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Тест к разделу № 4 УМК "Starlight-6" (вариант № 2)

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«Тест к разделу № 4 УМК "Starlight-6" (вариант № 2)»

Test 4 B (Grade 6)

  1. Choose the correct answer:

  1. I’m sure you are going to /will find your lost passport.

  2. People will/are going to travel in flying cars in the future.

  3. What are your plans for the weekend? – We are going to/will have a picnic.

  4. My bags are so heavy! – I will/am going to help you.

  5. Look out! The dog will/is going to bite you!

  1. Fill in a, an, the where necessary:

  1. It was a sunny day, …. sky was blue.

  2. My mother was …. youngest in her family.

  3. Children! It’s time to have …. shower!

  4. Welcome to …. UK, one of the most beautiful countries!

  5. There are …. expensive shops in Oxford street.

  6. We went camping to …. Lake Ladoga.

  7. American children study …. Spanish language at school.

  8. Strawberries cost 3$ …. kilo.

  9. …. Crete is a small Greek island.

  10. Sharks don’t live in …. Black Sea.

  1. Open the brackets using correct verb forms:

  1. If he ate unhealthy food, he (fell) ill.

  2. If he (wash) my car , I will give him $10.

  3. When we mix blue and yellow, we (get) green.

  4. What will happen if my parachute (not open)?

  5. If I (be) you, I wouldn’t buy that old car!

  6. If Mum used Mike’s computer, he (be) angry.

  7. When Sam calls, we (leave) for the airport.

  8. If Luke (study) harder, he could be more successful.

  1. Fill in which, who, whose, where:

  1. This is the sight …. is very popular with tourists.

  2. Meet my dear friends …. come from the USA.

  3. Let’s dive to the reef …. we could see the underwater statues.

  4. This the man …. dog bit my son yesterday.

  5. The police found my documents …. I lost in Rome.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Тест к разделу № 4 УМК "Starlight-6" (вариант № 2)

Автор: Яхтина Жанна Васильевна

Дата: 31.08.2018

Номер свидетельства: 476843

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    ["category_seo"] => string(15) "angliiskiyYazik"
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