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Тест по теме: «Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple», 5 класс

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«Тест по теме: «Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple», 5 класс»

Тест по теме:

«Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple»,

5 класс

1.Выберите и вставьте в предложение правильную форму глагола.

1.I usually… my Granny on Saturday.

a) visits b) visited c) visit d) will visit

2.There … 30 pupils in our class last year.

a) were b) was c) are d) is

3. I can… English very well.

a) spoke b) speaks c) speak d) will speak

4. …they go to the Zoo with us next week?

a) shall b) will c) do d) did

5. I… to my friend’s place yesterday.

a) goed b) went c) goes d) will go

6. He will not… his holidays in America.

a) spent b) spended c) spends d) spend

7. My pencil…on the table yesterday. My mother… it in the box.

a) was not, put b) are not, put c) were not, put d) was not, puts

8. Do you like… to school? Yes, I…

a) to go, did b) go, do c) to go, do d) to go, don’t

9. We learn how to use computers at …lessons.

a) I. T b) Literature c) Drama d) Maths

10. She wanted to… us about her brother.

a) say b) tell c) speak d) show

2. Переведи предложения на русский язык.

  1. I went abroad in June.

  2. I visited Berlin last summer.

  3. I spent a lot of time outdoor swimming, playing and diving.

  4. We took a lot of pictures of our friends.

  5. Did you spend much money?

  6. He missed a football match.

  7. I won’t go to the party.

  8. What is your the most interesting subject?

  9. Any good news? - Yes, I’ll spend a week in Scotland during summer holidays.

3. Поставь глагол в нужную форму. Раскрой скобки.

  1. Last week I (visit) my grandparents

  2. We (not to be) at school yesterday.

  3. My sister often (read) books in the evening.

  4. They (not to do) exercises every morning.

  5. I (spend) my summer holidays in the country.

4.Выбери и вставь в предложение правильную форму глагола.

  1. Where…your parents last week?

a) are b) did c) were d) was

2. Nick…to school every day.

a) goes b) went c) go d) will go

3. Jane …not…bread and milk tomorrow.

a) did…buy b) will…buy c) does…buy d) do…buy

4. I usually…my mother and father in the evening.

a) helped b) helps c) help d)will help

5. My friend…at school last week.

a) weren’t b)didn’t be c) isn’t d) wasn’t

6. When…your father…yhe day after tomorrow?

a) will…get up b) did…get up c0 does…get up d) do…get up

7. My balls… in the box yesterday. My brother…them.

a) aren’t, taked b) weren’t, took c) wasn’t, took d) isn’t, taked

8. They…to the Zoo next week.

a) goes b) will go c) go d) went

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Тест по теме: «Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple», 5 класс

Автор: Виталий Юрьевич Макаревич

Дата: 24.09.2022

Номер свидетельства: 613693

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