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My favourite season Test

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                                          My favourite  season

     There are four seasons in a year-winter,spring,summer and autumn.And I think,every season has a charm of  its own.Each of them has its advantages.

      As for me, I like spring more than any other season of the year.because it is a very nice and beautiful season.Spring comes after  long cold winter time and brings three wonderful months-March,April,May.I think,that nothing can be more beautiful than awakening of nature.Because the nature renews and there`s a feeling of  the beginning of a new,better life.The weather in spring is good,warm and sunny.The days become longer and the nights become shorter.Sometimes it rains,but the rain doesn`t last long.The weather becomes warmer day by day.

The birds return from the hot countries and build their nests.They sing sweetly on the branches of the trees.And we understand that winter is over and spring  is knocking on the door.

       In spring everything is greenThe ground is covered with fresh green grass

and the first spring flowers “snowdrops”The air is fresh and the sun shines very brightly and the winds are not so rough as in winter.There is an atmosthere of  love and happiness.Everything is full of life and joy.It is very pleasant to watch how the nature awakens from the winter slip.In spring we can go to the country and have a walk in the woods,play ball-games,lie in the sun.

      Spring is the time when people get back to their gardens and country houses.Thisis the time when a lot of people start preparing for winter and harvest season which is autumn.They spend a lot of time in their gardens and allotments the soil and planting vegetables,greens,berries  and other crops.   

      In spring we have the celebration of the International Women`s Day.On this day their husbands,sons,fathers and brothers give them nice presents.They do their bests to do their happy.It is not only the most precious season for me,but also because it is my birthday in spring.And whenever I`m asked what my favourite season is,I instantly answer”spring”That is why I like spring more than any other season of the year.


                                                   Greade 6

I.Find the false sentence.

1.The Kazathstan Hotel is older than the Almaty Hotel.

2.This car is gooder than that one.

3.Summer is the most  wonderful season.

II.Put in the verbs in Present Continuous into the gaps.

1.Richard ____ ___ in the garden.

2.She _____ ______ a cup of tea.

3.You ______ _____  the kitchen.

III.Put in do or does into the gaps.

1_____ Peter live with his father?

2._____  you learn Spanish?

3._____ the cats sit on the wall?

IV.Mistakes in English question.Write the correct question.

1.Speak you English?


2.What can I for you do?


3.Does Frank works in the field?


V.Write past tense of these verbs.

1.go-                                                     write-

2.see-                                                    like-

3.bring-                                                finish-

VI.Fill in the blanks with”a”,”an”,”the”

1.___ Almaty is ____ capital of south Kazakhstan.

2.___   The boys break___ postcard.

3.She bought ____  old car.

VII.Put the verbs am,is,are.

1.How old ____ your children?

2.What colour ____ your pencil case/

3.I ____ cleaning the bedroom.

VIII.Put much,many,a lot of.

1.There isn`t ____ snow on the ground.

2.Ther are ____ apples.

IX.Correct the mistakes in the sentences.Ann and Mike is frinds.

2.You can play dombra ?     

3 Her  hobby  has  reading.

X.Put in what, how, when into the gaps.

1.___ do you like ?

2.___ Old is Mike?

3. ____does John get up in the morning.

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«My favourite season Test»

My favourite season

There are four seasons in a year-winter,spring,summer and autumn.And I think,every season has a charm of its own.Each of them has its advantages.

As for me, I like spring more than any other season of the year.because it is a very nice and beautiful season.Spring comes after long cold winter time and brings three wonderful months-March,April,May.I think,that nothing can be more beautiful than awakening of nature.Because the nature renews and there`s a feeling of the beginning of a new,better life.The weather in spring is good,warm and sunny.The days become longer and the nights become shorter.Sometimes it rains,but the rain doesn`t last long.The weather becomes warmer day by day.

The birds return from the hot countries and build their nests.They sing sweetly on the branches of the trees.And we understand that winter is over and spring is knocking on the door.

In spring everything is greenThe ground is covered with fresh green grass

and the first spring flowers “snowdrops”The air is fresh and the sun shines very brightly and the winds are not so rough as in winter.There is an atmosthere of love and happiness.Everything is full of life and joy.It is very pleasant to watch how the nature awakens from the winter slip.In spring we can go to the country and have a walk in the woods,play ball-games,lie in the sun.

Spring is the time when people get back to their gardens and country houses.Thisis the time when a lot of people start preparing for winter and harvest season which is autumn.They spend a lot of time in their gardens and allotments the soil and planting vegetables,greens,berries and other crops.

In spring we have the celebration of the International Women`s Day.On this day their husbands,sons,fathers and brothers give them nice presents.They do their bests to do their happy.It is not only the most precious season for me,but also because it is my birthday in spring.And whenever I`m asked what my favourite season is,I instantly answer”spring”That is why I like spring more than any other season of the year.


Greade 6

I.Find the false sentence.

1.The Kazathstan Hotel is older than the Almaty Hotel.

2.This car is gooder than that one.

3.Summer is the most wonderful season.

II.Put in the verbs in Present Continuous into the gaps.

1.Richard ____ ___ in the garden.

2.She _____ ______ a cup of tea.

3.You ______ _____ the kitchen.

III.Put in do or does into the gaps.

1_____ Peter live with his father?

2._____ you learn Spanish?

3._____ the cats sit on the wall?

IV.Mistakes in English question.Write the correct question.

1.Speak you English?


2.What can I for you do?


3.Does Frank works in the field?


V.Write past tense of these verbs.

1.go- write-

2.see- like-

3.bring- finish-

VI.Fill in the blanks with”a”,”an”,”the”

1.___ Almaty is ____ capital of south Kazakhstan.

2.___ The boys break___ postcard.

3.She bought ____ old car.

VII.Put the verbs am,is,are.

1.How old ____ your children?

2.What colour ____ your pencil case/

3.I ____ cleaning the bedroom.

VIII.Put much,many,a lot of.

1.There isn`t ____ snow on the ground.

2.Ther are ____ apples.

IX.Correct the mistakes in the sentences.Ann and Mike is frinds.

2.You can play dombra ?

3 Her hobby has reading.

X.Put in what , how , when into the gaps.

1.___ do you like ?

2.___ Old is Mike?

3. ____does John get up in the morning.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

My favourite season Test

Автор: Утениязова Альбина Жумабековна

Дата: 26.04.2017

Номер свидетельства: 411831

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