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Тест по английскому языку

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 по английскому языку

в 6 классе

1 вариант

/. Выбери подходящее по смыслу слово:

1.         The person who sings is a..

a) vet   b) singer          c) sportsman

2.         The person who plays in films is an..

a) writer          b) engineer      c) actor

3.The person who helps people when they are ill is a..

 a) doctor        b) composer      c) teacher

4. is the London home of the queen.

a) Big Ben      b) Hyde Park c) Buckingham Palace

5.         The capital of the United Kingdom is..

a) England      b) Oxford       c) London

6. At science lessons pupils do experiments and learn about.

 a) nature         b) sport           c) computers

7. Do you. English?

a) tell   b) speak          c) spend

8.Let's. a picnic at the weekend.

a) play b) arrange        c) dance

9.They are a typical Russian. : a father, a mother, two children.

a) city  b) gallery         c) family

10.There are many endangered. all over the word: the African elephant, the giant panda, the black rhino and others.

a) animals        b) sights          c) projects

//. Выбери правильную форму глагола:

1.         They. their parents every week.

a) visit b) visits           c) shall visit

2.        . he. school two years ago?

a) Finishes       b) Will. finish          c) Did. finish

3.1 am. to visit my friend in the evening.

a) going           b) go    c) went

4.         We. a test now.

a) write           b) are writing  c) wrote

5.        . you ever been to Moscow?

a) was b) am   c) have

6. He ….pictures on the wall yesterday

а) draws           b)   drew                  c)     will draw

7. Why …. she always … silly questions?

a)does ….ask          b)   is….asking                  c)     do……ask

8. Last summer  they …. abroad.  They spent a week in Scotland.

a)   go       b)    went      c)   will go

9. Next  week she …. to the Summer School.

a)   go      b)  will go       c)    went

10. They …. any help, do they?

a)    don’t need      b)  aren’t needing     c)   didn’t need

11. The boy …. his homework tomorrow.

a)   do     b)   are doing        c) did      d)    will do

III. Закончи  предложения:

1.         She will play tennis.

a) next week   b) at this moment       c) on Mondays

2.         Mark doesn't know Nick,. ?

a) does he       b) do they       c) isn't he

3.         We enjoyed your party.

a) just  b) in a minute  c) yesterday

4.         The story was funny,. ?

a) wasn't it      b) was she?     c) did it?

5.         - Have you visited Madame Tussaud' s museum? - Yes, I..
a) does            b) have            c) did

IV.       Выбери правильный вариант:

1.         My friends' books

а) книга друзей         b) книга моего друга       с) книги моих друзей

2.         Самый интересный урок

a) the interesting lesson    b) the most interesting lesson   c) the worst lesson

3.         What is the. river in our country?

a) longest        b) more long   c) longer

4.         Two heads are. than one.

a) better          b) best c) good

5.         Хобби Анны

a) Anna' hobby    b) Anna's hobby       c) The hobby of Anna

V.   Допиши  вопрос:

1.            Mr Black's dog doesn't eat fish,________________ ?

2.            Tigers are cleverer than cats,_____________________?

3.            The monkey is funnier than the parrot,_________________?

4.            There is a monkey in the cage, _____________?

5.            The monkeys couldn't take the toys,___________?

6.            You like the monkeys,____________?

7.            You can't write a test today, _______________?

8.            They aren't in the street, _____________?

9.            There aren't any schools in this street,_______________ ?

10.          Her uncle lives in this street, ____________?

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«Тест по английскому языку»


по английскому языку

в 6 классе

1 вариант

/. Выбери подходящее по смыслу слово:

1. The person who sings is a ... .

a) vet b) singer c) sportsman

2. The person who plays in films is an ... .

a) writer b) engineer c) actor

3.The person who helps people when they are ill is a ... .

a) doctor b) composer c) teacher

4.... is the London home of the queen.

a) Big Ben b) Hyde Park c) Buckingham Palace

5. The capital of the United Kingdom is ... .

a) England b) Oxford c) London

6. At science lessons pupils do experiments and learn about....

a) nature b) sport c) computers

7. Do you ... English?

a) tell b) speak c) spend

8.Let's ... a picnic at the weekend.

a) play b) arrange c) dance

9.They are a typical Russian ... : a father, a mother, two children.

a) city b) gallery c) family

10.There are many endangered ... all over the word: the African elephant, the giant panda, the black rhino and others.

a) animals b) sights c) projects

//. Выбери правильную форму глагола:

1. They ... their parents every week.

a) visit b) visits c) shall visit

2. ... he ... school two years ago?

a) Finishes b) Will ... finish c) Did ... finish

3.1 am ... to visit my friend in the evening.

a) going b) go c) went

4. We ... a test now.

a) write b) are writing c) wrote

5. ... you ever been to Moscow?

a) was b) am c) have

6. He ….pictures on the wall yesterday

а) draws b) drew c) will draw

7. Why …. she always … silly questions?

a)does ….ask b) is…..asking c) do……ask

8. Last summer they …. abroad. They spent a week in Scotland.

a) go b) went c) will go

9. Next week she …. to the Summer School.

a) go b) will go c) went

10. They …. any help, do they?

a) don’t need b) aren’t needing c) didn’t need

11. The boy …. his homework tomorrow.

a) do b) are doing c) did d) will do

III. Закончи предложения:

1. She will play tennis ....

a) next week b) at this moment c) on Mondays

2. Mark doesn't know Nick,... ?

a) does he b) do they c) isn't he

3. We enjoyed your party ....

a) just b) in a minute c) yesterday

4. The story was funny, ... ?

a) wasn't it b) was she? c) did it?

5. - Have you visited Madame Tussaud' s museum? - Yes, I... .
a) does b) have c) did

IV. Выбери правильный вариант:

1. My friends' books

а) книга друзей b) книга моего друга с) книги моих друзей

2. Самый интересный урок

a) the interesting lesson b) the most interesting lesson c) the worst lesson

3. What is the ... river in our country?

a) longest b) more long c) longer

4. Two heads are ... than one.

a) better b) best c) good

5. Хобби Анны

a) Anna' hobby b) Anna's hobby c) The hobby of Anna

V. Допиши вопрос:

1. Mr Black's dog doesn't eat fish,________________ ?

2. Tigers are cleverer than cats,_____________________?

3. The monkey is funnier than the parrot,_________________?

4. There is a monkey in the cage, _____________?

5. The monkeys couldn't take the toys,___________?

6. You like the monkeys,____________?

7. You can't write a test today, _______________?

8. They aren't in the street, _____________?

9. There aren't any schools in this street,_______________ ?

10. Her uncle lives in this street, ____________?

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Тест по английскому языку

Автор: Галина Васильевна Понетайкина

Дата: 13.03.2020

Номер свидетельства: 542705

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