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Промежуточная тестовая работа для 8 класса по УМК Комаровой Ю. А.

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«Промежуточная тестовая работа для 8 класса по УМК Комаровой Ю. А.»

Промежуточная аттестация 8 класс

1 Circle the correct alternatives.

  1. Jenny plays football once a month. She always / sometimes / never plays football.

  2. Penny thinks football is stupid. She usually / sometimes / never watches it.

  3. Jack goes to the cinema three times a week. He often / never / always goes to the cinema.

  4. Emma works in a cafe every Saturday. She always / usually / often works there.

  5. Patrick gets up at 9 o'clock on Sundays, but on other days he gets up at 8. He sometimes / always / usually gets up at 8.

  6. Nick cooks breakfast every day. He always / often / never cooks breakfast.

2 Complete with the verbs in brackets. Use the present continuous or present simple form.

Sara Hi Joe. I (a) ……… (do) a survey. Can I ask you some questions? What time (b) ……. you .…..(get / usually) to school in the morning?

Joe I (c) ……….. (arrive / always) at half past eight. But my sister Ruth (d)……… (not / get) here until five to nine!

Sara Really? (e)……. your sister……. (take) the bus to school?

Joe Yes, she (f)……. But I (g)………. I always (h)…….. (walk) to school.

Sara What (i)………. you and your sister usually………. (eat) for lunch?

Joe We (j) ………. (have) sandwiches

Sara So, (k) ……….you………. (have) sandwiches today?.

Joe No, we (l)…….. . In fact, I (m) ……… (wait) for Ruth now. She (n) ………. (buy) salad for our lunch!

3 Match the verbs with the words.




the Internet




a helicopter




a prize




an email




a mountain




a crime




a salary




an exam

№4 Circle the correct alternatives.

  1. Jenny is worried / worrying about walking home late at night.

  2. Press that key and you'll go back to the home / house page of the website.

  3. Tom and Sylvia climbed up / across the mountain.

  4. Have you read today's headwords / headlines in the newspaper?

  5. Parachuting is very excited / exciting.

  6. The plane flew along / over Paris - the view was fantastic.

  7. It's a very big boat - it's tiny / huge.

  8. We lost the match 10-0 - it was very embarrassed / embarrassing.

5 Circle the correct alternatives.

  1. Stella has ever/never been to the USA.

  2. Tim has since/just lost his wallet.

  3. They have worked at our company for / since the end of August.

  4. Have you ever / just broken your leg?

6 Complete with the first conditional.

  1. If I ……… (feel) bored, I ……… (phone) my friends.

  2. What she ……… (do) if we …….. (arrive) late?

  3. If Sally ……… (work) hard, she ……… (pass) the exam.

  4. Carole ……… (not sing) if her voice ………(not be) good.

  5. If we ……….(send) you a ticket, …… you …… (come) to the concert?

7 Write the questions in the present perfect or past simple.

  1. How long / you / know / Jerry?


  1. Where / you / meet / him?


  1. you and Jerry / ever / work / for the same company?


  1. Jerry / live / in England?


  1. When / he / live in England?


8 Read the text and answer the questions.

Born in December 1973, Paula Radcliffe is the world's fastest female marathon runner and is also one of Britain's most popular athletes. As a six-year-old child, she watched her father train for marathons, and ever since then she has been interested in running. At the age of nine, she joined Frodsham Harriers track club in the north of England, where she did high jump, sprinting and distance running. However, she soon decided to be a long-distance runner. Paula has only been running marathons since 2002. However, she has held the world record since she won the Chicago Marathon that year. She has continued to beat her previous world-record scores since then, in both the London and New York marathons. Of the eight marathons she has run so far, she has won seven and set a record in five. Paula isn't only successful as an athlete. She is fluent in both French and German, and did a degree in European Studies. She met her husband, Gary Lough, at university and they have been married since 2000. He's also been her manager since 1997. Paula is strongly against the use of drugs in sports and has worn a red ribbon in competitions for years. This represents her support for blood testing to catch athletes who use drugs to improve their performance.

  1. When did Paula become interested in running?

  2. Which three athletic events has Paula tried?

  3. When did Paula win her first marathon?

  4. How long has Paula's husband been her manager?

  5. How does Paula show that she is against the use of drugs in sport?



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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс

Промежуточная тестовая работа для 8 класса по УМК Комаровой Ю. А.

Автор: Шестакова Наталья Игоревна

Дата: 03.05.2024

Номер свидетельства: 649913

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