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Самостоятельная работа по 5F: WORD FORMATION

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Самостоятельная работа по 5F: WORD FORMATION(1 вариант)

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«Самостоятельная работа по 5F: WORD FORMATION»

5f Use of English 1


1. Enter 2. Obey 3. Exist 4. Prohibit 5. Annoy 6. Reside 7. Insist 8. Ignore 9. Exhibit 10. Expect

B! Phrasal Verb: CALL! Complete with: In, Off, On, Out, For, Back

1. The meeting has been called .................... because the manager's ill.

2. He is not in at the moment. I will ask him to call you ………………….. as soon as he arrives.

3. The match was …......... due to bad weather.

4. Jessica called ..................... yesterday when I was working in the garage.

5. The earthquake in Japan … immediate action.

6. When the situation got out of hand, we had to call ...................... the police. 7. They have called ……... the wedding.

8. When the riots (мятежи) began, soldiers were … to restore peace and order. 9. The earthquake in Japan … immediate action.

10. If Jack phones the office tell him I'll ........... .

C! Choose the correct word:

1. We decided to pick up the rubbish/litter/waste in the park.

2. Some people just dump their rubbish/litter/waste in the river.

3. Many animals and birds are now inactive/extinct/disappear .

4. The flight was delayed as a result of fog/fumes/smoke .

5. The brain cells are inactive/extinct/disappear during sleep.

6. There is a special discount for team/crew/staff.

7. We need to find ways to recycle unnecessary rubbish/litter/waste.

8. They watched the bus inactive/extinct/disappear into the distance.

9. Exhaust fog/fumes/smoke are bad for your health.

10. John has taken the leadership of the football team/crew/staff.

11. I'm going to lose/miss/waste my grandpa.

12. There's no fog/fumes/smoke without fire.

13. One wrong (or false) move can lose/miss/waste the whole game.

14. The plane crashed, killing all its passengers and team/crew/staff.

15. Don't lose/miss/waste life in doubts and fears.

D! Complete with : …. nature/…… danger,/.... flames/…. earth/…. ruins

1. Fires broke out everywhere, the entire city went up ............. .

2. I must be the happiest person ............ !

3. Tigers are cruel ............ .

4. An earthquake left the whole town ......... .

5. They ran until they were ............ .

5f Use of English 2


1. Enter 2. Obey 3. Exist 4. Prohibit 5. Annoy 6. Reside 7. Insist 8. Ignore 9. Exhibit 10. Expect

B! Phrasal Verb: CALL! Complete with: In, Off, On, Out, For, Back

1. The meeting has been called .................... because the manager's ill.

2. He is not in at the moment. I will ask him to call you ………………….. as soon as he arrives.

3. The match was …......... due to bad weather.

4. Jessica called ..................... yesterday when I was working in the garage.

5. The earthquake in Japan … immediate action.

6. When the situation got out of hand, we had to call ...................... the police. 7. They have called ……... the wedding.

8. When the riots (мятежи) began, soldiers were … to restore peace and order. 9. The earthquake in Japan … immediate action.

10. If Jack phones the office tell him I'll ........... .

C! Choose the correct word:

1. We decided to pick up the rubbish/litter/waste in the park.

2. Some people just dump their rubbish/litter/waste in the river.

3. Many animals and birds are now inactive/extinct/disappear .

4. The flight was delayed as a result of fog/fumes/smoke .

5. The brain cells are inactive/extinct/disappear during sleep.

6. There is a special discount for team/crew/staff.

7. We need to find ways to recycle unnecessary rubbish/litter/waste.

8. They watched the bus inactive/extinct/disappear into the distance.

9. Exhaust fog/fumes/smoke are bad for your health.

10. John has taken the leadership of the football team/crew/staff.

11. I'm going to lose/miss/waste my grandpa.

12. There's no fog/fumes/smoke without fire.

13. One wrong (or false) move can lose/miss/waste the whole game.

14. The plane crashed, killing all its passengers and team/crew/staff.

15. Don't lose/miss/waste life in doubts and fears.

D! Complete with : …. nature/…… danger,/.... flames/…. earth/…. ruins

1. Fires broke out everywhere, the entire city went up ............. .

2. I must be the happiest person ............ !

3. Tigers are cruel ............ .

4. An earthquake left the whole town ......... .

5. They ran until they were ............ .

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс

Самостоятельная работа по 5F: WORD FORMATION

Автор: Мельникова Наталья Андреевна

Дата: 06.07.2023

Номер свидетельства: 634749

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