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Spotlight 8, Module 2, Food and Shopping, Test Module 2 (Вариант 2)

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Spotlight 8, Module 2, Food and Shopping, Test Module 2 (Вариант 2)

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«Spotlight 8, Module 2, Food and Shopping, Test Module 2 (Вариант 2)»

Module 2 (Spotlight 8)


A Match the words in Column A with the words/ phrases in Column B.

Column A Column B

  1. nourishing A sauce

  2. home-cooked B chicken

  3. spicy C eggs

  4. scrambled D products

  5. roast E meal

B Fill in the correct word. There are three odd words.

mashed pinch sprinkle packed basically bargain fussy appealing

  1. Tess takes a……………….lunch to work, because she doesn’t like eating out.

  1. I don’t know what to cook today. You’re such a………………eater.

  1. We’re having grilled fish with …………………potatoes for dinner.

  1. But remember, the breakfast should be healthy and…………………….

  1. If you like salty food, add a ……………of sea salt for your liking.

C Choose the correct answer A, B or C.

  1. Philip has …………..bought anything from a flea market before.

    1. ever b. never c. already

  2. They haven’t visited the Tower of London ……..

    1. before b. yet c. just

  3. He wasted all his pocket money on computer games ………week.

    1. ago b. recently c. last

  4. I’m sorry I haven’t written to you …………….,but I couldn’t find your address.

    1. after b. before c. since

  5. She has lived in this village ………ten years.

    1. already b. since c. for

D Put the correct preposition.

  1. Camels can go ………….water longer than many other animals.

  2. We decided to take Anny out to dinner, because she’s been going …………..a rough time at work.

  3. In the past people often went………………illnesses that doctors didn’t know much about.

  4. The policemen went……………the robber but unfortunately he got away.

  5. I always make sure that my shoes go …………….my clothes.

E Put the adjectives in the correct order.

  1. In the new hall there is a white/round/beautiful/wooden table.

  1. When we entered the house we noticed a/an old/ small/lovely/black/metal box.

  1. My dad brought me /black/leather/Chinese/smart gloves as a birthday present.

  1. I don’t like his pale green/woolen/American/second-hand pair of jeans.

  1. Tom and Fred are brave/English/young/talented scientists.

F Complete the sentences using a lot of, a few, little, very little, much, many and the words money/minutes/time/salt/people/days/milk. There are some odd words.

  1. He has spent 20$ on new clothes and now he has ………....................................left.

  2. Mary called to say she’s going to be …………………………late.

  3. My granny tries to eat healthy food, so she add only …………………in her meal.

  4. Not…………….........were interested in weather forecast on winter holiday.

  5. Do you drink ……………………per week?

G Fill in the gaps with a/an/the where necessary.

  1. There is ……fantastic flea market, just…… ten-minute bus ride from my house.

  2. Helen dreams about going to ……UK and …..London and see …Tower Bridge.

  3. Harry started playing …...violin……..last June.

  4. We have missed ……..train to …….Glasgow, so we went there by……..plane.

  5. Don’t worry, I’ll show you how to set…..table for …formal dinner if ….Greens come.

H Complete the sentences using idioms: spill the beans/crying over spilt milk/one’s cup of tea/a piece of cake/take everything with a pinch of salt

  1. Be careful not to………………………and tell Polly about the surprise party.

  2. Together we can write the article in short time; it’s…………………………………

  3. It’s a shame you lost the game, but it’s no use ………………………………………

  4. My sister is the best cook in our neighborhood, especially borsch is…………………….

  5. Everyone knows that Mary is a bit of liar so when she tells something we ………………………………….

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Spotlight 8, Module 2, Food and Shopping, Test Module 2 (Вариант 2)

Автор: Вернова Елена Вячеславовна

Дата: 24.08.2023

Номер свидетельства: 635894

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