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Презентация "Разделительные вопросы"

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Презентация к уроку в шестом классе на тему "Разделительные вопросы" состоит из четырнадцати слайдов, в начале задание- соотнести местоимения и слова, которые можно ими заменить, затем повторение темы "Разделительные вопросы в английском языке" и примеры предложений, слайды включают следующие задания:  подбери местоимения, выбери правильный вариант ответа,выбери правильный перевод предложения, добавь разделительный вопрос. Такк же подходит и для 5 класса.

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«Презентация "Разделительные вопросы"»

M atch  the words   They, she, he, we  The girls , Mary and I, pupils, my brother, his sister

M atch the words

  • They, she, he, we

  • The girls , Mary and I, pupils, my brother, his sister

My brother IS a very good doctor,  ISN’T he? You ARE NOT reading now,  ARE you? Helen HAS GOT five kittens,  HASN’T she? They HAVEN’T GOT much money,  HAVE they? My friends and I WILL go to the park tomorrow,
  • My brother IS a very good doctor,

ISN’T he?

  • You ARE NOT reading now,

ARE you?

  • Helen HAS GOT five kittens,

HASN’T she?

  • They HAVEN’T GOT much money,

HAVE they?

  • My friends and I WILL go to the park tomorrow,

WON’T we?

Если в первой части предложения нет глаголов to be (is, am, are, was, were) , to have (has, had), will/ shall, can/ could, would/must , то во второй части предложения используется do/ does  или did в зависимости от времени действия

Если в первой части предложения нет глаголов to be (is, am, are, was, were) , to have (has, had), will/ shall, can/ could, would/must , то во второй части предложения используется do/ does или did в зависимости от времени действия

You  liked the film,  didn’t you ? You  didn’t like  the film,  did you ? The sportsmen  run very fast,  don’t  they ? The boy  runs very fast,  doesn’t  he ?

  • You liked the film,

didn’t you ?

  • You didn’t like the film,

did you ?

  • The sportsmen run very fast,

don’t they ?

  • The boy runs very fast,

doesn’t he ?

Complete the questions  1 . I have got a pet, haven’t  … ?  2. You like coffee with milk, don’t  … ? 3. You will write a letter next week, won’t… ? 4. Sam is my best friend, isn’t  … ? 5. Nora reads a lot, doesn’t  … ? 6. The pupils must read, mustn’t  … ?

Complete the questions

1 . I have got a pet, haven’t ?

2. You like coffee with milk, don’t ?

3. You will write a letter next week, won’t… ?

4. Sam is my best friend, isn’t ?

5. Nora reads a lot, doesn’t ?

6. The pupils must read, mustn’t ?

Check your answers    1 . I have got a pet, haven’t I ? 2. You like coffee with milk, don’t you ? 3. She will write a letter next week, won’t she ? 4. Sam is my best friend, isn’t he ? 5. Nora reads a lot, doesn’t she ? 6. The pupils must read, mustn’t they ?

Check your answers

1 . I have got a pet, haven’t I ?

2. You like coffee with milk, don’t you ?

3. She will write a letter next week, won’t she ?

4. Sam is my best friend, isn’t he ?

5. Nora reads a lot, doesn’t she ?

6. The pupils must read, mustn’t they ?

Choose the right tag-ending She is a very good student, … ?  … ,  is it? … ,  isn’t it? … ,  isn’t she?

Choose the right tag-ending

  • She is a very good student, ?
  • … , is it?
  • … , isn’t it?
  • … , isn’t she?

Choose the right tag-ending   He is playing at school now , … ?  … ,  is  he? … ,  isn’t he? … ,  isn’t she?

Choose the right tag-ending

  • He is playing at school now , … ?
  • … , is he?
  • … , isn’t he?
  • … , isn’t she?

Choose the right tag-ending  He can play tennis well, …?  1. …, doesn’t he?  2. …, can he?  3. …, can’t he?

Choose the right tag-ending

He can play tennis well, …?

1. …, doesn’t he?

2. …, can he?

3. …, can’t he?

Choose the right tag-ending  Sam doesn’t work hard, …?  1. …, is he?  2. …, does he?  3. …, isn’t he?

Choose the right tag-ending

  • Sam doesn’t work hard, …?

1. …, is he?

2. …, does he?

3. …, isn’t he?

Выбери правильный перевод предложения   You like tea, don’t you ?  1.Ты не любишь чай, не так ли? 2.Ты любишь чай, не так ли? 3.Ты любишь чай?

Выбери правильный перевод предложения

  • You like tea, don’t you ?

1.Ты не любишь чай, не так ли?

2.Ты любишь чай, не так ли?

3.Ты любишь чай?

Выбери правильный перевод предложения  She doesn’t speak Spanish, does she? Она не говорит по-испански, не так ли? Она говорит по-испански, не так ли? Она не говорит по-испански?

Выбери правильный перевод предложения

She doesn’t speak Spanish, does she?

  • Она не говорит по-испански, не так ли?
  • Она говорит по-испански, не так ли?
  • Она не говорит по-испански?

Add the tag-endings   1. He has seen this film on TV. 1. He has seen this film on TV, hasn't he?   2. My grandmother was out at 5. 2. My grandmother was out at 5, wasn't she?

Add the tag-endings

  • 1. He has seen this film on TV.
  • 1. He has seen this film on TV, hasn't he?
  • 2. My grandmother was out at 5.
  • 2. My grandmother was out at 5, wasn't she?

Add the tag-endings    3. They were dancing beautifully. 3. They were dancing beautifully, weren't they?  4. London is on the river Thames. 4. London is on the river Thames, isn't it?

Add the tag-endings

  • 3. They were dancing beautifully.
  • 3. They were dancing beautifully, weren't they?
  • 4. London is on the river Thames.
  • 4. London is on the river Thames, isn't it?

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

Презентация "Разделительные вопросы"

Автор: Яценко Екатерина Валерьевна

Дата: 25.11.2015

Номер свидетельства: 258090

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