Houses of Parliament

7.  What is in the centre of Trafalgar Square?

a) Nelson’s Column b) the Monument to Queen c) the Monument to Peter Pan

8. What is the national drink in Britain?

a) Tea b) Coca-cola c) Beer

9. What parts does the UK consist of?

a) England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland b) England, Scotland, Wales c) England, Wales, Northern Ireland

10. What is the capital of Britain?

a) Washington b) Edinburgh c) London

11. What is the official name of Britain?

a) The United Kingdom b) The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland c) Great Britain

12.  What river is the British capital situated on?

a) On the Severn b) on the Thames c) on the Mississippi

13. What is the Tower of London now?

a) It is a palace b) It is a library c) It is a museum

14. Westminster Abbey is ___.

a) the house b) the monastery c) the hotel d) the church

15. What is the Hyde Park famous for?

a) Speaker’s Corner b) lakes and flowers c) monument of Peter Pan

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Викторина по английскому языку для 6 класса "Do you know the UK?"

Автор: Лысенкова Елена Александровна

Дата: 02.11.2016

Номер свидетельства: 354445

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