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"My school day"

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My School Day

On Monday I usually wake up late and have no time to eat my breakfast. I can't find my books and my school cap. At last I find my books in the bathroom and find my cap - my dog. Pal. likes to play with it. I have to wait ages for a bus and I am nearly late for school. I enter the classroom when our class-teacher begins to call out the register. The first lesson on Monday morning is math’s. Mr. Bailey, the math’s teacher, collects our homework and then gives us some sums to do. The next lesson is French. I like French. It's nice to be able to talk to somebody in another language.

At last it is eleven o'clock: time for break. A girl, whose name is Susan, gives me a piece of cake to eat with my milk. She allows me to copy her Latin homework, because I don't know how to do it. After break we have two lessons of Latin. There are a lot of boys in our class who don't like Latin. I don't like it either. At half past twelve it is time for lunch: a meat pie, boiled potatoes or cabbage and a glass of juice or milk. Then I go into the playground with my friends. We play football there. After lunch we have a history lesson. The history teacher tells us many interesting things.

After school my friends and I usually go for a walk. I come home very late, and my mother is very angry. In the evening I do my homework. Now I cannot do my homework - there is an interesting program on television. I think I can do it tomorrow, during break.

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«"My school day"»

My School Day

On Monday I usually wake up late and have no time to eat my breakfast. I can't find my books and my school cap. At last I find my books in the bathroom and find my cap - my dog. Pal. likes to play with it. I have to wait ages for a bus and I am nearly late for school. I enter the classroom when our class-teacher begins to call out the register. The first lesson on Monday morning is math’s. Mr. Bailey, the math’s teacher, collects our homework and then gives us some sums to do. The next lesson is French. I like French. It's nice to be able to talk to somebody in another language.

At last it is eleven o'clock: time for break. A girl, whose name is Susan, gives me a piece of cake to eat with my milk. She allows me to copy her Latin homework, because I don't know how to do it. After break we have two lessons of Latin. There are a lot of boys in our class who don't like Latin. I don't like it either. At half past twelve it is time for lunch: a meat pie, boiled potatoes or cabbage and a glass of juice or milk. Then I go into the playground with my friends. We play football there. After lunch we have a history lesson. The history teacher tells us many interesting things.

After school my friends and I usually go for a walk. I come home very late, and my mother is very angry. In the evening I do my homework. Now I cannot do my homework - there is an interesting program on television. I think I can do it tomorrow, during break.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Прочее

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

"My school day"

Автор: Калькаева Анна Николаевна

Дата: 02.04.2016

Номер свидетельства: 314138

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