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Грамматические упражнения по теме: "Question Tags".

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«Грамматические упражнения по теме: "Question Tags".»

Add questions tags to these sentences

He worked at a factory a week ago,___________________________?

She slept after dinner,______________________________________?
We played funny games,____________________________________?
Helen had a car last year,____________________________________?

My younger sister played puzzles last night, _____________________?

Wendy cleaned her room on Wednesday,_________________________?.

My grandparents watched TV late in the evening yesterday,__________________?

Ben did not go shopping two days ago,______________________________?

My Dad did not swim in the deep river last summer,_______________________?

They did not learn a new song a week ago,_______________________________?

The girl didn`t see a little bird in a tree,______________________________?

They didn`t drink tea at 5 o`clock,_____________________________?

She didn`t spend her holidays in the country,___________________________?

He didn`t read detective stories,_________________________?

She didn`t go to London,_________________________________?

Erica likes playing the guitar_________________________________?

Jack likes listening to music______________________________________?

Her brother works as a security officer,_______________________________?

Add questions tags to these sentences

He worked at a factory a week ago,___________________________?

She slept after dinner,______________________________________?
We played funny games,____________________________________?
Helen had a car last year,____________________________________?

My younger sister played puzzles last night, _____________________?

Wendy cleaned her room on Wednesday,_________________________?.

My grandparents watched TV late in the evening yesterday,__________________?

Ben did not go shopping two days ago,______________________________?

My Dad did not swim in the deep river last summer,_______________________?

They did not learn a new song a week ago,_______________________________?

The girl didn`t see a little bird in a tree,______________________________?

They didn`t drink tea at 5 o`clock,_____________________________?

She didn`t spend her holidays in the country,___________________________?

He didn`t read detective stories,_________________________?

She didn`t go to London,_________________________________?

Erica likes playing the guitar_________________________________?

Jack likes listening to music______________________________________?

Her brother works as a security officer,_______________________________?

Monica walks her dog twice a day,___________________________________?

My Granny buys vegetables at the market,_______________________________?

Your dad does not like reading magazines_______________________________?

The show does not begin at five o’clock, ________________________________?

Susan usually doesn`t have a shower in the morning,_______________________?

This car doesn`t cost too much for us, ________________________________?

My friends and me walk in the park after school,_________________________?

His parents spend their vacations in the countryside,______________________?

The lessons in our school start at eight o’clock,__________________________?

We play a game of chess in the evening,________________________________?.

My cousins visit me at weekends,_____________________________________?

You need any help_________________________?

I do not buy a lot of sweets for my children,________________________?

Carol and Pam don`t eat much for breakfast,_______________________?

My sister and me don`t want to go skating, ___________________________?

My classmates don`t take part in this competition, _______________________?

These apples don`t look fresh,______________________________________?

Some people don`t like to travel by plane, _____________________________?

Monica walks her dog twice a day,___________________________________?

My Granny buys vegetables at the market,_______________________________?

Your dad does not like reading magazines_______________________________?

The show does not begin at five o’clock, ________________________________?

Susan usually doesn`t have a shower in the morning,_______________________?

This car doesn`t cost too much for us, ________________________________?

My friends and me walk in the park after school,_________________________?

His parents spend their vacations in the countryside,______________________?

The lessons in our school start at eight o’clock,__________________________?

We play a game of chess in the evening,________________________________?.

My cousins visit me at weekends,_____________________________________?

You need any help_________________________?

I do not buy a lot of sweets for my children,________________________?

Carol and Pam don`t eat much for breakfast,_______________________?

My sister and me don`t want to go skating, ___________________________?

My classmates don`t take part in this competition, _______________________?

These apples don`t look fresh,______________________________________?

Some people don`t like to travel by plane, _____________________________?

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Грамматические упражнения по теме: "Question Tags".

Автор: Чернова Ирина Борисовна

Дата: 24.06.2018

Номер свидетельства: 474180

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