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Итоговая контрольная работа за 2 четверть 6 класс

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«Итоговая контрольная работа за 2 четверть 6 класс»

Итоговая контрольная работа за 2 четверть 6 класс

I. Complete the text:

Use: plenty, endangered, attractions, although, over, kinds, watch

Chester Zoo is one of the most famous and largest UK zoos. It was opened in 1931 not far from the English town of Chester.

The zoo has _________________ of animals, reptiles, birds and insects to see. In fact, there are more than 500 ___________________ of animals in Chester Zoo. Some of them belong to the most _______________ species on the planet.

In Chester Zoo, visitors can __________________ the wildlife. The most popular ___________________ are “Butterfly Journey”, “Fruit Bat Forest” and “Elephants of the Asian Forests”. ___________________ Chester Zoo is home to rare animals from all ___________________ the world, it also has amazing children’s areas and lovely picnics lawns.

Chester Zoo is open 7 days a week from 10 a.m.

II. Complete the sentences. Circle the right letter:

1. Where is Tom? - He is in the canteen. He ........... lunch.

  1. has b) is having c) has had

2. We .......... our project yet. We need two days.

  1. don’t finish b) didn’t finish c) haven’t finished

3. The school has very good sports facilities, ....... it?

  1. doesn’t b) didn’t c) haven’t

4. ......you........the poem by heart? - Not yet.

  1. Do......learn b) Are.....learning c) Have........learnt

5. Kate..........French and Spanish at school. She is going to be an interpreter.

  1. studies b) has studied c) studied

6. Last week we.......a very difficult Maths test. Unfortunately, most of the students got low marks.

  1. took b) have taken c) take

7. “Don’t be afraid! You..............a success,” the teacher encouraged the young actors before the performance.

  1. are b) will be c) have been

8. Nowadays, in most British schools students............wear school uniform.

  1. have to b) had to c) will have to

9. Sam lives in Africa. He.........never.........snow.

  1. do.......see b) did......see c) has.......seen

10. What are you doing? - I ......... ........... an essay about my school.

  1. write b) am writing c) wrote

III. Complete the sentences.

Use: with, for, on, at, of

  1. There are plenty _____ different school clubs which students can join.

  2. At first, Sophie got along__________her classmates. But the project changed the situation.

  3. If you travel with kids, you have to visit our Fun Park and go _____ the rides.

  4. Do you know that over 500 kinds_____________animals live in Chester Zoo?

  5. What did you do last weekend? - I had a sore throat, so I had to stay ______home.

  6. What is your hometown famous__________?

  7. You can play Monopoly instead__________me, if you want.

IV. Complete the text: make the word in capitals suitable for filling in the blank space.


Dear Cathy,

Do you like hedgehogs? We do. Yesterday we____________to the Hedgehog Hospital at Prickly Ball Farm. We have learned lots about these funny animals. Here are some of our photos from the farm.

Your granny________________two hedgehogs in her garden, hasn’t she? So she can leave some bread and pieces of sweet fruit for them at night.

On the farm, we also________________sheep and cows. Look at the photo! Alice________________a pony. Isn’t she funny?

In the afternoon, we_____________________tasty cakes and tea in the Whole Hog Cafe. The visit__________full of fun.

Have you ever been to Prickly Ball Farm?

Next time, we_____________to join us.

Lots of love,

From Alice and Ann.

V. Fill in the right word from the brackets:

  1. There are  __________________(some, any) newspapers on the table near the TV set.
    2. There isn’t  _________________(some, any) bread on the table.
    3. Are there_________________(some, any) pictures in this book?

  1. Is there_____________(much,many) snow in the streets?
    5. There aren’t______________(much, many) lamps.
    6. There isn’t________________(much, many)  coffee in the cups.
    7. Has she___________(much, many) homework for today?

8. There is __________(little, few)  butter in the refrigerator.
9. The house has________________(few, little)  balconies.
10. There are ________________(few, little) apples on the plate in the cupboard.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Итоговая контрольная работа за 2 четверть 6 класс

Автор: Бобровник Ольга Сергеевна

Дата: 18.01.2018

Номер свидетельства: 450732

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