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Экзаменационная работа (грамматический тест)

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Грамматический тест составлен для учащихся 6 классов (гимназического направления). Работа содержит проверочные задания по изученному материалу учебников Верещагина 5 год обучения.

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«Экзаменационная работа (грамматический тест)»

Test Form 6

  1. What ………… interesting book!

  1. A

  2. An

  3. The

  1. What …… fresh juice!

  1. An

  2. A

  3. The

  1. His room ………….. every week.

  1. Cleans

  2. Is cleaned

  3. Will be cleaned

  4. Cleaned

  1. Which of you …………….. English?

  1. Knows

  2. Know

  3. Is knowing

  4. Will know

  1. Who discovered America? C. Columbus ………… .

  1. Does

  2. Did

  3. Is

  4. Was

  1. They have bought some apples, so ……… she.

  1. Have

  2. Has

  3. Is

  4. Was

  1. Mary said to Bob: “We’ll play football in 2 days”.

  1. Mary told to Bob they would play football in 2 days.

  2. Mary told Bob they would play football in 2 days.

  3. Mary told to Bob they will play football in 2 days.

  4. Mary told to Bob they would play football 2 days later.

  1. Phil asked his sister: “Will you go shopping?”

  1. Phil asked his sister if she would go shopping.

  2. Phil asks his sister if she would go shopping.

  3. Phil asked his sister if she will go shopping.

  4. Phil asked his sister when she will go shopping.

  1. Ann asked me: “What will you do tomorrow?”

  1. Ann asked me what I will do tomorrow

  2. Ann asked me what I would do tomorrow

  3. Ann asked me what I would do the next day

  4. Ann asked me what I would do then

  1. Where …………… your money?

  1. Is

  2. Are

  3. Am

  1. Your …….. very good.

  1. Advise is

  2. Advice is

  3. Advises are

  4. Advices are

  1. Everybody respects him. He is very …………………

  1. Respect

  2. Respectable

  3. Respecting

  4. Respects.

  1. Ann said to Helen: “I went to Moscow last year”.

  1. Ann told Helen she went to Moscow last year

  2. Ann told to Helen she had gone to Moscow last year

  3. Ann told Helen she had gone to Moscow the previous year

  4. Ann said Helen she had gone to Moscow last year

  1. This book is …………

  1. My

  2. Me

  3. Mine

  4. Myself

  1. My sister never thinks about people, she only thinks about ……….. .

  1. Himself

  2. Herself

  3. Myself

  4. Ourselves

  1. Look! Bob ……….. football now.

a) Plays

b) Is playing

c) Played

d) Has played

  1. Who ……………….for Moscow every year?

  1. left

  2. is leaving

  3. leave

  4. leaves

  1. They ……………. to the cinema the other day.

  1. Went

  2. Are going

  3. Have gone

  4. Go

  1. My elder brother can …………….guitar very well.

  1. Play the

  2. Playing a

  3. Plays the

  4. Played

  1. What’s on at …………”Odeon”?

  1. A

  2. The

  3. An

  1. I ………………… my best friend for ten years.

  1. Know

  2. Have known

  3. Has known

  4. Knew

  1. If you …………….. me some minutes later, I’ll tell you about my trip.

  1. Phones

  2. Will phone

  3. Have phoned

  4. Phone

  1. What is the ……………….of your dress?

  1. Long

  2. Length

  3. Longer

  4. The longest

  1. He …………….the seaside every summer, but now he doesn’t.

  1. Went

  2. Used to go

  3. Goes

  4. Has gone

  1. Jane ………….. at five o’clock yesterday.

  1. Is sleeping

  2. Slept

  3. Was sleeping

  4. Will sleep

  1. While Nick was skiing in the mountains, Tom ………snowballs.

  1. Was playing

  2. Is playing

  3. Played

  4. Will play

  1. Neither Nelly nor Ann …………….. coffee.

  1. Drink

  2. Drinks

  3. Are drinking

  4. Have drunk.

  1. She likes ……………… apples nor bananas.

  1. Neither

  2. Either

  3. Or

  4. Nor

  1. My sister is a …………………….. girl.

  1. High

  2. Fresh

  3. Long

  4. Tall

  1. Cold drinks ………… in summer.

  1. Are sold

  2. Sell

  3. Will sell

  4. Was sold

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

Экзаменационная работа (грамматический тест)

Автор: Семенова Евгения Викторовна

Дата: 19.01.2017

Номер свидетельства: 381347

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